NaslovnaPritužbeMr Fortune Casino - Igrač osporava zamenu igre besplatnih okretaja.
Mr Fortune Casino - Igrač osporava zamenu igre besplatnih okretaja.
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Mr Fortune Casino
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Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from Canada had deposited in Mr Fortune Casino to avail 100 free spins for the game 'Big Bass - Float My Boat'. After depositing, she was informed by a support agent that the free spins would have to be for a different game due to issues with the original one. Despite the player's insistence that she had opted for the promotion, the casino had maintained that the deposit was credited directly to her account and not through a promotion. After several exchanges with the casino's Complaints Team, the player had accepted an alternative offer for a different game. We had then marked the complaint as 'resolved' and adjusted the disputed amount from $40 to $5.
Igrač iz Kanade je deponovao u Mr Fortune Casino da bi iskoristio 100 besplatnih okretaja za igru 'Big Bass - Float Mi Boat'. Nakon deponovanja, agent za podršku ju je obavestio da će besplatni okreti morati da budu za drugu igru zbog problema sa originalnom. Uprkos insistiranju igrača da se odlučila za promociju, kazino je tvrdio da je depozit pripisan direktno na njen račun, a ne kroz promociju. Nakon nekoliko razmena sa timom za žalbe kazina, igrač je prihvatio alternativnu ponudu za drugu igru. Zatim smo žalbu označili kao „rešenu“ i prilagodili sporni iznos sa 40 USD na 5 USD.
''Ovo sam poslao e-poštom online podršci u Mr Fortune Casino''
Uplatio sam na ovaj bonus da dobijem 100 besplatnih okretaja u igri u kojoj je imejl rekao da će to biti.. kada sam kontaktirao podršku jer nisam mogao da pronađem svoje besplatne okrete kada sam se prijavio, agent Leo me je obavestio da postoje problemi sa igru i on bi morao da mi da moje okrete u drugoj igri. Odgovorio sam da sam uplatio za besplatne okrete za tu određenu igru, a to je ''Big Bass - Float Mi Boat'' i obavestio sam ga da sam već probao igru i radila je savršeno. Agent za podršku Leo je ipak rekao da će morati da mi da svoje spinove u drugoj igri koja me ne zanima.
Ovo je kao prevara da se jedan deponuje, a zatim menja igre? Ja se žalim. Uključio sam snimke ekrana e-pošte i razgovora koji sam vodio sa agentom za podršku Leom. Ovo takođe znači da imam sve zajedno za svoje žalbe.
Diane T****
Ovo je ono što sam napisao podršci putem e-pošte.. Imam još snimaka ekrana onlajn ćaskanja koje sam imao sa agentom za podršku koje mogu da otpremim ako želite da ih takođe vidite.
Diane T****
''This I emailed to online support at Mr Fortune Casino''
I deposited to this bonus to get the 100 free spins on game the email said it was going to be.. when I contacted support because I could not find my free spins when I logged in , agent Leo informed me that there was issues with the game and he would have to give me my spins on another game. I replied that I deposited for the free spins on that particular game which is '' Big Bass - Float My Boat'' and I informed him I already tried the game and it worked perfectly fine. Support agent Leo said still he would have to give me my spins on another game of which I am not interested in.
This is like a scam to get one to deposit and then switch games? I am making complaints. I have included screenshots of the emails and the conversation I had with support agent Leo. This is also so I have everything together for my complaints.
Diane T****
This is what I wrote to email support.. I have more screenshots of the online chat I had with the support agent that I can upload if you want to view them also.
Ovaj snimak ekrana prikazuje specifične detalje bonus promocije
nije bilo obaveštenja o promeni igre za besplatne okrete u promociji
poslali su mi e-poštu 19. februara, u kojoj kaže da će mi se javiti za 10 radnih dana.
