Zdravo Tomas, pogledajte odgovore na svoja pitanja u nastavku:
Možete li molim vas da objasnite koji je razlog zašto je vaš prvobitni nalog zatvoren?
Zatvorio sam nalog jer sam osećao da ga previše koristim, nisam naveo razlog za Mistake, samo sam ih zamolio da trajno zatvore nalog.
Možete li da objasnite da li ste pokušali da ponovo otvorite svoj prvobitni nalog umesto da otvorite novi?
Pokušao sam da se prijavim na svoj stari nalog i poslao sam e-poštu Mistake-u, ali nisam dobio odgovor pa sam otvorio novi nalog.
Da li ste sakupili svoje dobitke uz pomoć bonusa?
Ne, nisam iskoristio bonuse, samo sam koristio svoj novac koji sam deponovao.
Zatražio sam da mi se pošalju transkripti ćaskanja i rečeno mi je da ih zatražim pomoću funkcije ćaskanja što sam uradio i još uvek nisam dobio. Pitao sam ovo i rekli su mi da budem strpljiv i poslaće mi ih e-poštom!
Hvala vam
Hi Tomas, please see answers to your questions below:
Could you please explain what was the reason why your original account was closed?
I closed the account as I felt I was using it too much, I didn’t specify a reason to Mystake I just asked them to close the account permanently.
Could you please explain whether you attempted to reopen your original account instead of opening a new one?
I attempted to login to my old account and emailed Mystake but received no response so opened a new account.
Have you accumulated your winnings with the help of bonuses?
No, I didn’t redeem any bonuses just used my own money deposited.
I’ve asked for chat transcripts to be sent over to me and have been told to request them using the chat function which I’ve done and still not received. I queried this and they told me to be patient and they would be emailed to me!
Thank you
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