The player, who admitted to having a gambling problem, reported that he had lost 500 euros at N1 Bet Casino. He claimed that the casino, which was part of a chain in Curacao, was aware of his problem but continued to allow him to register. He was seeking help to recover his money. We attempted to gather more information from the player to better understand his situation and potentially assist him in his request for a refund. However, the player did not respond to our inquiries, leading us to reject the complaint.
Igrač, koji je priznao da ima problem sa kockanjem, prijavio je da je izgubio 500 evra u N1 Bet kazinu. Tvrdio je da je kazino, koji je bio deo lanca na Kurasau, bio svestan njegovog problema, ali mu je i dalje dozvoljavao da se registruje. Tražio je pomoć da povrati svoj novac. Pokušali smo da prikupimo više informacija od igrača kako bismo bolje razumeli njegovu situaciju i potencijalno mu pomogli u njegovom zahtevu za povraćaj novca. Međutim, igrač nije odgovorio na naše upite, zbog čega smo odbili žalbu.
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