Ovo je kopija onoga što mi je poručeno u e-poruci..pošto ne mogu da postavim imejl ovde.. Mogu da prosledim imejl na vašu adresu e-pošte na . Mogu dati sve ove informacije i na tu adresu... Poslednji put kada sam imao pritužbu i to uradio, sistem mi je stalno govorio da odgovorim ovde na ovom sajtu. ?? tim za upravljanje žalbama preko
19. februar 2024., 21:57 (pre 2 dana)
Draga Diane,
Potvrđujem da je naš tim za upravljanje žalbama primio vašu žalbu.
Istražićemo žalbu i pokušati da rešimo problem.
Cilj nam je da obezbedimo konačno rešenje za sve žalbe što je pre moguće, ali najkasnije u roku od 10 radnih dana od prijema žalbe.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Tim za upravljanje pritužbama
This screenshot shows the specific details of the bonus promotion
there was no notification of the change of the game for the free spins in promotion
they have sent me an email on Feb 19, that says they will get back to me with in 10 business days.
This is a copy of what the email said to I can't post the email on here.. I can forward the email to you email address at . I can provide all this info to that address also... Last time I had a complaint and did that , the system kept telling me to respond here on this site. ?? Complaints Management Team via
Feb 19, 2024, 9:57 PM (2 days ago)
to me
Dear Diane,
I am confirming that our Complaints Management Team has received your complaint.
We will investigate the complaint and try to resolve the issue.
We aim to provide a final resolution to all complaints as soon as possible, but no later than 10 business days after the complaint is received.
Gospodin Fortune mi je upravo odgovorio i ovo je ono što su rekli-- Snimci ekrana iznad su ono što sam im poslao da pokažu da se promocija pojavljuje automatski kada kliknete na imejl i nakon što se prijavite, ovo se pojavljuje odmah iza prijave ,, tako da sada postoji način da se nisam odlučio za promociju kao što oni navode u ovoj e-poruci koju su mi upravo poslali. tim za upravljanje žalbama preko
2:19 (pre 1 sat)
Draga Diane,
Hvala vam na e-poruci i strpljenju dok smo pregledali vaš upit.
Nakon pregleda vašeg računa, čini se da je depozit od 5 CAD pokrenut 16. februara.
Naša evidencija pokazuje da je depozit knjižen direktno na vaš račun, a ne kroz promociju.
Da biste aktivirali promociju na vašem nalogu, depoziti se moraju izvršiti putem relevantne promocije, a ne direktno na vaš nalog.
Ovo podstiče naš sistem da primeni potrebna prilagođavanja na vašem nalogu.
Ako se zahteva promocija, ali je sistem ne dodaje, naši agenti za podršku mogu ručno da uključe alternativnu promociju.
Ovaj proces je dizajniran da osigura da naši igrači ne izgube svoj depozit i da mogu da nastave da uživaju u igri na našoj veb lokaciji.
Međutim, Ekskluzivne promocije su jedinstvene ponude posebno napravljene za dobrobit naših igrača.
Ove promocije su ograničene na dostupnost jednom mesečno, jednom po nalogu igrača ili jednom u 30 dana.
Zbog ovih ograničenja, agenti za podršku ne mogu ručno da dodaju ekskluzivne promocije.
Dostupni su samo ako ih zatražite putem određene promocije kako bi se osiguralo pravilno uključivanje u nalog.
Nakon pregleda vašeg naloga i interakcije ćaskanja uživo, očigledno je da je naš agent za podršku dodao alternativne besplatne okrete za uplaćeni depozit.
Dodeljivanje besplatnih okretaja je izvršeno po diskrecionom pravu agenta, uprkos tome što depozit nije izvršen preko određenih kanala za određenu promociju
Možemo potvrditi da su sve radnje koje je preduzeo agent za podršku bile ispravne iu najboljem interesu vlasnika naloga
Ako je potrebno još nešto, ne oklevajte da nas kontaktirate.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Tim za upravljanje pritužbama
diane t*********
3:42 (pre 21 minut)
Vaš odgovor nije tačan, uplatio sam kroz promociju, znam da sam ovo uradio jer čim sam kliknuo na sajt kada sam odgovorio na mejl, to me je dovelo pravo na tu promociju, u koju sam se prijavio i zatražio i deponovan. Poslaću e-poštom ponovo snimak ekrana gde sam deponovao na promociji. Nisam želeo da igram drugu igru pošto sam deponovao 100 okretaja u igri Big Bass ''Float Mi Boat'' za koju sam deponovao.
