Igrač iz UK je nezadovoljan procesom verifikacije. Nakon duge rasprave na kraju smo odbili žalbu jer ne možemo natjerati kazino da prekrši lokalni zakon.
The player from the UK is dissatisfied with the verification process. After a long discussion we ended up rejecting the complaint because we can't force the casino to break local law.
Igrač iz UK je nezadovoljan procesom verifikacije. Nakon duge rasprave na kraju smo odbili žalbu jer ne možemo natjerati kazino da prekrši lokalni zakon.
Igrao sam rumunski softver Mr bit casina. Dozvolili su mi da uplaćujem depozite, onda sam dobio neke pobjede i odlučio sam da se povučem. Pitali su me profe kome bih se obratio iz Rumunije, jer je to bilo po njihovim uslovima. Učitao sam svoj rumunski pasoš sa rumunskom adresom, a oni to nisu prihvatili. Onda su mi blokirali nalog. Razgovarao sam sa njihovim menadžerom, broj telefona u UK, sve sam objasnio, bio sam u Rumuniji na odmoru, živim u Rumuniji i UK, imam adrese u obje zemlje. Još uvijek ne prihvataju moj pasoš kao dokaz, rekli su mi da to mora biti lična karta. Ličnu kartu bi trebalo obnoviti, ali zbog situacije sa pandemijom lokalne vlasti nisu mogle da mi daju novu ličnu kartu, rekavši mi da je pasoš u ovim pandemijskim danima dokaz svega što mi treba. Adresa, identitet, sve. Patim od anksioznosti i depresije, registrovan sam u UK sa ovom bolešću, a sada zbog ovog problema sa Mr bitom, skoro da gubim sebe.
I played Romanian software of Mr bit casino. They allowed me to make deposits, then I had some wins, and I decided to withdraw. They asked me proff I'd address from Romania, because that was in their terms and conditions. I uploaded my Romanian passport with my Romanian address, and they didn't accept it. Then they blocked my account. I spoke with their manager, a uk phone number, I explained everything, I was in Romania for holiday, I do live in Romania and UK, have address in both countries. They still do not accept my passport as a proof, they told me it have to be id card. My id card should be renewed, but because of the pandemic situation, the local authorities could not provide me a new Id, telling me that passport in this pandemic days is a proof of everything I need. Address, identity, everything. I'm suffering for anxiety and depression, I'm registered in the UK with these illness, and now because of this problem with Mr bit, I'm almost lossing myself.
Poštovani Hovrila23,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. KYC je veoma važan i suštinski proces, tokom kojeg kazino osigurava da se novac pošalje pravom vlasniku. Obično je potrebno nekoliko dana da se u potpunosti pregledaju svi dokumenti.
Možete li pojasniti koju ste državu upisali u obrazac za registraciju - UK ili Rumunija? Jeste li igrali iz obje zemlje?
Da li biste bili ljubazni i prosledili relevantnu komunikaciju između vas i kazina na kristina.s@casino.guru ?
Unaprijed vam hvala na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Hovrila23,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. It usually takes a few days to fully review all documents.
Could you please clarify which country you put in the registration form - UK or Romania? Did you play from both countries?
Would you be so kind and forward any relevant communication between you and the casino to kristina.s@casino.guru?
Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Da li biste bili tako ljubazni i potvrdili da ste kreirali nalog i da ste uvek igrali iz Rumunije, a da ni u jednom trenutku niste koristili VPN (virtuelna privatna mreža) da promenite svoju lokaciju? Možete li mi proslijediti cijelu komunikaciju između vas i kazina?
Would you be so kind and confirm you created an account and always played from Romania, and you haven’t used a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to alter your location at any point? Could you please forward me the whole communication between you and the casino?
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Hvala puno Hovrila23 na odgovoru. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru ( peter.m@casino.guru ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem uskoro biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much Hovrila23 for your reply. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter (peter.m@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Zdravo Hovrila23,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i shvatio sam situaciju. Ja ću kontaktirati kazino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Pozvao bih g. Bit Casino na razgovor da učestvuje u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Hovrila23,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite Mr Bit Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dragi Hovrila23 ,
Provjerili smo informacije o vašem računu. Tokom verifikacije dostavili ste dokumente Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Morate dostaviti rumunske dokumente poslate kopnenom poštom. Tada se blokada računa može revidirati
Molimo dostavite svoje rumunske dokumente sa rumunske adrese. Ako imate još pitanja, svakako nam pišite
S poštovanjem,
MrBit Casino tim
Dear Hovrila23,
We checked the information about your account. During verification, you provided the UK documents. You need to provide Romanian documents sent by land post. Then the blocking of the account can be revised
Please provide your Romanian documents from the Romanian address. If you have any more questions, be sure to write to us
MrBit Casino Team
Ali ja sam već učitao svoj rumunski pasoš, to je dokaz adrese i identiteta, a oni su odbili. Njihov menadžer gospodin Ivan mi je rekao da učitam britanske dokumente, a onda su mi blokirali nalog
But I already uploaded my Romanian passport, that is a proof of address and identity, and they denied. Their manager Mr Ivan told me to upload uk documents, and then they block my account
Poštovani Hovrila23,
Hvala na informacijama. Još jednom smo provjerili vašu e-poštu. Nije bilo aktivnosti depozita na e-mail adresu koju ste ovdje naveli, tako da nije bilo ni dobitaka. Račun nije verifikovan, dokumenti nisu poslani. Dakle, da biste verifikovali svoj nalog, morate da dostavite rumunska dokumenta
S poštovanjem,
MrBit Casino tim
Dear Hovrila23,
Thank you for the information. We've double-checked your email. There was no deposit activity to e-mail address that you provided here, so there was no winnings either. The account has not been verified, no documents have been sent. So to verify your account, you need to provide Romanian documents
MrBit Casino Team
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Dragi Petre, Hovrila23!
Činjenica je da su informacije o mejlu koji je igrač naveo prilikom slanja poruka ovdje prvobitno provjerene. Nije bilo kretanja sredstava ili verifikacije na ovu adresu e-pošte
Zatim je igrač unio drugu adresu e-pošte. Nakon provjere, ustanovljeno je da je ovaj račun u fazi verifikacije. Trenutno je račun igrača blokiran jer je dao potvrdu o prebivalištu u UK
Prema ovome, igrač treba da pošalje rumunske dokumente zemaljskom poštom. On mora potvrditi da živi u Rumuniji u obliku papirnih dokumenata (poslanih poštom) ne starijih od 3 mjeseca. Nakon toga će se razmotriti njegova situacija
Također bih želio podsjetiti vas i igrača da je registracija nekoliko naloga za igru kršenje Uvjeta i uvjeta. Stoga snažno molimo igrača da ne registruje više naloga za igre na našoj platformi
S poštovanjem,
MrBit Casino tim
Dear Peter, Hovrila23!
