Igrač iz Njemačke deponirao je sredstva s kreditne kartice svoje supruge, nakon čega je zatražio povrat novca. Odlučili smo odbiti tu žalbu jer je igrač prekršio kasinu T&C-a u kasinu, a banka njegove žene odbila je suradnju s kasinom.
The player from Germany has deposited funds from his wife’s credit card, afterwards, he requested a refund. We decided to reject this complaint because the player breached the casino's T&Cs and his wife's bank refused to cooperate with the casino.
Igrač iz Njemačke deponirao je sredstva s kreditne kartice svoje supruge, nakon čega je zatražio povrat novca. Odlučili smo odbiti tu žalbu jer je igrač prekršio kasinu T&C-a u kasinu, a banka njegove žene odbila je suradnju s kasinom.
Igrao sam se sa kreditnom karticom svoje supruge. Budući da oboje koristimo ovu kreditnu karticu za naše rate ili plaćanja, nisam mislio ništa o tome. Casino n1 se nije svidio tome i nije mi isplatio dobitak. Sve dobro i dobro, ali u njihovim uvjetima i odredbama piše da ako koristite kreditnu karticu od nekog drugog, depoziti se vraćaju na ovu karticu. Pošto sam uz ovu kreditnu karticu obavio depozit od 300 eura, morat ćete vratiti novac koji sam položio.
do danas nemam odgovor i osjećam se prevarenom!
I played with my wife's credit card. Since we both use this credit card for our installments or payments, I thought nothing of it. The n1 casino didn't like that and didn't pay my winnings. All well and good, but in their terms and conditions it says that if you use a credit card from someone else that the deposits are paid back to this card. Since I made the deposit of 300 euros with this credit card, you would have to send back the money I deposited.
to this day i haven't got an answer and i feel fooled!
ich habe mit der Kreditkarte meiner Frau gespielt. Da wir beide diese Kreditkarte benutzen für unsere raten oder bezahlung dachte ich mir nichts bei. Die n1 casino fand das nicht gut und hat mein gewinnt nicht ausbezalt. Alles schön und gut aber in deren AGB steht es das wenn man eine Kredirkarte von jemand anderes benutzt das die Einzahlungen zurück an diese karte bezahlt wird. Da ich ja die Einzahlung in höhe von 300 euro mit dieser kreditkarte getätigt hab müssten sie das geld was ich eingezahlt habe wieder zurückschicken.
bis heute habe ich keine antwort darauf bekommen und ich fühle mich verarscht!
Dragi Gökhan,
Hvala vam puno na podnošenju žalbe. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu. Provjerio sam odredbe i odredbe i evo što sam pronašao:
"Casino ne prihvaća plaćanja treće strane. Depozite morate izvršiti samo s bankovnog računa, bankovnih kartica VISA / MasterCard, platnih sistema Skrill / NETELLER ili drugih načina plaćanja koji su registrirani u vaše ime. Ako tijekom sigurnosnih provjera utvrdimo da prekršili ste ovaj uvjet, vaša dobit će biti oduzeta, a originalni depozit vraćen vlasniku računa za plaćanje. Kompanija nije odgovorna za izgubljena sredstva deponovana sa računa trećih strana. "
Želio bih naglasiti posljednju rečenicu u gornjem stavku. Imajte na umu da je zabranjeno polaganje sa računa treće strane ili e-novčanika. Ako pobijedite iz takvog depozita, vaša dobit će biti poništena, a originalni depozit će se vratiti trećoj strani. Međutim, ako izgubite, casino nije odgovoran za izgubljena sredstva, tako da sredstva neće biti vraćena. Nadam se, objasnio sam to sveobuhvatno. Ako postoji nešto, mogao bih učiniti za vas, molim vas, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati me, u protivnom ću biti primoran odbiti vašu žalbu kao neopravdanu. Hvala vam na razumijevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Gökhan,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. I have checked terms and conditions, and this is what I found:
"Casino does not accept third party payments. You must make deposits only from a bank account, bank cards VISA/MasterCard, payment systems Skrill/NETELLER or other payment methods that are registered in your own name. If we determine during the security checks that you have violated this condition, your winnings will be confiscated, and original deposit returned to the owner of the payment account. The Company is not responsible for the lost funds deposited from third party accounts."
