Igrač iz Austrije ima poteškoća s povlačenjem svojih dobitaka zbog verifikacije koja je u toku. Problem je uspješno riješen. Igrač je verifikovan i dobio je svoj dobitak.
The player from Austria is experiencing difficulties withdrawing their winnings due to ongoing verification. The issue was successfully resolved. The player was verified and received his winnings.
Igrač iz Austrije ima poteškoća s povlačenjem svojih dobitaka zbog verifikacije koja je u toku. Problem je uspješno riješen. Igrač je verifikovan i dobio je svoj dobitak.
Zdravo. Pokušavam se verifikovati 2 sedmice. svaki put postoji drugačiji problem sa načinom plaćanja. Poslala sam sve. Samo to ne puštate jer vjerovatno ne želite da isplatite 5000.-!? 🧐
Hi. I've been trying to verify myself for 2 weeks. each time there is a different problem with the payment method. I sent everything. You just don't let it go because you probably don't want to pay out the 5000.-!? 🧐
Hallo. Ich versuche mich seit 2 Wochen zu verifizieren. jedes mal gibts ein anderes Problem mit der Zahlungsmethode. Ich habe alles geschickt. Sie lassen es einfach nicht durchgehen weil Sie wahrscheinlich die 5000.- nicht auszahlen wollen!? 🧐
Dragi flucherstefane,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem.
Imajte na umu da je KYC veoma važan i suštinski proces, tokom kojeg kazino osigurava da se novac pošalje pravom vlasniku. Kako nemaju luksuz da fizički vide sve igrače i provjere njihove identifikacijske i dokumente, to je jedini način na koji kockarske ustanove mogu završiti procedure verifikacije. Nijedno od licenciranih kockarnica ne uzima olako KYC i može potrajati nekoliko radnih dana da se završi ovaj temeljiti proces.
Jeste li bili obaviješteni šta konkretno izgleda kao problem u verifikaciji vašeg računa?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unaprijed na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear flucherstefan,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments are able to complete the verification procedures. None of the licensed casinos takes KYC lightly and it might take a few working days to complete this thorough process.
Have you been informed what specifically seems to be a problem in verifying your account?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Zdravo! Rezervisao sam 2 puta po 50 eura na svoj račun, sa načinom plaćanja eps. Stoga želite bankovni izvod za verifikaciju gdje možete vidjeti transfer sa eps-a na moj račun. prvo sam poslao potvrdu rezervacije kao snimak ekrana. 3 dana kasnije odbijenica... onda ste hteli potvrdu rezervacije u pdf formatu - gotovo urađeno.. 3 dana kasnije još jedno odbijanje.. Zatim ste tražili izvod iz banke za ceo april. I ja sam poslao. sad opet čekam 3 dana ali nema odgovora.. pretpostavljam da ćeš opet odbiti i trebaće ti nešto novo.. molim te pomozi mi da ubrzam stvari.
Hi! I booked 2 times 50 euro on my account, with the payment method eps. Therefore you want a bank statement for verification where you can see the transfer from eps to my account. first I sent the booking confirmation as a screenshot. 3 days later the rejection... then you wanted the booking confirmation as a pdf - done done.. 3 days later another rejection.. Then you wanted a bank statement for the entire month of April. I also sent. now i'm waiting again for 3 days but no reply.. i guess you will decline again and need something new.. please help me to speed things up.
Hallo! Ich habe 2 mal 50 euro auf mein Konto gebucht, mit der Zahlungsmethode eps. Daher wollen Sie für die Verifizierung einen Kontoauszug wo man die Überweisung von eps auf meinem Konto sieht. als erstes sendete ich die Buchungsbestätigung als screenshot. 3 Tage später die Absage… dann wollten Sie die Buchungsbestätigung als pdf - gemacht getan.. 3 Tage später wieder eine Ablehnung.. Dann wollten Sie einen Kontoauszug vom gesamten Monat April. habe ich auch gesendet. jetzt warte ich wieder seit 3 Tagen aber es kommt keine Rückmeldung.. Ich schätze Sie werden wieder ablehnen und wieder irgendwas neues brauchen.. Bitte helfen Sie mir die Sache zu beschleunigen.