The fact is that the information on the email that the player indicated when sending messages here was initially checked. There was no movement of funds or verification to this email address
Then the player entered a different email address. After checking it, it was found out that this account is under verification. At the moment, the player's account is blocked, since he provided confirmation of UK residence
According to this, the player needs to send Romanian documents by ground mail. He must confirm that he lives in Romania in the form of paper documents (sent by post) no older than 3 months. After which his situation will be reviewed
I would also like to remind you and the player that the registration of several game accounts is a violation of the T&C. Therefore, we strongly ask the player not to register more game accounts on our platform
MrBit Casino Team
Što se tiče računa imam samo jedan, drugi je bio na očevo ime. Što se tiče mojih dokumenata, dao sam svoj rumunski pasoš, koji je dokaz adrese i identiteta. Što se tiče dokumenata iz Velike Britanije, TRAŽILI STE ME DA TO POŠALJEM. Ali ni pod kojim okolnostima ne možete samo oduzeti moj dobitak, a ako odlučite da blokirate moj račun, trebali biste vratiti sav iznos. Ali svejedno ću pokušati da dobijem taj dokaz adrese što je prije moguće
Regarding my accounts I only have one, the other one was on my father's name. Regarding my documents I provided my Romanian passport, which is a proof of address and identity. Regarding uk documents, YOU ASKED ME TO SEND THAT. But under no circumstances you can't just take away my winnings, and if you decide to block my account, you should refund all the balance. But anyway I will try to get that proof of address ASAP
Poštovani Hovrila23,
Hvala ti. Biće super. Za sva pitanja u vezi sa verifikacijom, uvijek nas možete kontaktirati na support@mrbit.ro. Obavijestite nas čim pošaljete dokumente. Pokušaćemo da ubrzamo proces razmatranja vašeg pitanja
S poštovanjem,
MrBit Casino tim
Dear Hovrila23,
Thank you. It will be great. For any questions according to the verification, you always can contact us at support@mrbit.ro. As soon as you send the documents, please let us know. We will try to speed up the process of considering your question
MrBit Casino Team
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Ok, sada sam dobio još jedan e-mail od njihovog odjela sigurnosti, a oni su mi upravo rekli da je moj račun definitivno zatvoren. Ako ste kompanija koja pomaže igračima, molim vas da povučete svoj potez, jer ne mogu više podržavati ovu situaciju. Već sam vam rekao da sam depresivan i anksiozan, a oni uveličavaju moje mentalno zdravlje. Nije moguće da se kazino ponaša ovako, krade novac od igrača lažnim optužbama. Dokazujem svoj identitet i adresu rumunskim pasošem, ne mogu to poreći . To je njihov email
Ok, now I received another email from their security department, and they just told me my account is closed definitely. Now if you are a company that help player's please make your move, because I can't support this situation anymore. I told you before, I'm depressed and anxious, and they magnify my mental health. It's not possible for a casino to act like this, stelling money from players with fake accusations.I prove my identity and address with a Romanian passport, they can't denied it . That is their email
Dragi Hovrila23 ,
Vaš račun je blokiran jer ste dostavili dokumente iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Kao što smo gore napisali, potrebno je da pošaljete dokumente zemaljskom poštom (originalnom poštom), koji potvrđuju vaše prebivalište u Rumuniji. Molimo pošaljite potrebnu dokumentaciju i vaša situacija će biti razmotrena
S poštovanjem,
MrBit Casino tim
Dear Hovrila23,
Your account is blocked because you have provided UK documents. As we wrote above, you need to send documents by ground mail (original post), which confirm your residence in Romania. Please send the necessary documents, and your situation will be reviewed
MrBit Casino Team
PA ZAŠTO STE ME TRAŽILI UK DOKUMENTE????????? Samo da mi blokiram račun i ukradem novac? I zašto službeni dokument kao što je pasoš nije prihvaćen kod vas? Ko ste vi da uskraćujete službeni dokument? Po kom zakonu odlučujete da vratite samo zadnja 2 depozita? Možete li raditi šta želite sa računom igrača? Na osnovu kog zakona tačno? Lagao si me, zavaravao me, tacno kako si hteo, a sada samo odbijas da prihvatis moj rumunski pasos koji je DOKAZ IDENTITETA I ADRESE
So WHY DID YOU ASKED ME UK DOCUMENTS???????? Just to block my account and steal my money? And why an official document like passport is, is not accepted by you? Who are you to denied an official document? On what law you decide to refund just the latest 2 deposits? You can do what you want with player's account? Based on what law exactly? You were lying to me, fool me, exactly how you wanted, and now you just refuse to accept my Romanian passport, witch is PROOF OF IDENTITY AND ADDRESS
Poštovani Hovrila23,
Od vas su zatraženi dokumenti UK jer ste rekli da živite u UK. Nakon što ste rekli da ste državljanin Rumunije, od vas su tražena dokumenta koja to dokazuju. Međutim, niste poslali nijedan od traženih dokumenata, a vaša lična karta je istekla. Stoga, radi daljeg razmatranja vaše situacije, tražimo od vas dokumente koji potvrđuju vaš boravak u Rumuniji. Ovo je standardni postupak provjere kroz koji morate proći. Čim pošaljete tražene dokumente zemaljskom poštom, vaša situacija će biti razmotrena. Molimo slijedite upute kako bismo vam mogli pomoći
S poštovanjem,
MrBit Casino tim
Dear Hovrila23,
The UK documents were requested from you because you said that you live in the UK. After you said that you are a citizen of Romania, you were asked for documents proving this. However, you did not send any of the requested documents, and your ID card has expired. Therefore, for further consideration of your situation, we ask you for documents confirming your residence in Romania. This is the standard verification procedure you need to go through. As soon as you send the requested documents by ground mail, your situation will be reviewed. Please follow the instructions so we can help you
MrBit Casino Team
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Poštovani Hovrila23,
Hvala vam za vaše povratne informacije. Dokumenti koje ste poslali nisu prikladni za verifikaciju. Od vas su traženi određeni dokumenti, odnosno lična karta i POA (o tome se razgovaralo u prepisci sa vama), ali ih niste poslali. Dokument koji šaljete ne može se provjeriti
Takođe, napominjemo da je istekao rok za dostavljanje dokumenata na verifikaciju. Regulator daje rok od 30 dana, što je navedeno u Uslovima (par 3.7) i odnosi se na apsolutno sve igrače. Međutim, niste na vrijeme poslali potrebnu dokumentaciju na provjeru. Nažalost, u ovom slučaju ne možemo ništa učiniti za vas jer ne možemo ići protiv pravila regulatora
Dear Hovrila23,
Thank you for your feedback. The documents you sent are not suitable for verification. You were requested certain documents, namely ID and POA (this was discussed in correspondence with you), but you didn't send them. The document that you send cannot be verified
Also, please note that the deadline for submitting documents for verification has expired. The regulator gives a 30 days, which is indicated in the Terms (par 3.7) and applies to absolutely all players. However, you did not send the necessary documents for verification in time. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do in this case for you cause we cannot go against the rules of the regulator