I would like to emphasize the last sentence in the paragraph above. Please understand it is prohibited to deposit from 3rd party accounts or e-wallets. If you win from such deposit, your winnings will be cancelled, and the original deposit will be returned to the 3rd party. However, if you lose, the casino is not responsible for the lost funds, thus, the funds won’t be restored. I hope, I have explained it comprehensively. If there is anything, I could do for you, please do not hesitate to contact me, otherwise, I will be forced to reject your complaint as unjustified. Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
U odredbama i uvjetima, međutim, " izvorni predujam vlasniku računa za plaćanje vraća se."
ovdje razumijem da će depozit koji sam uplatio kreditnom karticom biti vraćen vlasniku. To znači da vraćate uplate s ove kreditne kartice. U suprotnom je lažno ako prihvatate karticu, ali nije vam dozvoljeno isplatiti ako pobijedite. Ne želim više imati zaradu, ali onda kockarnica mora vratiti depozite koje sam dao ovom kreditnom karticom?
in the terms and conditions, however, the " original down payment to the owner of the payment account is refunded."
here i understand that the deposit i made with the credit card will be returned to the owner. That means that you return the payments made with this credit card. Otherwise it is fraudulent if you accept the card but are not allowed to pay out if you win. I don't want to have the profit anymore, but then the casino has to pay back the deposits I made with this credit card?
in der AGB steht doch aber das „ursprüngliche Anzahlung an den Eigentümer des Zahlungskontos zurückerstattet."
hier verstehe ich das die anzahlung die Ich mit der kreditkarte gemacht habe zurück an den Eigentümer zurückerstattet wird. Das heißt doch das Sie die getätigten einzahlungen die ich mit dieser kreditkarte gemacht habe zurückgeben. Andernfalls ist es doch betrug wenn man die karte annimmt aber bei gewinn nicht ausbezahlen darf. Ich möchte den gewinn ja nicht mehr haben aber dann muss die Casino doch die Einzahlungen die ich mit dieser kreditkarte gemacht hab zurückzahlen?
Puno hvala Gökhan što ste nam se vratili. Sada ću proslijediti vašu žalbu mojoj kolegici Kristíni koja će vam biti na raspolaganju. Hvala ti.
Thank you very much Gökhan for getting back to us. I will transfer now your complaint to my colleague Kristína who will be at your assistance. Thank you.
Zdravo Gökhan,
Možete li potvrditi da još uvijek nemate svoje depozite? Jeste li pokušali kontaktirati kazino u vezi s ovim problemom? Kakvo je njihovo stajalište u ovoj situaciji?
Hello Gökhan,
Could you please confirm you still don't have your deposits back? Did you try to contact the casino regarding this issue? What is their standpoint in this situation?
Dragi Gökhan, hvala što ste podijelili svoje iskustvo.
Molimo vas imajte na umu da nakon provjere vašeg računa možemo vidjeti da je dobitak pravilno oduzet zbog kršenja naših pretpostavki.
Korištenje platnih sustava trećih strana zabranjeno je.
Što se depozita vraća, molimo shvatite da je taj originalni depozit vraćen Vlasniku platnog sistema. Nažalost, samo vlasnik kartice može kontaktirati svoju banku u vezi s ovim pitanjem.
Nadamo se da se gore navedena materija razjašnjava.
Srdačni pozdravi,
N1 Casino
Hello there,
Dear Gökhan, thank you for sharing your experience.
Kindly note that after checking your account we can see that the winnings have been correctly confiscated due to a breach of our T&Cs.
Using the 3rd party payment systems is prohibited.
As far as the deposit is returned, please understand, that original deposit returned to the Owner of the payment system. Sadly, only the Owner of the card may contact his Bank in regards to this question.
We hope the above matter clarifies.
Kind regards,
N1 Casino
Pozdrav N1 Casino,
Budući da je treća dobavljač moja supruga, znam da novac još nije vraćen.
Molimo uzmite primjer iz drugih kockarnica. Depozit možete izvršiti samo s registrovanim imenom. Na ovaj način možete spriječiti ljude poput mene da pogriješe bez korištenja ženine kreditne kartice, a da pritom ne znaju ili ne pomisle loše. Mislim da je ionako glupost. Moja supruga i ja imamo istu gotovinu pri isporuci. Mogao bih vam dati i pismenu potvrdu od moje supruge da mogu koristiti karticu. Mislim da je sramota jer su izgubili igrača koji je zabavljao igranje u njihovom kazinu.
Mogu vam takođe dokazati da depoziti koje sam uplatio još nisu vraćeni. Možete li da dokažete da ste ga poslali?
Hello N1 Casino,
Since the third party provider is my wife, I know that the money has not yet been returned.
Please take an example from other casinos. You can only make a deposit with the registered name. This way you can prevent people like me from making a mistake without using the woman's credit card without knowing or having a bad thought. I also think it's nonsense anyway. My wife and I have the same cash on delivery. I could also give you a written confirmation from my wife that I can use the card. I think it's a shame because they lost a player who had fun playing in their casino.
I can also prove to you that the deposits I have made have not yet been refunded. Can you prove it that you sent it?
Hallo N1 Casino,
Da die Drittanbieterin meine Frau ist, weiß ich ja wohl, dass das Geld noch nicht zurückgebucht wurde.
