Upravo sam postavio sliku koja tačno odgovara zahtevima koje postavlja " N1 Bet Casino
Predstavnici kazina" pozvani su juče. Ovo je odmah ponovo odbijeno, pozivajući se na stari prethodni uslov da se završi verifikacija:
. " Otpremite selfi sa ličnim dokumentom + belešku na kariranom/postrojenom komadu papira sa natpisom "Zdravo, i trenutni datum" na pozadini vaše kuće sa vidljivom adresom. Imajte na umu da list ne bi trebalo da bude monoton. Koristite list sa dodatnim teksturama, npr. kariranom. Uverite se da je ID koji drži ruku vidljiv, uključujući i lakat. Hvala vam na strpljenju!
Molim „predstavnika kazina" da to razjasni sa odeljenjem i konačno izvrši verifikaciju.
I just uploaded an image that exactly matches the requirements set by " N1 Bet Casino
Casino representatives" were called yesterday. This was immediately denied again, citing the old previous requirement to complete the verification:
. " Please upload selfie with your ID + a note on a checkered/lined piece of paper saying "Hello, and current date" against the background of your house with address visible. Please note that the sheet shouldn't be monotone. Use a sheet with additional textures, eg checkered one. Make sure arm holding ID is visible, including elbow. Thank you for your patience!
I ask the "casino representative" to clarify this with the department and finally do the verification.
Ich habe eben ein Bild hochgeladen, das genau den Anforderungen entspricht, die von "N1 Bet Casino
Vertreter des Casinos" gestern genannt wurden. Dies wurde sofort wieder abgelehnt und die alte, bisherige Forderung genannt, um die Verfizierung abzuschließen:
. " Please upload selfie with your ID + a note on a checkered/lined piece of paper saying "Hello, and current date" against the background of your house with address visible. Please note, that the sheet shouldn't be monotone. Use a sheet with additional textures, e.g. checkered one. Make sure arm holding ID is visible, including elbow. Thank you for your patience!
Ich bitte den "Vertreter des Casinos" dies mit der Abteilung zu klären und endgültig die Verifizierung durchzuführen.
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