Nakon što sam aktivirao promotivni kod od „12€" na svom nalogu, proveo sam dosta sati igrajući igre koje ispunjavaju uslove sa maksimalnim ulogom od „10€" (da, glupost) i opkladom od 100!
Dođem do kraja bonusa i odlučim da zatražim povlačenje...
(Nakon gomile glupih provera...)
Kažu mi da sam zaobišao uslove bonusa i da će mi biti odbijen sa stanja
Ograničen sam svuda, ali mogu da zaobiđem bonus...
Protraćio sam toliko vremena na ovo??
Zaista, nikada nisam video tako lažan sajt!
Trebalo je naći izgovor pošto sam prošao sve faze verifikacije...
After activating a promo code of "12€" on my account, I spent a lot of hours playing eligible games with a maximum bet of "10€" (yes, rubbish) and a wager of 100!
I reach the end of the bonus and I decide to request a withdrawal...
(After doing a bunch of stupid checks...)
They tell me that I have circumvented the conditions of the bonus and that it will be deducted from my balance
I'm limited everywhere but I can get around a bonus...
I wasted so much time on this??
Really, I've never seen such a fraudulent site!
It was necessary find an excuse since I passed all the verification stages...
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