Očigledno niste iskreni kada kažete da nisam položio depozit za ovu promociju jer sam to svakako učinio.
Nastaviću sa žalbom.
Diane T*********
diane t*********
3:50 (pre 8 minuta)
Upravo sam se vratio na e-poštu bonusa od 16. februara i kliknuo na nju da vidim šta se dešava i kao što sam rekao, vodi vas pravo do promocije,, prijavljujem se i onda su ovo snimci ekrana sledeće 3 stranice koje dolaze gore, tako da nema šanse da se ne odlučim za promociju!!! [napomena] slike ekrana iznad
Mr Fortune just responded to me and this is what they said-- The screenshots above are what I sent them to show that the promotion comes up automatically when you click the email and after you log in this is what comes up right behind the log in,, so there is now way that I did not opt in for the promotion like they are stating in this email they just sent me. Complaints Management Team via
2:19 AM (1 hour ago)
to me
Dear Diane,
Thank you for your email and your patience as we reviewed your inquiry.
After examining your account, it appears that a deposit of 5 CAD was initiated on 16 February.
Our records indicate that the deposit was credited directly to your account and not through a promotion.
To activate a promotion on your account, deposits must be made through the relevant promotion and not directly to your account.
This prompts our system to implement the required adjustments to your account.
If a promotion is claimed but not added by the system, our Support Agents can manually include an alternative promotion.
This process is designed to ensure that our players do not forfeit their deposit and can continue enjoying gameplay on our site.
However, Exclusive promotions are unique offers specifically crafted for our players' benefit.
These promotions are limited to availability once per month, once per player account, or once every 30 days.
Due to these restrictions, exclusive promotions cannot be manually added by support agents.
They are only accessible by claiming them through the designated promotion to ensure proper inclusion in the account.
Following the examination of your account and the Live Chat interaction, it is evident that our Support Agent added alternate free spins for the deposit made.
The allocation of free spins was made at the discretion of the agent, despite the deposit not being carried out through the designated channels for the specific promotion
We can confirm that all actions taken by the support agent were correct and in the best interest of the account holder
If anything further is needed, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Complaints Management Team
diane t********* <di*********>
3:42 AM (21 minutes ago)
Your reply is not correct, I did deposit through the promotion, I know I did this because as soon as I clicked on the site when I responded to the email, it brought me right to that promotion, in which I logged in and claimed and deposited. I will email the screenshot again where I deposited to the promotion. I did not want to play another game as I deposited for 100 spins in Big Bass''Float My Boat'' game that is what I deposited for.
You are clearly not being truthful by stating that I did not deposit for this promotion because I certainly did so.
I will continue with my complaint.
Diane T*********
diane t********* <di*********>
3:50 AM (8 minutes ago)
I just went back to the February 16 email of the bonus and clicked on it to see what happens and like I said, it takes you right to the promotion,, I log in and then these are the screenshots of the next 3 pages that come up, so there is no way I could have not opted for the promotion!!! [note] screenshots above
Ažuriranje od 24/24 februara u prepisci sa Mr Fortune kazinom: tim za upravljanje žalbama preko
01:12 (pre 6 sati)
Draga Diane,
Hvala vam na poruci e-pošte i datim snimcima ekrana.
Želeli bismo da se pozovemo na našu e-poštu iznad, kao što je navedeno:
Naša evidencija pokazuje da je depozit knjižen direktno na vaš račun, a ne kroz promociju.