Lična dokumenta je bila moj rumunski pasoš, POA je bila službeni dokument lokalnog vijeća, a vi mi kažete da nisam poslao ispravna dokumenta?! Ovo je PATETICNO. To je bio moj treći slučaj kada sam tražio vašu pomoć, a vi niste uradili apsolutno NIŠTA. U redu, ići ću u pravdu s njima
ID documents was my Romanian passport, POA was an official document from local council, and you telling me I didn't sent the right documents?! This is PATHETIC. That was my 3th case when I asked your help, and you done absolutely NOTHING. That's fine I will go in justice with them
Poštovani Hovrila23,
Potvrdite da ste 20/01/22 zemaljskom poštom poslali svoju rumunsku ličnu kartu i POA, koje je ranije zatražio od vas tim za podršku. Provjerit ću informacije
Dear Hovrila23,
Please confirm that on 20/01/22 by ground mail you sent your Romanian ID and POA, requested from you earlier by the support team. I'll check the information
Rumunska lična karta je poslata onog dana kada sam igrao u decembru. POV, rekli su mi da nema OGRANIČENOG VREMENA da ga pošaljem, pa sam ga poslao prošlog četvrtka uveče, 20. januara 2022. Više se ne javljaju, pokušao sam da ih kontaktiram, nema šanse, ali to nije fer. Bio sam u Rumuniji kada sam igrao to se moze provjeriti poslao sam sluzbeni rumunski, pasos, a sada i pov
The Romanian ID was sent on those day's when I played in December. The POV, they told me is NO LIMIT TIME to sent it, so I sent it on last Thursday night that was 20th ianuary 2022.They not answering anymore, I tryed to contact them, no chance, but that's not fair. I was in Romania when I played that can be verified, I sent official id Romanian, my passport, and now the pov
I još nešto, kada su odlučili da mi zatvore račun (to nije bilo legalno), zašto su mi vratili samo zadnja 2 depozita? Znam sigurno, kada se račun zatvori, mora se vratiti sav stanje, a ne zadnji depoziti, na osnovu kojih okolnosti su to uradili?!
And one more thing, when they decided to close my account (that wasn't legal), why they refunded me just the last 2 deposit? I know for sure, when an account is closed, it must be refunded all balance, not the last deposits, based on what circumstances they done that?!
Ovo je njihov odgovor kada sam pitao koliko vremena imam da obezbedim tu pov. Sada vidite da nisam sloj, i sve što su uradili je da su me prevarili, sve laži
This is their answer when I asked about how much time I have to provide that pov. Now you can see I'm not a layer, and all they done was to scam me, all lyes
Dragi Hovrila23 ,
Hvala vam za vaše povratne informacije. Provjerio sam sve informacije
Vi ste nam, kao što vidim, poslali dokumente, ali ne i one neophodne, koje su od vas tražene. Glavni dokumenti: vaša rumunska lična karta i strogi POA koje nam niste poslali poštom
Prema vremenskom ograničenju. Imate 30 dana da dostavite sve podatke. Molimo pogledajte sljedeće Uslove (javni su i složili ste se s njima prilikom registracije na stranici):
3.7. Slažete se da ćete Avento MT-u dati sve informacije koje možemo zatražiti kako bismo pomogli u našim provjerama verifikacije. [...] Avento MT takođe ima pravo da zatvori vaš nalog i vrati sav preostali iznos ako provere verifikacije nisu izvršene na naše razumno zadovoljstvo u roku od trideset (30) kalendarskih dana od registracije naloga igrača. Ako igrači ne potvrde autentičnost datih podataka u roku od trideset (30) kalendarskih dana od kada je njihov račun igrača odobren, ili ako se njihovo ime pojavi na listi samoisključenih ili nepoželjnih igrača, Avento će zatvoriti račun i stanje novac na računu će biti zadržan i prebačen u državni budžet Rumunije najkasnije do desetog (10) dana narednog meseca. U slučaju smrti tokom perioda verifikacije računa, iznosi se vraćaju nasljednicima u skladu sa zakonom nakon što nasljednici dostave potrebnu dokumentaciju koju Avento može zatražiti
Velika Britanija je zemlja s ograničenjem za naše usluge. Tako da smo od vas tražili neke dokumente, da dokažete da ste rumunski državljanin. Ali ovo ne možete potvrditi i nemojte slati nikakve dokumente. Budući da se nalazite u ograničenom području, morali smo blokirati vaš račun i vratiti vam sve vaše depozite
Kako nam ne pošaljete potrebnu dokumentaciju, od vas ćemo zatražiti ID i POA poštom. Nažalost, ne šaljete ispravne dokumente. Također, vrijeme ovog slučaja je prošlo zbog MrBit uslova i pravila regulatora. Opet, ne možemo ići protiv ovih pravila
Svi vaši depoziti su vam vraćeni u cijelosti. U ovom slučaju, MrBit Casino je postupio u skladu sa Uslovima. Kako ne možete dokazati da ste državljanin Rumunije i nakon isteka roka, čini se da je ovaj slučaj zatvoren
Dear Hovrila23,
Thank you for your feedback. I checked all the information
As I can see, you sent us the documents, but not the necessary, that was requested from you. The main documents: your Romanian ID and strict POA you didn't send to us by post
According to the time limit. You have 30 days to provide all the data. Please see the next Terms (it is public and you agreed with it when you register on site):
3.7. You agree to provide Avento MT with any information that we may request to assist with our verification checks. [...] Avento MT shall also have the right to close your account and return any remaining balance if verification checks have not been carried out to our reasonable satisfaction within thirty (30) calendar days from the registration of the player account. If players do not confirm the authenticity of the data provided within thirty (30) calendar days from when their player account is credited, or if their name appears on the list of self-excluded or undesirable players, Avento will close the account and the balance of money in the account will be withheld and transferred to the Romanianstate budget no later than the tenth (10th) day of the following month. In case of death during the account verification period, the amounts shall be returned to the heirs in accordance with the law after the heirs provide the necessary documentation as may be requested by Avento
The UK is the restricted country for our service. So we requested from you some documents, to prove that you are a Romanian citizen. But you cannot confirm this one and don't send any documents. Since you are in a restricted region, we had to block your account and pay you all your deposits back
As you don't send to us the necessary docs, we'll request from you the ID and POA by post. Unfortunately, you don't send the right documents. Also, the time of this case is over because of MrBit Terms and the rules of the regulator. Again, we cannot go against these rules
All your deposits were returned to you in full. In this case, the MrBit Casino acted according to the Terms. As you cannot prove that you are a citizen of Romanian and after the expiration time, this case seems to be closed
Ne, lažeš. Nisam vratio SVE MOJE DEPOZITE, SAMO POSLEDNJA 2 DEPOZITA OK? A što se tiče dokumenata, PASOŠ JE RUMUNSKI DOKUMENT KOJI DOKAZUJE IDENTITET. POA šaljem 20. januara moju fakturu za lokalnu taksu, i to je zvanična POA! Niko mi nije rekao da POA treba da pošalje poštom?! Šta je to dođavola?! Gomila laži, od SVIH VAS. KRALI STE MI NOVAC ZA FAIR PLAY, TO JE ČINJENICA!!!!!A što se tiče UK dokumenata, to je tražio knjigovođa gospodin Ivan, zašto? Zato što je to bila prevara za zatvaranje mog računa. A pasoš je službena lična karta U SKLADU ZAKONA. Dakle, možete prestati sa svim ovim lažnim fer uslovima kazina, jer ih VI UOPĆE niste poštovali. Ispisivanje službene lične karte kao što je pasoš, traženi dokumenti UK, laganje o vremenu za slanje dokumenata, sve laži. A Casino Guru, taj slučaj nije zazvonio?!
