Još jednom su odbili moja dokumenta, tražili su da uhvatim Astropai, poslao sam im ih, moje ime se pojavljuje tamo. ruth. Telefon se pojavljuje na drugom snimku ekrana koji sam im poslao na toj stranici, ne pojavljuju se svi podaci kako oni žele, pa sam im poslao dva snimka ekrana, ali moraju da shvate da je to digitalni novčanik i da se podaci pojavljuju zasebno. Sada mi ne daju opciju da vidim drugo sredstvo plaćanja, na primer, imam debitnu karticu sa računa u državnoj banci, ali mi ne daju tu opciju. Ako su mi 2 isplate isplaćena preko Astropai-a i uplatu sam primio po uplati, zašto mi onda daju toliko prepreka da platim ono što imam ako su to uradili pre 2 nedelje zašto onda ne sada? Ne žele da mi plate, to me razume, zato me toliko obrađuju.
Once again they reject my documents, they asked me to capture Astropay, I sent them to them, my name appears there. ruth. The phone appears in the other screenshot that I sent them on that page, not all the data appears as they want, so I sent them two screenshots but they have to understand that it is a digital wallet and the data appears separately. Now they don't give me the option to see another means of payment, for example, I have a debit card from a state bank account, but they don't give me that option. If the 2 withdrawals were paid to me through Astropay and I received the payment according to the payment, then why do they give me so many obstacles to pay what I have if they did it 2 weeks ago then why not now? They don't want to pay me, that makes me understand that's why they process me so much.
Una vez más me rechazan los documentos me pidieron la captura de astropay se los envie ahi sale mi nombre . rut. teléfono sale en la otra captura que les envie en esa página no sale todos los datos como ellos quieren por eso les envie dos captura pero tienen que entender que es una billetera digital y salen separados los datos. ahora tampoco me dan la opción de ver otro medio de pago por ejemplo yo tengo tarjeta de débito cuenta rut de banco estado pero no me dan esa opción si los 2 retiros me los pagaron por astropay y recibí conforme el pago entonces por que me ponen tantas trabas para pagar lo que tengo si lo hicieron hace 2 semanas entonces porque ahora no ? ellos no quieren pagarme eso me da a entender por eso me tramitan tanto.
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