Igrao sam neko vreme u MrPunter kazinu bez problema. Zaista povlačenje traje malo, ponekad 3-5 dana. Ali nema problema!
Prošle nedelje sam dobio e-mail da postoje neki tehnički problemi sa mojom uslugom plaćanja.
Nakon ove poruke, i dalje sam imao svoje povlačenje na čekanju i ponovo sam igrao sa deponovanim novcem. Sa ovim depozitom sam ponovo napravio povlačenje bez problema.
Problemi su se pojavili kada sam juče otkazao iznos za podizanje od 500€ (od izdanja). Odmah je njihov iznos nestao sa mog naloga i kontaktirao sam podršku. Rekli su da može proći 2 sata pre nego što otkazano povlačenje bude primljeno na račun. Ali nisam morao da brinem jer je sve u redu.
Prošlo je više od 24 sata, a još uvek nemam €500,- na mom nalogu… i više ne mogu da dobijem podršku.
Možete li pomoći?
pozdrav Rik
I played for some time at MrPunter casino with no problem. Indeed withdrawl takes a little bit long, sometimes 3-5 days. But no problems!
Last week I received an e-mail that there are some technicall issues where with my payment service.
After this message, I still had my withdrawl on-hold and played again with deposited money. With this deposit I made again a withdrawl with no problems.
The problems where there when I cancelled yesterday the withdrawl amount of €500,- (of the issue). Instant they amount was gone from my account and i contacted support. They said it can take 2 hours before a cancelled withdrawl will be received in the account. But I didn’t need to worry because everything is okay.
It’s more then 24 hours, and still no €500,- in my account… and i can’t reach support anymore.
Can you guys help?
greetings Rick
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