Ažuriranje: Prošlo je čitavih 5 dana... nema odgovora iz kazina. Malo mi je smiješno da je potrebno 5 dana za provjeru dokumenta. Prema kazinu, potrebno je najviše 48 sati. Molim vas za pomoć, dragi Guru tim
Update: 5 whole days have passed now... there is no response from the casino. I find it kind of funny that it takes 5 days to check a document. According to the casino, it takes a maximum of 48 hours. I ask for your help, dear Guru Team
Update: 5 ganze Tage sind mittlerweile vergangen… es gibt keine Rückmeldung des Casinos. Ich finde es irgendwie witzig dass man 5 Tage braucht um ein Dokument zu prüfen.. laut Casino dauert es maximal 48std.. Ich bitte um eure Hilfe liebes Guru Team
Hvala puno, flucherstefan, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru ( peter.m@casino.guru ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, flucherstefan, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter (peter.m@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Ažuriranje: Upravo sam dobio mejl da je moj nalog verifikovan.. minut kasnije još jedan email i odjednom je pisalo da se dokumenti ne poklapaju.. pa opet ništa sa verifikacijom i isplatom.. Onda sam napisao mr bet. stigao je odgovor da učitam izvod iz banke kao pdf za mjesec april. Međutim, već sam učitao ovaj dokument i odbijen je. kada sam pitao šta nije u redu sa tim, samo su prekinuli razgovor.. Postajem očajan... Molim vas pomozite mi. Ne može biti tako teško riješiti to.. Morate mi isplatiti moje pošteno osvojene nagrade, zar ne?
Update: I just got an email that my account was verified.. a minute later another email and it suddenly said that the documents didn't match.. so again nothing with verification and payout.. I then wrote to mr bet. the answer came that I should upload the bank statement as a pdf for the month of April. However, I have already uploaded this document and it was rejected. when I asked what was wrong with that, they just ended the conversation.. I'm getting desperate... Please help me. It can't be that difficult to sort it out.. You have to pay me my honestly won prizes, don't you?
Update: Ich bekam gerade ein mail dass mein Konto verifiziert ist.. eine Minute danach noch ein mail und da stand plötzlich dass die Dokumente nicht passen.. also wieder nix mit Verifikation und Auszahlung.. Ich habe dann mr bet angeschrieben. als Antwort kam dass ich den kontoauszug als pdf vom Monat April hochladen soll. Dieses Dokument habe ich aber schon hochgeladen und es wurde abgelehnt. als ich fragte was daran nicht stimmt haben sie das Gespräch einfach beendet.. Ich bin am verzweifeln… Bitte helfen Sie mir. Es kann doch nicht so schwer sein das zu regeln.. Sie müssen mir meinen ehrlich erspielten Gewinn doch auszahlen???
Zdravo flucherstefan,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i shvatio sam situaciju. Ja ću kontaktirati kazino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Pozvao bih g. Bet Casino na razgovor da učestvuje u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi flucherstefan,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite Mr Bet Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Danas sam dobio poruku da je moj nalog verifikovan.
Sada sam platio 5000.-. Zanima me da li ce ovo proci bez problema ili ce biti i problema..
Got a message today that my account has been verified.
Have now paid 5000.-. I'm curious if this will go smoothly or if there will also be problems..
Habe heute die Nachricht erhalten dass mein Konto verifiziert wurde..
Habe jetzt 5000.- ausgezahlt. bin gespannt ob das reibungslos hinhaut oder ob es da auch Probleme geben wird..
Dragi svi,
Želimo da vas obavijestimo da je flucherstefan završio verifikaciju svog računa za igre. Njegovo povlačenje je obrađeno i sada je u statusu "uspješan". Imajte na umu da je vrijeme obrade bankovnog transfera od strane dobavljača plaćanja od 1 do 7 radnih dana. Molimo flucherstefana da pričeka malo da provajder obradi svoju isplatu.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Mr.Bet Casino
Dear All,
We want to inform you that flucherstefan completed the verification of his gaming account. His withdrawal was processed and is now in status "success". Please note that the processing time from the payment provider's side for bank transfer is from 1 to 7 business days. We kindly ask flucherstefan to wait a little bit for the provider to process his cashout.
Best regards,
Mr.Bet Casino
Ažuriranje: Zaista je uspjelo! Veoma sam zadovoljan, novac je uplaćen na moj račun. Hvala, možete zatvoriti slučaj
Update: It really worked! I am very happy, the money has been credited to my account. Thanks you can close the case
Update: Es hat wirklich geklappt! Ich freue mich sehr, das Geld ist auf meinem Konto eingegangen. Danke sie können den Fall schließen
Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na ažuriranju.
Dragi flucherstefane,
Drago mi je čuti da je vaš račun verifikovan i da ste primili svoja sredstva. Sada ću žalbu označiti kao 'riješenu' u našem sistemu. Hvala vam što koristite centar za rješavanje žalbi Casino Gurua. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakve probleme s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi all,
Thank you for the update.
Dear flucherstefan,
I'm glad to hear that your account was verified and that you received your funds. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards,
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