Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Slučaj je zatvoren : 01/08/2024
Slučaj je zatvoren
Naša presuda
Igrač je prestao odgovarati
Rezime slučaja
pre 6 meseci
The player from Mexico had his withdrawal attempts halted by account verification requests. Despite passing the first KYC phase and submitting additional documents, his account was suspended without explanation, and attempts to contact support went unanswered. The player was concerned about withdrawing his money due to poor customer service. The casino confirmed the verification process was completed and withdrawals were processed. However, the player stopped responding to further inquiries, leading us to close the complaint due to lack of cooperation.
Igraču iz Meksika su pokušaji povlačenja zaustavljeni zahtevima za verifikaciju naloga. Uprkos tome što je prošao prvu KIC fazu i podneo dodatna dokumenta, njegov nalog je suspendovan bez objašnjenja, a pokušaji da kontaktira podršku ostali su bez odgovora. Igrač je bio zabrinut zbog povlačenja svog novca zbog lošeg korisničkog servisa. Kazino je potvrdio da je proces verifikacije završen i da su isplate obrađene. Međutim, igrač je prestao da odgovara na dalja pitanja, zbog čega smo zatvorili žalbu zbog nedostatka saradnje.
Dobar dan, desilo se sledeće: kada sam pokušao da izvršim povlačenje, video sam da je potrebna verifikacija naloga, pa sam nastavio da verifikujem svoj nalog. Prošao sam prvu fazu KIC-a bez ikakvih problema. Zatim sam, prilikom traženja informacija o tome koja su dokumenta potrebna za overu drugog dela, uspešno poslala sva tražena dokumenta. Međutim, odbijeni su kada sam ponovo pokušao da kontaktiram čet. Kada sam ponovo igrao, primetio sam da status naloga kaže „nalog je suspendovan" bez ikakvog razloga. Prilikom pokušaja da stupim u kontakt putem e-pošte, nije bilo odgovora niti objašnjenja za suspenziju. Obavestio sam ih da sam spreman da pošaljem sve potrebne dokumente, ali nisam dobio odgovor. Ono što me najviše brine je podizanje novca, jer smatram da je korisnička usluga veoma loša. U prilogu je snimak ekrana poslednje stvari koje su mi rekli u ćaskanju, nakon čega je moj nalog suspendovan.
Good afternoon, what happened is the following: when I attempted to make a withdrawal, I saw that account verification was needed, so I proceeded to verify my account. I passed the first phase of the KYC without any issues. Then, when requesting information on which documents were required to verify the second part, I successfully sent all the requested documents. However, they were rejected when I tried to contact the chat again. Upon playing again, I noticed that the account status said "account suspended" without any reason given. When trying to get in touch via email, there was no response nor explanation for the suspension. I informed them that I am willing to send any necessary documents, but received no reply. What concerns me most is withdrawing my money, as I consider the customer service to be very poor. Attached is a screenshot of the last thing they told me in the chat, after which my account was suspended.
Buenas tardes lo que pasa es lo siguiente yo al intentar hacer un retiro vi que se necesitaba verificacion de la cuenta por lo que procedi a verificar, la primera fase la pase sin problemas del KYC luego al solicitar informes de que documentos necesitaba para verificar la segunda parte logre enviar todos mis documentos solicitados, los cuales me rechazaron al momento de intentar ponerme en contacto con el chat y al jugar de nuvo veo que la cuenta dice, cuenta suspendida sin ningun motivo, y al intentar ponerme en contacto via e-mail no contestan ni dan motivos de la suspension ya les envie que yo estoy dispuesto a enviar mis documentos necesarios y nada, a mi lo que me interesa es retirar mi dinero ya que se me hace una pesima atencion al cliente, adjunto foto de lo ultimo que me dijeron el el chat y despues de eso me sale cuenta suspendida
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli ovu žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih se uverio da potpuno razumem vašu situaciju.
Da li ste od kazina dobili neko objašnjenje zašto su vaša dokumenta odbijena? Možete li da navedete koji od vaših dokumenata je odbijen tokom KIC procedure?
Da li je vaš nalog suspendovan samo privremeno, dok ne dostavite odgovarajuća dokumenta za verifikaciju, ili je trajno zatvoren?
Kada je tačno vaš nalog suspendovan?