Nehmen sie bitte ein Beispiel von anderen Casinos. Da darf man nur mit der registrierten Namen eine Einzahlung tätigen. Somit können sie auch verhindern, dass Leute wie ich ohne zu wissen oder ohne ein bösen Gedanken zu haben einen Fehler begehen die Kreditkarte von der Frau zu benutzen. Außerdem finde ich es trotzdem Quatsch. Meine Frau und ich haben den selben Nachnahmen. Ich könnte ihnen auch schriftlich von meiner Frau eine Bestätigung geben das ich die Karte benutzen darf. Ich finde das es sehr schade ist weil sie dadurch einen Spieler verloren haben, der Spaß hatte in ihrem Casino zu spielen.
Ich kann Ihnen auch beweisen das die Einzahlungen die ich getätigt habe noch nicht zurückerstattet wurden. Können sie es denn beweisen das sie es geschickt haben.
Oprostite, na koje depozite mislite da nismo dobili povrat novca?
Molim vas objasnite više.
Srdačan pozdrav
N1 casino
Excuse me, what deposits do you mean that we haven't refunded?
Please explain more.
With best regards
N1 casino
Entschuldigen, welche Einzahlungen meinen Sie, die von uns nicht zurückerstattet wurden?
Erklaeren Sie bitte mehr.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
N1 Casino
Depoziti koje sam uplatio kreditnom karticom svoje žene. Zato nisu isplatili dobitak, jer kartica nije bila moja .. pa moraju novac koji sam položila u njihov kasino poslati na kreditnu karticu moje žene. Je u vašim uvjetima i odredbama.
Jako mi je žalosno da tražite izgovore ili pogreške, tako da ne morate da plaćate novac. Tada zaista nije lijepo ne želite rezervirati deponirani novac u kasinu. Osjećam se prevarenom.
ukratko; oni dopuštaju da se uplati s partnerovom kreditnom karticom (cca. 300 eura), uzmu nazad dobitak koji sam ostvario (dobit 700 eura) i tada žele zadržati ono što su uplatili (300 eura).
To znači da dopuštate igranje kreditnih kartica nakon toga; "Ne isplaćujemo dobit i ne možete da vratite svoj novac." Žao mi je, ali šalim se dok ne mogu.
Brinem se za plaćenih 300 eura. Možda im je malo, ali za mene je to puno novca.
The deposits I made with my wife's credit card. That's why they didn't pay the winnings because the card wasn't mine .. so they have to send the money I deposited into their casino back to my wife's credit card. Is in your terms and conditions.
I find it very sad that you look for excuses or mistakes so that you don't have to pay out money. Then it is really not nice not to want to book back the deposited money in the casino. I feel fooled.
in a nutshell; they allow it to be paid in with the partner's credit card (approx. 300 euros), take back the winnings I made (profit 700 euros) and then they want to keep what they have paid (300 euros).
That means you allow credit cards to play with afterwards; "We don't pay out the winnings and you can't get your money back." I'm sorry but that's kidding until I can't.
I am concerned with the paid 300 euros. It may be little for them, but for me it is a lot of money.
Die Einzahlungen, die ich mit der Kreditkarte meiner Frau gemacht habe. Deswegen haben sie den Gewinn ja nicht ausgezahlt, weil die Karte nicht mir gehörte..also müssen sie ja das Geld was ich in ihr Casino eingezahlt habe an die Kreditkarte meiner Frau zurückschicken. Steht in Ihrer AGB.
ich finde es sehr traurig das man nach Ausreden oder nach Fehlern sucht damit man kein Geld auszahlen muss. Dann auch noch das eingezahlte geld in das casino nicht zurückzubuchen wollen ist wirklich nicht schön. Ich fühle mich verarscht.
kurz gesagt; sie lassen es zu das man mit der kreditkarte des Partners einzahlt(ca 300 euro), nehmen die gewinne die ich gemacht habe zurück (gewinn 700 euro) und dann wollen sie auch noch das eingezahlte(300 euro) behalten.
Das heißt, Sie lassen es zu mit Kreditkarten zu spielen um im nachhinein zu sagen; „Wir zahlen den Gewinn nicht aus und sie kriegen ihr eingezahltes Geld auch nicht mehr zurück". Tut mir leid aber das ist verarschen bis zum geht nicht mehr.
Es geht mir hier um die eingezahlte 300 euro. Für sie ist das vielleicht wenig aber für mich is es viel Geld.
Dragi Gökhan,
Žao nam je što ste imali tako negativno iskustvo.
Pokušavam ponovo da objasnim: Samo vlasnik kartice može kontaktirati svoju banku u vezi otplate. To znači da vaša supruga mora kontaktirati banku kako bi se raspitala o svim podacima.
Srdačan pozdrav,
N1 casino
Dear Gökhan,
We are sorry that you have had such a negative experience.