No, you are lying. I didn't received ALL MY DEPOSITS BACK, JUST THE LAST 2 DEPOSITS OK?And about the documents the PASSPORT IS A ROMANIAN DOCUMENT THAT PROVE IDENTITY. The POA I send it on 20th of January my invoice for local council tax, and that is an official POA! Nobody told me the POA should send it by post?! What the hell is that?! Bunch of lyes, from ALL OF YOU. YOU STOLED MY MONEY FIR A FAIR PLAY, THAT IS A FACT!!!!!And regarding the UK documents, those were requested by the accountant manager Mr Ivan, why? Because that was a scam for closing my account. And the passport it is an official ID IN THE TERM'S OF LAW. So you can stop with all these fake fair casino terms, because those was not respected by YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE. Denning an official id like passport, requested UK documents, lying about the time for sending the documents, all lyes. And Casino Guru, that case didn't ring up a bell?!
Poštovani Hovrila23,
Spisak potrebnih dokumenata koji su od vas traženi, izneo sam ovde. Prije nego što ste poslali pismo redovnom poštom. Morali ste poslati svoju ličnu kartu i strogu POA poštom. Međutim, od Vas nismo dobili traženu dokumentaciju prije isteka roka za ovaj slučaj (šaljete nam druge dokumente, koji nisu ID ili POA). Lokalna taksa (ili provjera saobraćajnih karata) nije stroga POA. Nažalost, u ovom trenutku predmet je zatvoren zbog činjenice da niste na vrijeme poslali potrebnu dokumentaciju
Dear Hovrila23,
The list of necessary documents that were required from you, I voiced here. Before you sent your letter by regular post. You needed to send your ID and strict POA by post. However, we have not received the required documents from you before the deadline for this case (you send us other documents, that are not ID or POA). The local council tax (or traffic ticket check) isn't a strict POA. Unfortunately, for this moment the case is closed due to the fact that you did not send the necessary documents on time
Stvarno? Odgovorite mi na još 2 pitanja. 1 Zašto ste mi ranije rekli da sam dobio sve depozite nazad, kada sam dobio samo posljednja 2? I 2 Po kom zakonu pasoš nije važeća lična karta? I samo kratka napomena, NIKO MI JE REKO DA POA POŠALJEM POŠTOM. I da, kakve su to prevare i laži od gospodina Ivana? Sve to nije ograničeno vrijeme za dostavljanje dokumenata, a poslali ste nam svoj uk dokument jer bi i to bilo dobro?!
Really? 2 more questions please answer me. 1 Why you told me before that I received all the deposits back, when I received just the last 2 of them? And 2 In what law the passport is not a valid ID? And just a quick note, NOBODIES TOLD ME THAT I NEED TO SENT THE POA BY THE POST. And yeah, what was that scams and lyes from Mr Ivan? All those is no limit time for providing the documents, and sent us your uk document because that would be good also?!
Znači više ne odgovaraš? Naravno, jer ja govorim istinu, a ti lažeš. Kako možeš ovako da lažeš, govoreći da sam dobio sve depozite?! Ti si bestidan?! Šta tačno želite da radite?! Osim upropašćenih?! Sram vas bilo g-dine bit kazino, a za Casino Guru, mislio sam da ste prava kompanija koja pomaže igračima, ali vidim da sam pogrešio... I DA G-dine BIT, DOKUMENTI KOJA SAM BILA ZVANIČNA LICA I POV. DA TO MORATE PRIHVATITI JER POSTOJE ZVANIČNA DOKUMENTA. NISTE U POZICIJI DA KRŠITE RUMUNSKI ZAKON!!!
So you are not answering anymore? Of course, because I say the truth, and you saying lyes. How can you lye like this, telling me that I received all the deposits?! You are shameless?! What you want to do exactly?! Except ruined people's?! Shame on you Mr bit casino, and about Casino Guru, I thought you are a real company that help player's, but I see I was wrong... AND YES MR BIT, THE DOCUMENTS I SENT, WAS OFICIAL ID AND POV. THAT YOU MUST ACCEPT IT BECAUSE THERE ARE OFICIAL DOCUMENTS. YOU ARE NOT IN POSITION TO BREAK THE ROMANIAN LAW!!!
