Igrač iz Njemačke zatražio je povlačenje prije više od tri sedmice. Obrađeno je, ali nikada nije stiglo do igrača. Prestao je reagirati.
The player from Germany has requested withdrawal more than three weeks ago. It has been processed but never reached the player. He stopped responding.
Igrač iz Njemačke zatražio je povlačenje prije više od tri sedmice. Obrađeno je, ali nikada nije stiglo do igrača. Prestao je reagirati.
23. i 26. jula zatražio sam svoja prva dva povlačenja putem Trustlyja. Oboje nisu stigli iako su potvrđeni putem e -pošte i navodno uspješno obrađeni. Nakon što sam nekoliko puta pitao i objasnio da moj bankovni račun može primati transfere, barem jedna od dvije uplate vraćena je na moj Mrbit račun.
Drugo povlačenje od 29,50 € je još uvijek otvoreno.
MrBit je od mene već primio nekoliko dokumenata koji dokazuju da moj bankovni račun nije problem. Nekoliko je upita postavljeno i financijskom odjelu, ali izgleda da oni ništa ne rade.
Zamolio sam i Trustly službu za korisnike za pomoć, ali nažalost ne mogu ništa učiniti.
Već sam mnogo puta kontaktirao korisničku službu MrBita, ali nažalost bez uspjeha. Učinio sam sve što sam mogao i ništa od toga nije bilo.
Trinaestog i 14. augusta zatražila sam daljnja povlačenja u iznosu od 4172 €. Oni su ponovo potvrđeni putem e -pošte, ali vjerovatno nikada neće biti uzeti, kao i prethodne isplate
On July 23rd and July 26th, I requested my first two withdrawals via Trustly. Both did not arrive although they were confirmed by email and allegedly processed successfully. After asking several times and explaining that my bank account is able to receive transfers, at least one of the two payments was returned to my Mrbit account.
The second withdrawal of € 29.50 is still open.
MrBit has already received several documents from me that prove that my bank account is not the problem. And several inquiries have been made to the finance department, but they don't seem to do anything.
I also asked Trustly customer service for help, but unfortunately they can't do anything.
I have already contacted MrBit's customer service many times, but unfortunately without success. I did everything I could and nothing came of it.
On August 13th and August 14th, I requested further withdrawals of € 4172. These have been confirmed again by email, but will probably never be taken, like the previous payouts
Am 23. Juli und 26.Juli habe ich meine ersten zwei Auszahlungen per Trustly beantragt. Beide sind nicht angekommen obwohl sie per E-Mail bestätigt ubmnd angeblich erfolgreich bearbeitet wurden. Nachdem ich mehrmals nachgefragt habe und erklärt habe, das mein Bankkonto ihn der Lage ist Überweisungen zu empfangen, wurde zumindest eine der beiden Auszahlungen auf mein Mrbit Konto zurückgebucht.
Die zweite Auszahlung von 29,50€ ist immer noch offen.
MrBit hat bereits mehrere Dokumente von mir erhalten die beweisen das mein Bankkonto nicht das Problem ist. Und es wurden mehrere Anfragen an die Finanzabteilung gestellt, die aber anscheinend nichts tun.
Ich habe auch den Kundenservice von Trustly um Hilfe gebeten aber die können leider nichts tun.
Ich habe bereits viele Male den Kundenservice von MrBit kontaktiert aber leider ohne Erfolg. Ich habe alles getan was ich konnte und es ist nichts dabei rausgekommen.
Ich habe nun am 13. August und am 14. August weitere Auszahlungen in Höhe von 4172 € beantragt. Diese wurden wieder per E-Mail bestätigt, werden aber vermutlich auch niemalsbankommen, wie die vorherigen Auszahlungen
Dragi Sebastian,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli svoju žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu. Da li sam dobro shvatio da je jedno od vaša prva dva povlačenja obrađeno i poslano putem Trustly -a, ali nikada nije stiglo do vas? Drugi je vraćen na vaš račun u kazinu, je li to tačno?