Kada ste poslednji put komunicirali sa korisničkom podrškom i o čemu se radi?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear fernandobrice,
Thank you very much for submitting this complaint. I'm sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions to make sure I understand your situation completely.
Have you received any explanation from the casino for why your documents were rejected? Could you please specify which of your documents have been rejected during the KYC procedure?
Is your account suspended only temporarily, until you provide suitable documents for verification, or has it been closed permanently?
When exactly was your account suspended?
When was the last time you communicated with customer support and what was it about?
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Dobar dan, nisam dobio informaciju zašto odbijaju moja dokumenta i kako ne navode šta im treba, šaljem im mejl a oni ne odgovaraju.
Poslednje što su mi poslali je danas 07-11-24 rekavši mi da je moj nalog suspendovan dok se ne verifikuje, ali još uvek ne odobravaju moja dokumenta, ja ih postavim na stranicu i ona ih odbija i već sam im rekao da li mogu da ih provere putem e-pošte šta im treba, a ja ne dobijam odgovor.
Nalog je suspendovan onog dana kada sam pitao za ćaskanje gde su dokumenti postavljeni, tada sam poslednji put komunicirao i putem mejla, ali mi šalju samo generičke poruke, ne odgovaraju na ono što mi treba.
Dan kada je nalog suspendovan bio je 07-09-24, prilažem slike poslednje e-pošte koju su mi poslali, kao i poslednji put kada sam razgovarao sa savetnikom za ćaskanje i suspendovali su me, što je, koliko sada razumem, samo stvar da me verifikuju kako bi se nalog mogao ponovo otvoriti, ali ne podržavaju verifikaciju.
Hvala vam puno unapred.
Good afternoon, I have not received information as to why they are rejecting my documents and just as they do not specify what they need, I send them an email and they do not respond.
The last thing they sent me was today on 07-11-24 telling me that my account was suspended until it is verified but they still do not approve my documents, I upload them to the page and it rejects them and I already told them if they can check them via email what they need and I don't receive a response.
The account was suspended the day I asked about the chat where the documents were uploaded, that was the last time I communicated, and via email but they only send me generic messages, they do not respond to what I need.
The day the account was suspended was 07-09-24, I attach images of the last email they sent me as well as the last time I spoke with a chat advisor and they suspended me, which from what I understand now is only a matter of verifying me so that the account can be reopened but they do not support verification.
Thank you very much in advance.
Buenas tardes, no e recibido información de porque estan rechazando mis documenos y al igual que no me especifican que necesitan, les envío correo y no contestan.
lo ultimo que me mandaron fue el dia de hoy el 11-07-24 diciendome que mi cuenta fue suspendida hasta que quede verificada pero lo mismo no me aprueban mis documentos los subo a la pagina y los rechaza y ya les dije si los pueden checar via correoo que necesitan y nada no recibo respuesta.
La cuenta fue suspendida el dia que pregunte por el chat donde se subian los documentos esa fue la ultima vez que me comunique, yvia correo pero solo me mandan mensajes genericos no me responden a lo que necesito.
El dia que se suspendio la cuenta fue el 09-07-24, adjunto imagenes del ultimo correo que me enviaron asi como la ultima vez que hable con un asesor del chat y me susendieron, que por lo que entiendo ahora solo es cuestion de verificarme para que se pueda reabrir la cuenta pero pues no apoyan con la verificación.
Hvala vam puno, fernandobrice, što ste dali sve potrebne informacije. Vašu žalbu ću sada preneti koleginici Katarini ( ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, fernandobrice, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Katarina ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Produžavamo tajmer za 7 dana. Molim vas da znate da ukoliko ne odgovorite u zadato vreme ili ne pružite asistenciju, mi ćemo da odbijemo prigovor.
Dear fernandobrice,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Nažalost, primorani smo da odbijemo ovaj slučaj jer je Fernandobrice prestala da odgovara na naše poruke i pitanja. Bez fernandobrice saradnje, nismo u mogućnosti da nastavimo sa istragom niti predložimo moguća rešenja.
Igrač može ponovo da otvori ovu žalbu u bilo kom trenutku.
Dear all,
Unfortunately, we’re forced to reject this case because fernandobrice has stopped responding to our messages and questions. Without fernandobrice cooperation, we’re not able to proceed with the investigation or suggest possible solutions.
The player can reopen this complaint anytime.
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