Poštovani Hovrila23,
Hajde da proverimo sva pitanja
1) Doveli ste nas u zabludu o tome u kojoj zemlji zapravo živite tako što ste dostavili važeću POA u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, ali niste dostavili strogu POA koju zahtijevamo (vladin dokument poslat poštom Rumunije) u roku od 30 dana koji je odredio rumunski korisnik licence. Ipak, odlučeno je da vam vratimo posljednja dva depozita (250 i 300 RON) napravljena 23.12.2021. u 18:26:57 i 23.12.2021. u 17:43:05. Sa ovim depozitima ste osvojili. Iznos koji je bio na stanju u trenutku zaduženja bio je 4717,92 RON. Datum povrata je 29.12.2021., iznos od 550 RON je poslan na vašu bankovnu karticu
2) Služba za podršku vam je rekla koju vrstu dokumenata trebate poslati. Da, poslali ste nam svoju ličnu kartu, ali ne poštom kao što je potrebno. I ne šaljete nikakvu strogu POA. Takođe, ovdje možete vidjeti moju poruku koja dokumenta trebate poslati poštom. Nažalost, od vas ne dobijamo valjane dokumente kako bismo ih provjerili na vrijeme
Dear Hovrila23,
Let's check all the questions
1) You have misled us as to which country you actually reside in by providing valid UK POA, but not submitting the strict POA we require (governmental doc sent by post of Romania) within the 30 day period specified by the Romanian Licensee. Nevertheless, it was decided to return to you the last two deposits (250 and 300 RON) made on 12/23/2021 at 18:26:57 and 12/23/2021 at 17:43:05. With these deposits, you won. The amount that was on the balance at the time of debiting was 4717.92 RON. The refund date is 12/29/2021, the amount of 550 RON has been sent to your bank card
2) The support service told you what kind of documents you need to send. Yes, you sent to us your ID, but not by post as was required. And you don't send any strict POA. Also, here you can see my message what documents you need to send by post. Unfortunately, we don't receive any valid documents from you to check them on time
Nikada nisam čuo ovaj zahtjev od online kazina. Slanje dokumenata poštom?! I recite mi tačno u smislu kog zakona vraćate samo zadnja 2 depozita?! Želim da vidim taj konkretan član o zakonu koji vam je to dozvoljavao i da konfiskujem ostatak bilansa. Da li ste mi rekli da je NE vremensko ograničenje za slanje dokumenta? DA ILI NE?! Faktura od lokalne takse JE DOKAZ ZA POA, sve što mi kažete u vezi ovoga je laž. PASOŠ JE DOKUMENT KOJI MOŽE POTVRDITI ID. I sada želim da vidim taj zakon kao što sam ranije rekao. Još nešto, da nemam dobitak, mogao bih bez problema napraviti hiljade depozita, zar ne?!
I never ever heard this request from an online casino. Sending documents by the post?! And tell me exactly in the terms of what law you refund just the last 2 deposits?! I want to see that specific article on the law that permitted you to do that, and confiscate the rest of the balance. Did you told me is NO a limit time for sending the document? YES OR NO?! A invoice from local council tax IS A PROOF FOR POA, anything you tell me regarding this is a lye. PASSPORT IS A DOCUMENT THAT CAN CONFIRM ID. And now I want to see that law as I sayd earlier. Oh one more thing, if I hadn't a win, I could made thousands deposits without any problems, isn't it?!
Niko ne može tražiti od igrača da pošalje dokumente poštom, ok? Ovo nije legalno, jer ne možete biti sigurni da će dokumenti sigurno stići nazad
No one can ask a player to send documents by the post ok? This is not legal, because you can't assure that documents will arrive safely back
Kao što vidite jasno ste me prevarili i lagali, ok, imam sve razgovore odštampane, kao dokaze da li mi treba na sudu, jer ako je to ono što želite, nastavićemo sa ovim procesom u sudskom roku . Pokušao sam da budem pržen, ali si me shvatio kao budalu. Takođe sam rumunski državljanin, igrao sam u rumunskom on-line kazinu, zašto su svi naši razgovori mejlom i telefonom bili na engleskom jeziku?! Postoji mnogo dokaza koji će mi pomoći u potrebi da dobijem ovaj slučaj pred sucem. To je lak slučaj za svakog advokata. Imam vpn rumunsku adresu, inače ne bih mogao da igram, imam važeći ID dokumenta, fakturu od lokalnog poreskog saveta, sve što mi treba, i više od toga izazivaš mi mnogo goru depresiju i anksioznost zbog ovog slučaja . Još jedan poen za mene. Dakle, javite mi kako želite riješiti ovaj slučaj
As you can see clearly I was scammed and lyed by you, ok, I have all the conversations printed, as proofs if I need it in the court, because if that's what you want, we will go ahead with this process in the juridice term's. I tryed to be friedly, but you tooked me as a fool. Also I'm a Romanian citizen, I was playing on a Romanian on-line casino, why all our conversations by email and phone, was in english language?! There are many evidence that will help me out in need to win this case in a front of a judge. Is an easy case for any lawyer. I have the vpn Romanian address, otherwise I couldn't play, I have a valid document id, a invoice from local tax council, all I need, and more than that you cause me a mutch worse illness depression and anxiety with all this case. One more point for me. So let me know how you want to resolve this case
Dragi Mihai,
Iskreno rečeno, kasino vas je obavijestio da dokumente morate poslati poštom još prije 3 sedmice. Predlažem da ubuduće pažljivo pročitate upute i reagujete što prije kako biste izbjegli ovakve probleme.
Poštovani MrBit Casino tim,
Možete li mi, molim vas, poslati link za rumunski zakon na koji se pozivate (državni dokumenti moraju biti poslati poštom Rumunije u roku od 30 dana koji odredi rumunski korisnik licence)?
Pogledao sam vašu web stranicu i našao samo sljedeće:
"Avento MT također ima pravo da zatvori vaš račun i vrati sav preostali iznos ako provjere verifikacije nisu izvršene na naše razumno zadovoljstvo u roku od trideset (30) kalendarskih dana od registracije korisničkog računa. Ako igrači ne potvrde autentičnost podataka dostavljenih u roku od trideset (30) kalendarskih dana od kada je njihov račun igrača odobren, ili ako se njihovo ime pojavi na listi samoisključenih ili nepoželjnih igrača, Avento će zatvoriti račun i stanje novca na računu će biti zadržani i prebačeni u državni budžet Rumunije najkasnije do desetog (10) dana narednog mjeseca."
Dear Mihai,
To be fair, the casino informed you that you need to send the documents by post already 3 weeks ago. I suggest you read the instructions carefully in the future and react ASAP to avoid problems like this.
Dear MrBit Casino Team,
Could you please send me the link for the Romanian law you are referring to (governmental documents must be sent by post of Romania within the 30 day period specified by the Romanian Licensee)?
I looked at your website and only found the following:
"Avento MT shall also have the right to close your account and return any remaining balance if verification checks have not been carried out to our reasonable satisfaction within thirty (30) calendar days from the registration of the player account. If players do not confirm the authenticity of the data provided within thirty (30) calendar days from when their player account is credited, or if their name appears on the list of self-excluded or undesirable players, Avento will close the account and the balance of money in the account will be withheld and transferred to the Romanian state budget no later than the tenth (10th) day of the following month."