Jeste li od kazina primili neki broj transakcije za praćenje ili neki drugi dokaz da vam je novac poslan?
Nadam se da ćemo vam pomoći da riješite ovaj problem što je prije moguće. Hvala vam unaprijed na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Sebastian,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Do I understand correctly that one of your first two withdrawals has been processed and sent via Trustly but never reached you? The other one has been returned back to your casino account, is that correct?
Have you received any tracking transaction number from the casino or any other proof that the money has been sent to you?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Da, dobro ste razumeli. Oba podizanja nikada nisu stigla na moj bankovni račun. Jedna od isplata (50 €) je zatim vraćena na moj račun u kasinu. Drugi (29,50 €) ne zna. To nema smisla.
Umjesto toga, oni navodno istražuju, istražuju i krive moju banku.
Nisam dobio dokaz o isplati iz kazina uprkos mom zahtjevu.
Yes you understand correctly. Both withdrawals never reached my bank account. One of the payouts (€ 50) was then posted back to my casino account. The other (29.50 €) does not. That makes no sense.
Instead, they are allegedly investigating and investigating and blaming my bank.
I did not receive proof of the payouts from the casino despite my request.
Ja sie verstehen richtig. Beide Auszahlungen haben mein Bankkonto nie erreicht. Eine der Auszahlungen (50€) wurde dann wieder auf mein Casino Konto gebucht. Die andere (29,50€) nicht. Das macht keinen Sinn.
Stattdessen wird angeblich untersucht und investigiert und meiner Bank die Schuld gegeben.
Einen Nachweis der Auszahlungen habe ich vom Casino nicht erhalten trotz Nachfrage.
Molimo obrišite žalbu. Imam problem sa povlačenjem na mrbit.com, a ne na mbit. Slučajno ste odabrali pogrešan kazino.
Već ste podnijeli novu žalbu i odabrali pravi kazino.
Please delete complaint. I have the withdrawal problem at mrbit.com and not at mbit. Accidentally picked the wrong casino.
Already filed a new complaint and picked the right casino.
Beschwerde löschen bitte. Ich habe bei mrbit.com das Auszahlungsproblem und nicht bei mbit. Habe das falsche Casino ausversehen ausgewählt.
Habe bereits eine neue Beschwerde eingereicht und das richtige Casino ausgewählt.
Hvala vam puno, Sstockner, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću vašu žalbu proslijediti kolegi Viliamu koji će vam pomoći. Želim vam svu sreću i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako će se vaš problem riješiti na vaše zadovoljstvo.
PS: Prebacio sam žalbu na pravi kazino, nema potrebe da je brišem.
Thank you very much, Sstockner, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Viliam who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
PS: I have switched the complaint to the correct casino, no need to delete it.
Očekivano, nisu stigle ni moje uplate od 13. avgusta (1000 €, 740 €, 452 €) i 14. avgusta (1000 €, 980 €). Ni to nikoga ne zanima. Služba za korisnike nije od pomoći i traži isti dokument uvijek iznova. Pokušao sam zatražiti pomoć upravitelja računa, koji je navodno jako zainteresiran za moje potrebe, ali ni to nije uspjelo.
As expected, my payments from August 13th (€ 1000, € 740, € 452) and August 14 (€ 1000, € 980) did not arrive either. Nobody is interested in it either. Customer service is of no help and requests the same document over and over again. I tried to ask the account manager for help, who is supposedly very interested in my needs, but that didn't work either.
Wie erwartet sind auch meine Auszahlungen vom 13.August (1000€,740€,452€) und 14.August (1000€, 980€) nicht angekommen. Es interessiert sich auch keiner dafür. Der Kundenservice ist keine Hilfe und verlangt das selbe Dokument immer und immer wieder. Hatte nun auch versucht den Account Manager um Hilfe zu bitte der sich angeblich sehr für meine Bedürfnisse interessiert, aber auch das hat nichts bewirkt.