Ako se zahteva promocija, ali je sistem ne dodaje, naši agenti za podršku mogu ručno da uključe alternativnu promociju.
To znači da u slučaju da se zahteva promocija, kao u vašem slučaju, a ne dodaje sistem, kao što je u vašem slučaju, naši agenti za podršku dodaju alternativnu promociju.
Ako je potrebno još nešto, slobodno nas kontaktirajte.
moj odgovor nazad:
diane t**********
7:03 (pre 13 minuta)
I dalje se ne slažem sa vašom izjavom da je depozit knjižen direktno na moj račun, a ne kroz promociju.
Takođe, u prvom razgovoru koji sam imao sa vašim agentom za podršku ćaskanju uživo, nije rekao da nisam pravilno uplatio depozit kroz promociju, rekao je da postoji problem sa samom igrom. Taj razgovor imam snimljen.
Napomena: Mogu da pošaljem i snimke ekrana razgovora koji sam vodio sa podrškom za ćaskanje uživo 16. februara, u vezi sa ovom promocijom i u čemu je on rekao da je problem, to je drugačije od onoga što sada govore.
Feb 24/24 update in correspondence with Mr Fortune casino: Complaints Management Team via
1:12 AM (6 hours ago)
to me
Dear Diane,
Thank you for your email and the screenshots provided.
We would like to refer to our email above, as stated:
Our records indicate that the deposit was credited directly to your account and not through a promotion.
If a promotion is claimed but not added by the system, our Support Agents can manually include an alternative promotion.
This means, that in the event, a promotion is claimed, such as in your case, and not added by the system, such as in your case, our support agents add an alternate promotion.
If anything further is needed, please do not hesitate to contact us.
my response back:
diane t********** <di*********>
7:03 AM (13 minutes ago)
I still disagree with your statement that the deposit was credited directly to my account and not through a promotion.
Also in the very first conversation I had with your live chat support agent, He did not say I did not deposit correctly through the promotion, he said there was an issue with the game itself. I have that conversation recorded.
Note: I can send also the screenshots of the conversation I had with live chat support on Feb 16, regarding this promotion and what he said the problem was, it is different then what they are saying now.
Možete li potvrditi da li ste prihvatili alternativne besplatne okrete pripisane vašem nalogu?
Ako niste iskoristili te obrtaje i vaš depozit ostaje netaknut na vašem nalogu, možda biste mogli da razmislite o tome da zatražite povraćaj sredstava.
Hvala vam.
Hi dianetinga,
Can you confirm whether you accepted the alternative Free Spins credited to your account?
If you haven't utilized those spins and your deposit remains untouched in your account, perhaps you could consider requesting a refund.
da, mogao bih.. to je i poenta.. toliko puta su me oteli mnogi od ovih onlajn kazina. Voleo bih da postoje bolje agencije koje bi upravljale onim što rade i kako rade stvari. pa ipak.
yes I could.. it is just the point also.. i have been ripped off so many times by many of these on line casinos . I wish that there were better agencies to govern what they do and how they do things. ya whatever though.
Da li sam dobro razumeo da niste prihvatili alternativnu ponudu za drugu igru i da ćete zahtevati povraćaj neiskorišćenih deponovanih sredstava?
Obaveštavajte me o daljem razvoju događaja.
Hvala vam.
Hi dianetinga,
Do I understand correctly that you haven't accepted the alternative offer for a different game and you will request a refund of your unused deposited funds?
Please keep me informed about any further developments.
Pošto je problem uspešno rešen, sada ćemo zatvoriti žalbu kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu. Puno vam hvala, dianetinga, na saradnji i potvrdi, i ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš centar za rešavanje žalbi ako budete imali problema sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
PS: Popravio sam sporni iznos sa 40 dolara na 5 dolara.
As the problem has been successfully resolved, we will now close the complaint as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thank you very much, dianetinga, for your cooperation and confirmation, and please don’t hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Best regards,
PS: I adjusted the disputed amount from $40 to $5.
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