Dragi Peter,
Molimo pogledajte sljedeće Uslove (pored paragrafa 3.7):
3.6. Zadržavamo pravo da izvršimo provjere pozadine bilo kojeg igrača i zatražimo bilo koju relevantnu dokumentaciju, u svakom trenutku i, iz bilo kojeg razloga, uključujući (ali ne ograničavajući se na) bilo kakvu istragu identiteta igrača, sve provjere kreditne sposobnosti igrača, ili bilo kakva ispitivanja lične istorije igrača. Osnova za takve istrage ovisit će o konkretnom slučaju, ali može uključivati (ali nije ograničena na) provjeru podataka o registraciji igrača, kao što su njegovo/njeno ime, adresa i godine, zanimanje, provjera finansijskih transakcija igrača , finansijski položaj, izvor bogatstva, izvor sredstava i/ili aktivnost igara na sreću. Avento MT Limited nije u obavezi da obavesti igrača o takvoj istrazi. Avento MT Limited može po svom nahođenju odlučiti da ukine račun igrača i zadrži sva sredstva na tom računu, na osnovu toga što takva istraga daje negativan ili neizvjestan zaključak
Ovdje možete vidjeti našu mogućnost da zatražimo bilo koju dokumentaciju za verifikaciju, kao i rokove za podnošenje takvih dokumenata od strane igrača (paragraf 3.7). Sve naše uslove odobrava korisnik licence
Dear Peter,
Please see the next Terms (in addition to paragraph 3.7):
3.6. We reserve the right to perform background checks on any player and request any relevant documentation, at all times and, for any reason, including (but not limited to) any investigation into the identity of the player, any credit checks performed on the player, or any enquiries into the player's personal history. The basis for such investigations will be dependent on the specific case, but could include (but is not limited to) the verification of the player's registration details, such as his/her name, address and age, occupation, verification of the player's financial transactions, financial standing, source of wealth, source of funds and/or gaming activity. Avento MT Limited is under no obligation to advise the player of such investigation taking place. Avento MT Limited may at its sole discretion decide to terminate a player's account, and withhold all funds in such account, on the basis that such an investigation provides a negative or uncertain conclusion
Here you can see our opportunity to request any documents for verification, as well as the deadlines for submission of such documents by the players (paragraph 3.7). All our Terms are approved by the licensee
Oh, vidite tamo, kazino mora vratiti u potpunosti saldo igrača ako ovaj ne može dati određene dokumente (poslao sam ih e-poštom), ali u svakom slučaju kazino treba da vrati iznos salda 4700 ne zadnja 2 depozita 550
Oh, you see there, the casino must return entirely player balance if this one can't provide specific documents (I did send them by email), but anyway the casino should refund the amount of the balance 4700 not the last 2 deposits 550
I dokumenti su poslani tačno 30. dana, POV, lična karta ranije. Ali nije me briga da nastavim da igram na Mr bitu, nikada to neću učiniti, sve što želim je stanje na svom bankovnom računu, to je sve. A što se tiče dokumenata, ako vam se sviđa igrač, vi to odobravate, ako ne, samo tražite sve više i više dokumenata dok igrač ne može to dati? Jer tako izgleda vaš paragraf Mr bit. Možda imate prava, ali imate i obaveze. Imajte to na umu
And the documents was sent it exactly on 30th day, the POV, the ID earlier. But I don't care about continuing playing on Mr bit, I will never ever do it, all I want is my ballance on my bank account, that's all. And about the documents, if you like a player, you approve it, if not, just asking more and more documents till the player cant provide it? Because that's how it looks your paragraph Mr bit. You may have rights, but you have obligation also. Keep that in mind
Dakle, možemo li završiti sve ovo i vratiti mi cijeli saldo? Jer mi je već muka od ovoga. Ne postoji takva stvar kao što je slanje službenih dokumenata poštom, to je IZAKONITO. I već imate paragraf u zakonu, koji konkretno kaže KAZINO MORA VRATI CIJELO STANJE AKO IGRAČ NE MOŽE DOKAZATI TRAŽENA DOKUMENTA (opet sam to uradio sa službenim dokumentom) Dakle, vrijeme je da dobijete povrat novca i završite ovo
So can we finish all this and refund my entire balance? Because I'm already sick of this. There is no such thing like sending official documents by the post, that is ILEGAL. And you already have a paragraph in the law, that specifically said THE CASINO MUST REFUND ENTIRE BALANCE IF A PLAYER CAN'T PROVE DOCUMENTS REQUESTED (witch again I done that with oficial document's) So it's time to get refund it, and finish this
Poštovani MrBit Casino tim,
U suštini, pravilo je kreirao kazino i potvrdio ga je rumunski davalac licence zajedno sa ostalim uslovima? To ne znači da to zahteva rumunski zakon, zar ne? Dakle, ako to nije propisano zakonom, još uvijek možete prihvatiti dokumente i nastaviti s procesom validacije. Čvrsto smo uvjereni da ne bi trebalo postojati vremensko ograničenje za verifikaciju. Možete tražiti svu potrebnu dokumentaciju, čak i poštom/poštom, ali igraču treba dati mogućnost da dostavi dokumente.
Dear MrBit Casino Team,
Basically, the rule was created by the casino and validated by the Romanian licensor together with the rest of the terms? That doesn't mean that it is required by Romanian law, right? So if it's not required by law, you can still accept the documents and continue with the validation process. We are strongly convinced that there should be no time limit for verification. You can require all necessary documents, even by mail/post, but the player should be given the opportunity to provide the documents.