Zdravo Sstockner,
Pogledao sam vašu žalbu i dat ću sve od sebe da vam pomognem. Želim pozvati g. Bir Casino u ovaj razgovor. Casino, možete li navesti koji je problem sa povlačenjem igrača?
Hello Sstockner,
I looked at your complaint and will do my best to help you. I would like to invite Mr Bir Casino into this conversation. Casino, can you please specify what is the problem with the player’s withdrawal?
Dragi Sstockner i Casino Guru tim,
Žao nam je što ste suočeni s kašnjenjem u povlačenju iz našeg kazina.
Vidim da postoje dvije glavne stvari u pritužbama na koje bismo trebali odgovoriti, pa vas rado obavještavamo da:
Ako imate bilo kakvih drugih pitanja ili vam je potreban dokaz s naše strane, obavijestite me.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Mr Bit Casino
Dear Sstockner and Casino Guru Team,
We are sorry that you are faced with a delay in withdrawing from our casino.
I see that there are 2 major points in the complaints that we should respond to in the first place, so we are happy to inform you that:
If you have any other questions or if you need proof from our side, please let me know.
Best regards,
Mr Bit Casino
Isplata 23. jula nije uspješno završena. Zato što se uopće nije pojavio na mom bankovnom računu.
13. i 14. avgusta tražio sam 5 isplata: 1000 €, 980 €, 740 €, 452 € i 1000 €. Nijedno povlačenje nije uspješno završeno. Sva podizanja sredstava nisu se pojavila na mom bankovnom računu.
Mogu samo savjetovati svakoga ko čita ovo da ne polaže svoj novac kod gospodina Bit. Najprljaviji i najgori online casino na koji sam naišao.
Evo tri najbolja izbora najboljih izgovora koje sam dobio od gospodina Bit -a u proteklih nekoliko sedmica zašto mi ne mogu platiti:
1. Novac je uspješno isplaćen. Nažalost, moj bankovni račun uopće ne može primati uplate!
2. Novac je uspješno isplaćen. Ali moja banka ne prihvaća dolazne transfere iz online kockarnica! Iako Trustly uopće nije online kazino.
3. Novac je uspješno isplaćen. Ali moram ponovo poslati bankovni izvod. Po osmi put. Zato što gospodin Bit mora istražiti i istražiti. Hitno vam je ponovo potreban dokument.
The July 23 payout was not successfully completed. Because it didn't appear on my bank account at all.
On August 13th and 14th, I requested 5 withdrawals: € 1000, € 980, € 740, € 452 and € 1000. None of the withdrawals were successfully completed. All withdrawals did not appear in my bank account.
I can only advise anyone reading this against depositing their money with Mr. Bit. Dirtiest and worst online casino I have ever come across.
Here are the top 3 picks of the best excuses I've received from Mr. Bit over the past few weeks as to why they can't pay me out:
1. The money has been paid out successfully. Unfortunately, my bank account is not able to receive incoming payments at all!
2. The money has been paid out successfully. But my bank doesn't accept incoming transfers from online casinos! Although Trustly is not an online casino at all.
3. The money has been paid out successfully. But I have to send my bank statement again. For the eighth time. Because Mr. Bit has to investigate and investigate. You urgently need the document again.
Die Auszahlung vom 23. Juli in Höhe wurde nicht erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Denn sie ist gar nicht auf meinem Bankkonto erschienen.
Am 13. und 14. August beantragte ich 5 Auszahlungen: 1000€, 980€, 740€, 452€ und 1000€. Keine der Auszahlungen wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Alle Auszahlungen nicht auf meinem Bankkonto erschienen.
Ich kann nur jedem der hier mitliest, dringend davon abraten bei Mr. Bit sein Geld einzuzahlen. Dreckigstes und schlechtestes Online-Casino, das ich je erlebt habe.
Hier noch die Top-3 Auswahl der besten Ausreden, die ich in den letzten Wochen von Mr. Bit erhalten habe, warum sie mir kein Geld auszahlen können:
1. Das Geld wurde erfolgreich ausgezahlt. Mein Bankkonto ist aber leider überhaupt nicht in der Lage eingehende Zahlungen zu empfangen!
