Pa, u tome je stvar.
Evo šta se dogodilo od našeg poslednjeg razgovora:
U ponedeljak sam kontaktirao korisničku podršku i imao pozitivnu interakciju sa korisnim predstavnikom koji je priznao moju zabrinutost. Ubrzo nakon toga, dobio sam e-poruku od menadžera kluba za igru, u kojoj je dao ohrabrujući odgovor.
Štaviše, obavestila me je da su dva dokumenta koja sam podneo u nastavku odbijena. Ona je u svojoj prepisci iznela politiku i naglasila važnost poštovanja propisa pre ponovnog podnošenja dokumenata.
Poštovao sam date smernice; međutim, izazov leži u činjenici da u obaveštenjima o odbijanju nedostaju konkretni detalji o razlozima za odbijanje. Uključivanje takvih informacija moglo bi značajno da pojednostavi proces, uštedeći vreme i energiju za obe strane. Nisam siguran da li je ovaj nedostatak specifičnosti standardni deo procesa, ali transparentniji pristup komunikaciji bi pojednostavio proces podnošenja dokumenta, za razliku od čekanja 6 ili 8 dana svaki put za povratne informacije. Možda bi se ovo moglo razmotriti za poboljšanje njihovih procedura
Održavajući otvorenu liniju komunikacije, uverila me je da će odgovoriti na sva dalja pitanja. Nakon toga sam joj odgovorio, dajući sledeće informacije za treći pokušaj slanja dokumenata.
Kratak istorijski pregled:
U vezi sa dokazom identiteta:
Prvo sam poslao svoju vozačku dozvolu. Shvatio sam zašto je odbijen; jedna od fotografija imala je odsečen ugao. Drugi put sam poslao skeniranu sliku pasoša, razumevajući razlog odbijanja.
po treći put Vam šaljem fotografiju mog pasoša na zahtev i pridržavajući se navedenih uslova. Tako da zaista ne mislim da bi to mogli odbiti. Ako je tako, to je zato što me ne žele tamo.
Što se tiče dokaza o prebivalištu:
Prvo sam poslao fotografiju računa za opštinski porez. Odbijeno je i shvatio sam da je fotografija odsekla uglove dokumenta. U drugom pokušaju poslao sam vam internet račun u PDF formatu koji sadrži sve tražene informacije. Za ovo odbijanje, ne razumem razlog. To je razlog zašto ja kažem da treba da kažu zašto odbijaju dokumenta.
Poslao sam treći dokument, ovog puta sam poslao račun za struju u PDF-u. Ja sam iz Kanade, živim u Kvebeku, francuskoj provinciji Kanadi. Moja dokumenta su na francuskom. Iskreno se nadam da će ovaj put račun za struju uspeti. U Kvebeku, jedina usluga električne energije koju koristimo zove se Hidro-Kuebec https :// . Šaljem im originalni PDF od prošlog meseca, sa mojom adresom i imenom.
na kraju:
Posle ponedeljka, još nisam dobio nikakve odgovore. Uprkos podnošenju traženih dokumenata, nisam dobio nikakvo priznanje. Ponovo se nađem u redu, strpljivo čekam verifikaciju dokumenata.
Ovo je treći pokušaj, a ja sam iskreno dostavio sva tražena legitimna dokumenta.
Ako, uprkos mojim naporima, moji dokumenti budu odbijeni, nisam siguran šta bih još mogao da uradim da osiguram njihovo prihvatanje. Marljivo sam se pridržavao datih smernica i dostavio autentičnu dokumentaciju. Verujem da sam ispunio svoje obaveze po ovom pitanju.
Verujem da ćete mi ovde biti od velike pomoći, ako je to slučaj.
Hvala vam što ste odvojili vreme da pročitate sve ovo. 🙂
Well, that's the thing.
Here is what has transpired since our last conversation:
On Monday, I reached out to customer services and had a positive interaction with a helpful representative who acknowledged my concerns. Shortly thereafter, I received an email from the Manager of the game club, providing a reassuring response.
Moreover, she informed me that the two documents I had submitted below were rejected. In her correspondence, she outlined the policies and emphasized the importance of adhering to the regulations before resubmitting the documents.
I complied with the provided guidelines; however, the challenge lies in the fact that the rejection notices lack specific details about the reasons for rejection. Including such information could significantly streamline the process, saving time and energy for both parties. I'm uncertain if this lack of specificity is a standard part of the process, but a more transparent communication approach would simplify the document submission process, as opposed to waiting 6 or 8 days each time for feedback. Perhaps this could be considered for improvement in their procedures
Maintaining an open line of communication, she assured me that she would address any further questions. Subsequently, I responded to her, providing the following information for the third attempt to send documents.
A brief historical overview:
Regarding the proof of identity:
I initially sent my driver's license. I understood why it was rejected; one of the photos had a corner cut off. The second time, I sent a scan of my passport, understanding the reason for the rejection.
for the third time, I am sending you a photo of my passport as requested and adhering to the specified conditions. So I really don't think that they could reject it. If so, it is because they don't want me there.
Concerning the proof of residence:
I initially sent a photo of a municipal tax bill. It was rejected, and I understood that the photo cut off the corners of the document. On the second attempt, I sent you an Internet bill in PDF containing all the requested information. For this rejection, I do not understand the reason. This is the reason why I'm saying that they should say why they rejects documents.
I did send a third document, this time sending an electricity bill in PDF. I am from Canada, residing in Quebec, the French province of Canada. My documents are in French. I truly hope that the electricity bill will work this time. In Quebec, the only electricity service we use is called Hydro-Québec . I am sending them the original PDF of last month, with my address and my name on it.
After Monday, I have yet to receive any responses. Despite submitting the required documents, I have not received any acknowledgment. I find myself back in the queue, patiently awaiting the verification of my documents.
This marks the third attempt, and I have earnestly provided all the requested legitimate documents.
If, despite my efforts, my documents are rejected, I am uncertain about what more I could do to ensure their acceptance. I have diligently adhered to the provided guidelines and supplied authentic documentation. I believe I have fulfilled my responsibilities in this matter.
I believe this is where you're going to be a huge help to me, if this is the case.
Thank you for taking the time to read all of this. 🙂
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