Dragi Peter,
Ovo pravilo nije kreirao Casino. Uslov za podnošenje dokumenata u roku od 30 dana je uslov regulatora. I, naravno, to je u našim Uslovima. Ako igrač ne dostavi dokumente u tom roku, račun se blokira. Ovo pravilo važi za sve rumunske igrače
Od ovog igrača smo dobili potvrdu njegovog boravka u drugoj zemlji (e-mailom i dokumentarnim filmom). Dakle, račun je blokiran i pobjednički depozit je vraćen igraču. Ali pošto je igrač insistirao da i dalje živi u Rumuniji, dozvolili smo mu da ponovo pošalje potvrdu svoje adrese (na 30 dana, na zahtev regulatora). Igrač je imao 26 dana za verifikaciju. Ali dokumenti nikada nisu poslani
Imajte na umu da je igrač pokušao da pošalje traženi ROA da bi primio dobitak u roku od 26 dana. On to nije uradio, pa više ne može primiti dobitak, čak i ako kasnije pošalje traženi dokument. Igrač nikada nije dokazao da živi u Rumuniji. Opet, ovo pravilo je zahtjev regulatora, a ne kazina
Dear Peter,
This rule wasn't created by the Casino. The condition for submitting documents within 30 days is a requirement of the regulator. And, of course, is in our Terms. If the player does not provide documents within this period, the account is blocked. This rule applies to all Romanian players
From this player, we received confirmation of his residence in another country (by email and documentary). So the account was blocked and the winning deposit was returned to the player. But since the player insisted that he still lives in Romania, we allowed him to send confirmation of his address again (for 30 days, at the request of the regulator). The player had 26 days for the verification. But the documents were never sent
Please note, that to receive the winnings, the player had an attempt to send the required ROA within 26 days. He did not do this, so he can no longer receive the winnings, even if he later sends the required document. The player never proved that he lives in Romania. Again, this rule is a requirement of the regulator, not Casino
O cemu pricas?!! Još lužina? Davanje mog identiteta sa rumunskim pasošem nije dokaz da živim u Rumuniji?! Slanje računa od rumunskog lokalnog vijeća nije dokaz da imate adresu u Rumuniji?! Što se tiče UK dokumenata, imam ih i jer ponekad radim u UK, ali TO NIJE VAŠ PROBLEM. Pitali ste me te dokumente i čekali me samo zato što sam imao razloga da zatvorim svoj račun i ukradem novac. PRIZNAO SI DA SI ME PITAO ZA OVE. Igrao sam u Rumuniji, to se može provjeriti locirao moju vpn adresu u vrijeme kada sam igrao, odmah sam ti poslao pasoš za potvrdu identiteta, tražio si više, kao dokaz adrese, i rekao sam ti da su svi računi na mom ime oca, ok? Ne mogu da kupim očevu kuću, sve račune stavljam na svoje ime, to je smešno. I od tog trenutka sve što si uradio je da si ME PREVARIO I LAGAO!!!! SRAM VAS MR BIT KAZINO. Dakle, Casino Guru, mislim da imate sve dokaze da me je ovaj Mr Bit kazino prevario. I o, gospodine Bit, kako možete reći, igrač nikada nije dokazao da živi u Rumuniji". Imati rumunske lične isprave, i platiti rumunsku taksu NIJE DOKAZ????????
What are you talking about?!! More lyes? Providing my identity with a Romanian passport is not a prove that I live in Romania?! Sending the invoice from Romanian local council isn't a prove of have an address in Romania?! About the UK documents, I also have those because I work in uk sometimes, but THAT IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM. You asked me those documents and kept me on waiting just for having a reason to close my account and steal my money. YOU ADDMITED THAT YOU ASKED ME ABOUT THOSE. I played in Romania, that can be verified located my vpn address in the time I played, I sent you immediately my passport for confirming my identity, you asked more, like a proof of address, and I told you all the bills are on my father's name, ok? I can't buy my father's house, putting all the bills on my name, that's ridiculous. And from that moment all you done was SCAMMED AND LYED ME!!!! SHAME ON YOU MR BIT CASINO. So Casino Guru, I think you have all the prove that I was scammed by this Mr Bit casino. And oh Mr Bit, how can you say,, the player never proved that he lives in Romania ". Having Romanian ID documents, and paying the Romanian council tax ISN'T A PROVE????????
I da, i ti si PRIZNAO da sam obavio proces verifikacije, ali prekasno. Pa TO JE BILO ZBOG TEBE, I JOŠ IMAM ŠTAMPANJE KADA SI MI REKLA, NEMA VREMENSKOG OGRANIČENJA!!!!
And yes, you also ADDMITED, that I done my verification process, but too late. Well THAT WAS BECAUSE OF YOU, AND I STILL HAVE THE PRINTSHOOT WHEN YOU TOLD ME, THERE'S NO LIMIT TIME!!!!
Gospodine Bit, zašto kada sam vam poslao rezultate Covid testa, napravljene u Rumuniji, na lokalnoj klinici, vi ste ga odbili?! To je također bila POA, a to je bilo nekoliko dana od moje pobjede. Znaš, ti si u suštini NAPRAVIO KRADU
Mr Bit, why when I sent you a Covid test results, made in Romania, on a local clinic, you rejected it?! That was also a POA, and that was couple of day's from my winning. You know, you basically MADE A STEAL
Poštovani MrBit Casino tim,
Ako je dostavljanje dokumenata u roku od 30 dana i poštom obaveza regulatora, budite ljubazni i pokažite mi dokument gdje je to navedeno ili mi pošaljite link jer ga ne mogu pronaći.
Dear MrBit Casino Team,
If submitting documents within 30 days and by post is a requirement of the regulator, please be so kind and show me the document where this is stated or send me a link because I can't find it.
Dragi Peter,
Smatrali smo da vi, kao arbitri u sporu između igrača i nas, morate imati sve potrebne informacije u vezi sa zahtjevima regulatora za rješavanje bilo kakve žalbe
U nastavku možete vidjeti tačku iz regulatora:
Član 19. tačka (5) Uredbe o kockanju 111/2016
(5) Ukoliko igrač ne potvrdi autentičnost datih podataka ili se nalazi na listi samoisključenih ili nepoželjnih igrača u roku od 30 kalendarskih dana od trenutka dopune računa igrača, organizator će zatvoriti račun i postojeći račun. iznosi na računu će biti zadržani i doznačeni u državni budžet do 10. u mjesecu koji slijedi nakon mjeseca u kojem su sredstva zadržana. U slučaju smrti tokom perioda verifikacije, iznosi se vraćaju naslednicima, u skladu sa zakonom
Dear Peter,
We believed that you, as arbitrators in a dispute between the player and us, must have all the necessary information regarding the requirements of the regulator to resolve any complaints
Please below you can see the point from the regulator:
Article ART.19 Clause (5) of the Gambling Decree 111/2016
(5) If the player does not confirm the authenticity of the data provided or is in the list of self-excluded or undesirable players within 30 calendar days from the time of replenishment of the player's account, the organizer will close the account and the existing amounts in the account will be withheld and transferred to the state budget by the 10th of the month following the month in which the funds were withheld. In case of death during the verification period, the amounts are refunded to the heirs, in accordance with the law
Dear Peter,
We believed that you, as arbitrators in a dispute between the player and us, must have all the necessary information regarding the requirements of the regulator to solve any complaints
Please below you can see the point from the regulator:
Article ART. 129 Clause (5) of the Gambling Decree 111/2016
(5) În cazul în care jucătorul, în maximum 30 de zile calendaristice de la momentul alimentării contului de jucător, nu confirmă autenticitatea datelor furnizate sau se regăseşte în lista de jucători autoexcluşi sau indezirabili, organizatorul va închide contul, iar sumele existente în cont vor fi reţinute şi virate la bugetul de stat până cel mai târziu la data de 10 a lunii următoare celei în care fondurile au fost reţinute. În caz de deces în perioada de verificare a contului, sumele se restituie moştenitorilor, în condiţiile legii
Gospodine bit, nigdje ne piše da se dokumenti MORAJU ŠALJETI POŠTOM! Poslao sam vam oba dokumenta putem mejla, moj pasoš i 2 vrste POA, prvi rezultat Covid testa na kojem se može pročitati moje ime i moja adresa, a drugi 30. dana, to je bila faktura od komunalne takse. Zato prestanite sa prevarenim ljudima!!!!
