Hvala, svi dokumenti koje sam poslao su trenutno odobreni - ovo je počelo sa 'selfijem' sa kazinom, a zatim dokazom adrese, dokazom adrese, iako sam dao jasne dokumente tokom vremena su odbijani bez ikakvog objašnjenja.. na šta kompanija ne bi odgovorila svaki put 24 sata, a onda ne vikendom, stoga je proces trajao toliko dugo - sve što su stalno odgovarali bila je ista poruka koju sam stalno davao dokumente i bila je odbijena.
U međuvremenu, kazino nastavlja da finansira moj račun bonusima, što ja ne prihvatam jer osećam da odlažu verifikaciju da bi pokušali da me nateraju da igram na nalogu i izgubim balans kao taktiku odlaganja.
Kazino je konačno odobrio moj dokaz adrese sada nakon mesec dana i sada traži KIC za dokaz o depozitu da bi odgovarao vremenskim skalama... ponovo sam dao i nije me prihvatio sajt i oni su dodali mom nalogu još jedan bonus . Razgovarao sam u ćaskanju uživo i stalno dobijam isti generički odgovor „naš finansijski tim je trenutno veoma zauzet" i da mi niko zapravo ne može pomoći po ovom pitanju.
Obezbedio sam svu relevantnu dokumentaciju za KIC proces, poslao e-mailove i transkripte ćaskanja uživo pokušavajući da rešim gde je kompanija sada prestala da odgovara. Hvala na pomoći.
Thanks, all of the documents I have sent in have currently been approved - this started with a 'selfie' with casino then proof of address, the proof of address although I provided clear documents over time kept getting rejected without any explanation.. to which the company would not respond for 24 hours each time and then not on a weekend hence why the process has took so long - all they kept replying with was the same message which I kept providing the documents and it was being rejected.
In the mean time, the casino keeps funding my account with bonuses, to which I am not accepting as I feel they are delaying the verification to try and make me play the account and lose the balance as a delay tactic.
The casino has finally approved my proof of address now after a month and is now asking for KYC for deposit proof to match the time scales... again I have provided and not been acknowledged by the site and they have credited my account with another bonus. I have discussed on the live chat and keep receiving the same generic response of 'our financial team is very busy at the moment' and that no one can actually help me with this matter.
I have provided all relevant documentation for the KYC process, sent e-mails and live-chat transcripts of trying to solve where the company has now stopped responding. Thanks for your help.
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