2. Das Geld wurde erfolgreich ausgezahlt. Aber meine Bank akzeptiert keine eingehenden Überweisungen von Online-Casinos! Obwohl Trustly gar kein Online-Casino ist.
3. Das Geld wurde erfolgreich ausgezahlt. Aber ich muss meinen Kontoauszug nochmal senden. Zum achten Mal. Denn Mr. Bit muss investigieren und nachforschen. Sie brauchen das Dokument dringend nochmal.
Dragi kazino,
Zamolio bih vas za dokaz da ste igraču platili navedene iznose. Molimo pošaljite ga na moju adresu e -pošte: viliam.v@casino.guru
Također, igrač je spomenuo 5 povlačenja iz augusta, a vi ste spomenuli samo 3. Šta se dogodilo sa ostatkom? (452 € i 1000 €)
Dear Casino,
I would like to ask you for evidence that you've paid mentioned amounts to the player. Please, send it to my email address: viliam.v@casino.guru
Also, player mentioned 5 withdrawals from August and you mentioned only 3. What happened with the rest? (€ 452 and € 1000)
G. Bit je u pravu. Sve isplate od 13. do 14. avgusta su isplaćene, ali nažalost nikada nisu pripisane na moj bankovni račun. Tako je g. Bit sada vratio novac. I izgledam glupo iz veša.
Mr. Bit is right. All withdrawals from August 13th and August 14th were paid out, but unfortunately never credited to my bank account. Thus, Mr. Bit has now received the money back. And I look stupid from the laundry.
Mr. Bit hat Recht. Alle Auszahlungen vom 13. August und 14. August wurden ausgezahlt, aber leider meinem Bankkonto niemals gutgeschrieben. Somit hat Mr. Bit das Geld mittlerweile wieder zurück erhalten. Und ich schaue blöd aus der Wäsche.
Dragi Sstockner i Casino Guru tim,
Nažalost, zbog propisa o zaštiti podataka, nemamo pravo dijeliti snimke zaslona koje prikazuju povijest transakcija kako je prikazano u back officeu.
Možemo, međutim, podijeliti detaljan pregled slučaja.
Pet (5) isplata koje su zatražene u mjesecu avgustu, a posebno između 12. avgusta i 14. avgusta (za sljedeće iznose: 1.000 €, 980 €, 740 €, 452 €, 1.000 €) uspješno su završene i isplaćene.
Štaviše, zatraženo je još sedam (7) plaćanja u narednim datumima (18. avgust - 19. avgust). Slično gore navedenom, svih ovih sedam (7) zahtjeva za povlačenje uspješno su ispunjeni i isplaćeni.
Možete li možda dostaviti ažurne informacije o vašim dolaznim transferima, bilo da su bili uspješni ili neuspješni?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Mr Casino Casino
Dear Sstockner and Casino Guru Team,
Unfortunately, due to data protection regulations, we are not entitled to share any screenshots showcasing the transaction history as shown in the back office.
We can, however, share a detailed overview of the case.
Five (5) withdrawals that were requested within the month of August, and specifically between August 12th and August 14th (for the following sums: €1,000, €980, €740, €452, €1,000) were successfully completed and paid out.
Moreover, seven (7) more payments were requested within the following dates (August 18th - August 19th). Similarly to the above, all these seven (7) withdrawal requests were successfully completed and paid out.
Could you possibly provide up-to-date information about your incoming transfers whether it was successful or failed?
Best regards,
Mr Bit Casino
Dragi Sstockner,
pošaljite mi vaš bankovni izvod iz avgusta 2021. godine. Evo moje e -pošte: viliam.v@casino.guru
Dear Sstockner,
send me your bank statement from August 2021, please. Here is my email: viliam.v@casino.guru
Iscrpno povlačenje novca izvršeno između 12. i 14. avgusta također nije uspjelo iz nepoznatog razloga.
Baš kao i dva prethodna povlačenja Trustly -a iz jula, koja su zatim vraćena na moj račun Mr. Bit.