I try to explain again: Only the card holder can contact his bank regarding the repayment. This means that your wife must contact the bank to inquire about all the information.
With best regards,
N1 casino
Sehr geehrter Gökhan,
Es tut uns Leid, dass Sie solche negative Erfahrung erlebt haben.
Ich bemuehe mich noch einmal erklaeren: Nur der Inhaber der Karte darf sich an seine Bank in Bezug auf die Rückzahlung wenden. Das bedeutet, dass Ihre Frau muss die Bank kontaktieren, um nach die ganze Information zu erkundigen.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen,
N1 Casino
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Izvinite, ali ne možemo s tobom razgovarati. Povrat je moguć samo nakon što vlasnik računa za plaćanje kontaktira banku. Kompanija nije odgovorna za izgubljena sredstva deponovana sa računa trećih strana.
Srdačan pozdrav,
N1 Casino
Sorry, but we can not discuss it with you. Refund is possible only after the owner of the payment account has contacted the bank. The Company is not responsible for the lost funds deposited from third party accounts.
Best regards,
N1 Casino
Dakle, moja žena mora prvo kontaktirati banku i tražiti ih od novca? Potom ćete vratiti novac?
So my wife has to contact the bank first and ask them for the money? Then will you refund the money?
Achso meine Frau muss die Bank erstmal kontaktieren und das geld von ihnen verlangen? Dann erstatten sie das geld wieder zurück?
Još jedno pitanje za N1 Casino. Da li je proxy dovoljan? Znači punomoć banke da mogu koristiti karticu? Da li biste tada možda isplatili moj dobitak?
Another question to N1 Casino. Is a proxy sufficient? So a power of attorney from the bank that I can use the card? Would you possibly pay out my winnings then?
Eine andere Frage an N1 Casino. Reicht eine Vollmacht aus? Also eine Vollmacht von der Bank, das ich die Karte benutzen darf? Würdet ihr eventuell dann mein Gewinn ausbezahlen?
Želiš me šaliti. Vaše odredbe i uvjeti, svi ste samo šala. Moja banka kaže da moramo stupiti u kontakt sa VAMA. A vi kažete nešto drugo .. ODLIČNO!
You want to be kidding me. Your terms and conditions, all of you is just a joke. My bank says we need to get in touch with YOU. And you say something else .. GREAT!
Ihr wollt mich doch verarschen. Eure AGBs, alles von euch ist nur ein kleiner Scherz. Meine Bank sagt, das wir uns in Verbindung mit IHNEN setzen müssen. Und ihr sagt was anderes.. TOLL!
N1 Casino,
Želio bih znati zašto ti depoziti nisu vraćeni. Ne pratite svoje T & C-ove. Ponovno razmislite o vraćanju svih depozita, jer vjerujemo da igrač nije odgovoran za kontaktiranje banke ako novac nikada nije poslan.
Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, prigovor ćemo zatvoriti kao "neriješen".
N1 Casino,
I would like to know why those deposits weren't returned. You are not following your own T&Cs. Please reconsider refunding all of the deposits as we believe that it is not the player's or his wife's responsibility to contact the bank if money was never sent.
We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
To je jednostavno neverovatno. Novac se ne isplaćuje i tada položeni novac se više ne vraća. Slab vrlo slab N1!
It’s just amazing. Money is not paid out and then the money deposited is no longer refunded. Weak very weak N1!
Es ist einfach nur unglaublich. Geld nicht ausgezahlt und dann wird das eingezahlte geld auch nicht mehr zurückerstattet. Schwach sehr schwach N1!
Zdravo Gökhan,
Razgovarali smo o vašem slučaju s našim timom i s Marynom. Nažalost, banka vaše supruge odlučila je da ne surađuje i u ovom slučaju ne možemo učiniti ništa. Prvo ste prekršili kasu T&S, tako da ne možemo kazniti kazinu zbog toga i moram odbiti vašu žalbu.
Mogli smo samo pokušati da kontaktiramo kockarnicu da nađemo neko drugo rešenje, koje nažalost nije bilo moguće. Izvinjavam se, nisam mogao da pomognem. Mogu vam samo preporučiti da ubuduće izbjegavate takve situacije tako što ćete položiti isključivo vlastite kreditne kartice i slijedeći kasu T-a u kasinu.
Hello Gökhan,
We discussed your case with our team and with Maryna. Unfortunately, your wife's bank decided not to cooperate and there is nothing we can do in this case. You breached the casino's T&Cs in the first place, so we cannot punish the casino for it and I have to reject your complaint.
We could only try to contact the casino to find some other solution, which sadly wasn't possible. I apologize, I couldn't help. I can only recommend you to avoid situations like this in the future by depositing solely with your own credit card and also following the casino's T&Cs.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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