Zdravo Nick.
Ove dokumente sam postavio pre 2 meseca. Kazino ih je odbijao otprilike svake nedelje ili dve i terao bi me da čekam nedeljama između odbijanja. Nije bilo ni razloga za odbijanje.
Ovo traje od 29. avgusta.
Dao sam svoju vozačku dozvolu napred i nazad
Selfi drži moju dozvolu
Račun za komunalije ne stariji od 3 meseca
bankovni izvod koji pokazuje ime, adresu, broj bankovnog računa, datum depozita i iznos depozita
Gigadat email priznanica koja prikazuje datum transakcije i referentni broj, zajedno sa datumom i mojom adresom e-pošte
Stalno su odugovlačili.
15. oktobra sam otišao na ćaskanje uživo i ćaskanje mi je pomoglo dok je razgovarao sa timom za verifikaciju. Savetovali su me da dostavim gigadat račun e-pošte. Koje sam obezbedio. Agent me je stavio na čekanje i vratio se i rekao
"Ovo je tačan dokument koji im je bio potreban. Hvala vam. Molimo vas da ne postavljate više dokumenata ili ih brišete i čekajte na plaćanje"
Čekao sam nedelju dana, a zatim otišao na ćaskanje uživo pitajući gde je moja uplata i prošlo je 2 meseca. Što su odjednom rekli da dokument gigadata nije dobar. (Iako mi je agent jasno rekao da je tim za verifikaciju rekao da je to ispravan dokument)
Takođe imam dokaz pošto sam 15. oktobra poslao e-mail o dokumentu koji su tražili. Osim toga, ovog dana možete čitati ćaskanje uživo.
Juče sam razgovarao sa njima i pitao sam zašto su mi zaključali nalog. Poslali su mi e-poštu u kojoj je pisalo „Odlučili smo da konfiskujemo vaš depozit i dobitke jer niste dostavili dokumente u roku od 14 dana"
Želim da budem jasan. Ja sam ovde igrač 7 godina. Nedavno sam ponovo verifikovao svoj nalog sa potpuno istim dokumentima prošlog aprila pošto mi je licenca istekla. Kada sam ga obnovio. Sve sam ponovo potvrdio.
Od tada nikada nisam menjao način plaćanja ili ličnu kartu. Dakle, nije bilo razloga da se čak i ponovo zatraži isti ID koji je odobren.
Slao sam im poruke u ćaskanju uživo svakih nekoliko dana frustriran zašto su odlagali moju isplatu. Poslao sam mejlove sa pitanjem. Rekli su isto "Vaši dokumenti su na pregledu" Onda su odjednom sve zaplenili rekavši da JE PREDUGO TREBAO.
Ne znam koji dokumenti nisu dobri jer mi je agent rekao da je sve u redu i da je gigadat račun savršen. Dakle, sada se iznenada menja i kaže da nije dobro.
Nemam pojma šta žele. Ne preostaje mi čak ni opcija da im pružim kao što sam im dao sve. Svaki dokument koji sam im dao je isti dokument koji je odobren u aprilu.
Izgleda da kazino jednostavno ne želi da plati i izmišlja neke lude uslove i pravila da mi ne plati.
Ovo je krajnje divlje ponašanje sa njihove strane.
Javite mi ako vam treba još nešto
Hvala puno
Hi Nick.
I uploaded these documents 2 months ago. The casino kept rejecting them about every week or two and would make me wait weeks in between rejections. There was no reason for rejection either.
This has been ongoing since August 29th.
I have provided my drivers license front and back
Selfie holding my license
Utility bill not older than 3 months
bank statement showing name, address, bank account number, date of deposit and deposit amount
Gigadat email receipt showing the date of the transaction and the reference number, along with date and my email address
They kept stalling.
On October 15 I went on live chat and the live chat helped me while he spoke to verifcation team. They advised me to provide the email gigadat receipt. Which I provided. The agent put me on hold and came back and said
"This is the exact document they needed. Thank you. Please do not upload any more documents or delete them and await payment"
I waited a week, then went to live chat asking where my payment was and its been 2 months. Which they suddenly said that the gigadat document wasnt good. (Even though the agent clearly told me the verification team said it was the correct document)
I also have proof as I sent an email on October 15th of the document they requested. Plus you can read the live chat on this day.
I spoke to them yesterday and asked why they locked my account. They sent me an email saying "We have decided to confiscate your deposit and winnings because you havent supplied documents within 14 days"
I want to be clear. I have been a player for 7 years here. I recently re-verified my account with the exact same documents this past April as my license expired. Once I got it renewed. I reverified everything.
I never changed payment methods or ID since then. So there was no reaosn to even re-request the exact same ID that was approved.
I messaged them on live chat every few days frustrated why they were stalling my payment. I sent emails asking. They said the same thing "your documents are in review" Then suddenly confiscated everything saying I TOOK TOO LONG.
I do not know what documents are not good as the agent told me everything was good and the gigadat receipt was perfect. So now suddenly changing and saying its not good.
I have no idea what they want. I dont even have any options left to provide them as ive given them everything. Every document ive given them is the same documents that were approved in April.
It looks like the casino just doesnt want to pay out and making up some wild terms and rules to not pay me.
This is extremely wild behavior on their part.
Let me know if you need anything else
Thanks so much
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