Žalba se može zaključiti. Gospodin Bit zapravo nije kriv kako sam sada shvatio i shvatio.
The Trustly withdrawals made between August 12th and August 14th also failed for an unknown reason.
Just like the two previous Trustly withdrawals from July, which were then credited back to my Mr. Bit account.
Complaint can be closed. Mr. Bit is actually not to blame as I have now understood and realized.
Die Trustly Auszahlungen die zwischen 12. August und 14. August getätigt wurden sind auch aus unbekanntem Grund fehlgeschlagen.
So wie auch die beiden vorherigen Trustly Auszahlungen von Juli, die dann auf mein Mr. Bit Konto zurückgebucht wurden.
Beschwerde kann geschlossen werden. Mr. Bit trägt tatsächlich keine Schuld wie ich mittlerweile verstanden und eingesehen habe.
Freundliche Grüße
G -dine Bit Casino, možete li provjeriti u svom uredu da li isplate Trustly nisu uspjele od 12. do 14. avgusta i da li su vraćene?
To zaista ne bi trebao biti problem. Tada mogu koristiti drugi način plaćanja
Mr. Bit Casino can you check in your back office that the Trustly withdrawals have failed August 12th - August 14th and are they refunded?
That really shouldn't be a problem. Then I can use another payment method
Mr. Bit Casino können Sie in Ihrem Backoffice überprüfen das die Trustly Auszahlungen 12. August - 14. August alle fehlgeschlagen sind und zurückbuchen?
Das sollte doch wirklich kein Problem sein. Dann kann ich eine andere Zahlungsmethode verwenden
Dragi Sstockner,
Vjerujem da će vam poslati bankovni izvod do ovog datuma.
U svakom slučaju, spomenuli ste da se slučaj može zaključiti, ali tražite nešto od Casina. Trebam li zatvoriti žalbu ili želite nastaviti?
Dear Sstockner,
I believe that if you ask your bank for a statement up to this date they'll send it to you.
Anyway, you've mentioned that the case can be closed but you are asking something from the Casino. Should I close the complaint or do you want to continue?
Kockarnica je svakako obaviještena da povlačenje nije uspjelo. Ili to možete lako provjeriti. Ne bi trebao biti problem objaviti ga čak i bez izvoda iz banke. Obično ne morate čak ni tražiti tako nešto. To se obično događa samo po sebi u drugim online kockarnicama kada povlačenje ne uspije. Obično ne morate juriti nakon toga.
The casino was certainly notified that the withdrawal was unsuccessful. Or you can easily check it out. It shouldn't be a problem to post it back even without a bank statement. Usually you don't even have to ask for something like that. This usually happens by itself at other online casinos when a withdrawal fails. You don't usually have to chase after that.
Das Casino wurde mit Sicherheit benachrichtigt das die Auszahlung nicht erfolgreich war. Oder können es problemlos überprüfen. Das sollte auch ohne Kontoauszug kein Problem sein das zurückzubuchen. Normalerweise muss man für sowas gar nicht erst fragen. Das passiert normalerweise von selbst in anderen Online-Casinos, wenn eine Auszahlung fehlgeschlagen ist. Da muss man normalerweise gar nicht hinterherlaufen.
Dragi Sstockner,
Produžavamo tajmer za 7 dana. Imajte na umu da ćemo u slučaju da ne dostavite tražene podatke u zadanom roku odbiti vašu žalbu.
Dear Sstockner,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Nažalost, primorani smo odbiti ovaj slučaj jer igrač nije odgovorio na naše poruke i pitanja. Stoga nismo u mogućnosti nastaviti s daljnjom istragom niti predložiti moguća rješenja.
Igrač može ponovo otvoriti ovu žalbu u bilo kojem trenutku.
Unfortunately, we’re forced to reject this case because the player hasn’t responded to our messages and questions. Therefore, we’re not able to proceed with the further investigation or suggest possible solutions.
The player can reopen this complaint anytime.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.