Našao sam ovaj kazino na internetu sa dobrim kritikama i odlučio da igram slotove tamo. Živim u Kazahstanu, ali moj internet provajder blokira njihov domen. Koristim IZI internet provajdera, pa sam morao da koristim VPN.
Registrovao sam se, napravio depozit od 64 USDT i srećom uspeo da osvojim veoma veliki iznos—9190 USDT. Zatim sam zatražio povlačenje. Posle 10 sati, primio sam e-poštu u kojoj mi je čestitao na ogromnoj pobedi od k1800 + k700. U mejlu je pisalo da moram da čekam najviše 24 sata da provajder igre, Pragmatic Plai, potvrdi moj dobitak. Nakon toga, sredstva bi bila poslata na povlačenje.
Ovo mi se učinilo veoma čudnim i odmah sam posumnjao da nešto nije u redu. Posle 24 sata tražili su od mene da prođem KIC proceduru koju sam odmah završio. Međutim, nakon provere, primetio sam da su odugovlačili moje povlačenje nejasnim obećanjima, stalno mi govoreći „čekaj, čekaj..."
Zatim, nakon još jednog dana, dobio sam e-poštu u kojoj se navodi da već imam više naloga na njihovoj platformi. U tom trenutku sam shvatio da traže izgovor da ne isplate moj dobitak.
Nešto kasnije, primio sam još jednu e-poštu u kojoj se tražilo da razjasnim zašto koristim nemačku IP adresu uprkos tome što živim u Kazahstanu, kao i zašto sam uplatio depozit sa MEKSC razmene i zašto je moj uređaj imao toliko različitih IP adresa.
Dao sam im jasno objašnjenje: koristim VPN jer kazahstanski internet provajder IZI blokira njihov sajt.
Pre igranja, proverio sam i video da su u redu sa upotrebom VPN-a. Koristio sam popularnu MEKSC berzu za svoj depozit, a prilikom slanja sredstava koristio se zajednički vrući novčanik berze. Njihov neprofesionalni tim za podršku izgleda ne razume šta je vrući novčanik ili kako funkcionišu isplate. Oni takođe ne shvataju da se prilikom korišćenja VPN-a IP adresa automatski menja.
Na kraju, moj nalog je blokiran i onemogućen. Moja sredstva nisu povučena meni. Nikada nisam imao druge naloge na ovoj glupoj platformi. Priložiću sve snimke ekrana i rezultate.
Ne preporučujem nikome da igra u ovom kazinu. Imaju 100% lažne kritike.
I found this casino on the internet with good reviews and decided to play slots there. I live in Kazakhstan, but my internet provider blocks their domain. I use the IZI internet provider, so I had to use a VPN.
I registered, made a deposit of 64 USDT, and luckily managed to win a very large amount—9190 USDT. I then requested a withdrawal. After 10 hours, I received an email congratulating me on my huge win of x1800 + x700. The email stated that I had to wait a maximum of 24 hours for the game provider, Pragmatic Play, to confirm my winnings. After that, the funds would be sent for withdrawal.
This seemed very strange to me, and I immediately suspected something was wrong. After 24 hours, they asked me to go through the KYC procedure, which I completed immediately. However, after verification, I noticed that they kept delaying my withdrawal with vague promises, constantly telling me to "wait, wait..."
Then, after another day, I received an email stating that I already had multiple accounts on their platform. At that moment, I realized they were looking for an excuse not to pay out my winnings.
Some time later, I received another email asking me to clarify why I was using a German IP address despite living in Kazakhstan, as well as why I made my deposit from the MEXC exchange and why my device had so many different IPs.
I gave them a clear explanation: I use a VPN because the Kazakh internet provider IZI blocks their site.
Before playing, I checked and saw that they were fine with VPN usage. I used the popular MEXC exchange for my deposit, and when sending funds, the exchange's shared hot wallet was used. Their unprofessional support team doesn't seem to understand what a hot wallet is or how withdrawals work. They also don’t realize that when using a VPN, the IP address changes automatically.
Eventually, my account was blocked and was disabled. My funds were not withdrawn to me. I've never had any other accounts on this stupid platform. I will attach all screenshots and results.
I do not recommend anyone to play at this casino. They have 100% fake reviews.
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