Mr bit, nowhere says the documents MUST BE SEND BY THE POST! I sent you both documents by email, my passport and 2 type of POA, first one a Covid test result where its can read my name and my address, and the second one on the 30 th day, that was an invoice from council tax. So stop scammed people!!!!
Dragi MrBit Casino tim,
Hvala na pojašnjenju. Kao prvo, ne znam napamet sve zakone u svim zemljama, a drugo, bilo je mnogo slučajeva da se kazino pozivao na zakon koji nije postojao. Pronašao sam zakon o regulativi i potvrđujem da u njemu stoji ono što ste objavili iznad. Međutim, kako je naveo Mihaj, nema riječi o slanju dokumenata poštom. Dakle, to dovodi do pitanja: kada je počeo njegov period od 30 dana i kada ste primili njegova dokumenta e-poštom?
Dear MrBit Casino team,
Thank you for the clarification. First of all, I don't know all laws in all countries by heart and secondly, there were many cases where a casino referred to a law that didn't exist. I found the regulation law and confirm that it states what you posted above. However, as Mihai stated, there is no word of sending the documents by post. So that leads to the question: when did his 30-day period start and when did you receive his documents by email?
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Dragi Peter,
POA poslana poštom je dobro poznata praksa. Mnoga kockarnica to rade, tako da to nije precizirano u terminima ili od strane regulatora
POA poslana poštom se traži kada kazino sumnja u lokaciju igrača. U ovom slučaju jesu, jer već imamo drugi dokument koji potvrđuje boravak u UK. A ako igrač pošalje drugi elektronski dokument sa adresom druge zemlje, to neće objasniti situaciju
Ograničenje od 30 dana počelo je 20.12.2021. Od relevantnih dokumenata u ovom periodu, igrač je poslao samo izvod sa adresom u UK
S obzirom na činjenicu da smo tražili POA poslat poštom, igrač nam nije poslao ni običnu POA koja bi ispunjavala uslove. Posljednji dokument koji nam je poslao dobili smo 20.01.22. (prošao je rok od 30 dana). Sam dokument se nije mogao prihvatiti kao obična POA (u pitanju je bila faktura privatne kompanije za plaćanje saobraćajne kazne). Dokument koji je tražen na verifikaciju igrač nikada nije poslao
Dear Peter,
The POA sent by post request is a well-known practice. Many casinos do this, so it is not spelled out in terms or by the regulator
POA sent by post is requested when the casino has doubts about the location of the player. In this case, they are, since we already have another document confirming residence in the UK. And if the player sends another electronic document with the address of another country, this will not explain the situation
The limit of 30 days began on 20/12/2021. Of the relevant documents within this period, the player sent only an extract with the UK address
Given the fact that we requested POA sent by post, the player did not even send us a regular POA that would meet the requirements. We received the last document sent by him on 20/01/22 (the deadline of 30 days has passed). The document itself could not be accepted as a regular POA (it was an invoice from a private company for paying a traffic fine). The document that was requested for verification was never sent by the player
Gospodine bit, DA LI STE PROČITALI TU FAKTURU?! Prokleti prevaranti 🤬🤬🤬. I otkad kazino stvara svoja pravila, poput traženja dokumentacije poštom?! U mogućnosti ste da obezbjedite poštansku uslugu?! NE, ARW NE! A mogao bi i lagati čak iu tom slučaju, mogao si mi reći da nikad nisi primio pismo, zar ne?! Lakše vam je, jer igrač ne može da uloži žalbu iz nepoznatog razloga, kao što je nestalo pismo iz pošte! Sada me gurate na granice Mr bit!!! DOSTA SA OVOM!
Mr bit, DID YOU READ THAT INVOICE?! Damn scammers 🤬🤬🤬. And since when a casino make their own rules, like requesting documentation by post?! You are able to provide security for postal service?! NO YOU ARW NOT! And you could also lye even in that case, you could told me you never received the letter isn't it?! It's more easy for you, because a player can't make a complaint for unknown reason, like a letter missing from a postal service! Now you are pushing me on the limits Mr bit!!! ENOUGH WITH THIS!
Zdravo svima,
Razgovarao sam o ovom pitanju sa našim menadžmentom i zaključak je sledeći: Kada je reč o registraciji u kockarnici, Mihai izborom Rumunije za državu prebivališta zapravo nije dobio nikakvu nepravednu prednost jer je i dalje državljanin Rumunije i svaki drugi obični igrač bi najvjerovatnije uradio isto. Glavni problem je činjenica da tražena dokumenta nisu dostavljena na vrijeme. Da kazino ima međunarodnu licencu, insistirali bismo da Mihai dobije priliku da završi verifikaciju jer smo uvjereni da to ne bi trebalo biti vremenski ograničeno. Međutim, u ovom slučaju, vremensko ograničenje diktira rumunska vlada i ne možemo natjerati kazino da prekrši zakon.
Dragi Mihai,
Bojim se da vam ne možemo pomoći s ovim. Mogu vam samo preporučiti da uvijek pažljivo pročitate zahtjeve, odgovorite na njih što je prije moguće i dostavite ispravne i validne dokumente radi provjere. Hvala vam što koristite centar za rješavanje žalbi Casino Guru. Voleo bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi all,
I discussed the issue with our management and the conclusion is as follows: When it comes to registration in the casino, Mihai by choosing Romania as the country of residence didn't really gain any unfair advantage since he still is a citizen of Romania and every other casual player would most probably do the same. The main problem is the fact that the requested documents weren't provided on time. If the casino had an international license, we would insist that Mihai should get a chance to finish the verification because we are convinced that it shouldn't be time-limited. However, in this case, the time limit is dictated by the Romanian government and we can't force the casino to break the law.
Dear Mihai,
I'm afraid we can't help you with this one. I can only recommend you always read the requests carefully, respond to them ASAP, and provide correct and valid documents for verification. Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. I wish I could be of more help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
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