Zdravo, dragi svi!
Hvala vam, frausai89, što ste nam se obratili u vezi sa vašim poteškoćama!
Kao što vidimo iz našeg sistema, već smo pokrenuli istragu kontaktiranjem finansijskog odeljenja.
Vaša povlačenja su uspešno isplaćena (sve tri uplate su obrađene 4. marta). Pre nekoliko sati naši stručnjaci su vam poslali dokaze u PDF formatu, gde se nalaze svi detalji o vašim isplatama. Trebalo bi da kontaktirate svoju banku i navedete detalje o plaćanju za praćenje.
Ako imate bilo koje drugo pitanje, ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate.
Srdačan pozdrav,
NineCasino tim.
Hello, dear all!
Thank you, frausai89, for reaching us out regarding your difficulty!
As we see from our system we have already launched the investigation by contacting the financial department.
Your withdrawals have been successfully paid (all three payments were processed on March 4). A few hours ago our specialists sent you the proofs in PDF format, where there are all the details regarding your withdrawals. You should contact your bank and provide payment details for tracking.
If you have any other question, don't hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
NineCasino Team.
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