1: Da li je ovo prvi put da pokušavate da u potpunosti verifikujete svoj nalog?
23. januar 2024
2: Možete li da nam kažete da li je bilo koji od dokumenata koje ste poslali kazinu u januaru odobren?
Ne znam jer nikada nisam dobio nikakve odgovore ili ažuriranja o ovom pitanju
3: Možete li navesti koje ste dokumente već dostavili i kada ste tačno poslali poslednji? Da li ste dostavili svu traženu dokumentaciju u najkraćem mogućem roku iu ispravnom formatu?
SumSub program za verifikaciju NineBet naloga tražio je od mene ličnu kartu + verifikaciju održivosti
( skeniranje lica u realnom vremenu)
23. januar sam poslao i dokumente mejlom: lična karta + vozačka dozvola + selfi sa ličnom kartom i selfi sa vozačkom dozvolom.
nisu tražili nikakva druga dokumenta
3: Kada ste poslednji put komunicirali sa korisničkom podrškom?
6. februara sam razgovarao na live chat-u i dobio odgovor da su tek pročitali mejl jer se poruke od igrača ne čitaju uvek zbog velikog broja poruka.
Čini mi se da problem može biti u KIC aplikaciji, programu SumSub, za koji je poznato da ima mnogo loših recenzija zbog grešaka u verifikaciji,
ali čini mi se da je kazino imao dosta vremena da reši problem, napisao sam e-mail i priložio dokumente 24. januara, i pisao sam o tome nekoliko puta u ćaskanju ali nikada nisam dobio nikakvu vrednu informaciju, odgovori podrške u ćaskanju uživo nemaju nikakvog smisla, jer je jedini odgovor: sačekajte ažuriranje .
Uveravam vas da ću obezbediti svu traženu dokumentaciju, ali u ovom trenutku izgleda nemoguće bez saradnje kazina.
1: Is this the first time you're trying to fully verify your account?
23 January 2024
2: Could you please advise if any of the documents you sent to the casino in January have been approved?
I don't know because I never received any replies or updates on this matter
3: Could you kindly specify which documents you have already provided and when exactly did you send the last one? Have you provided all the required documents as soon as possible and in the correct format?
SumSub program for verifying the NineBet account asked me for an id card + viability verification
( real-time face scanning)
23 January I also sent the documents by e-mail: id card + driver license + selfie with id card and selfie with driver license.
they did not ask for any other documents
3: When was the last time you communicated with customer support?
On February 6, I spoke on live chat and received a reply that they had only just read the e-mail because messages from the player are not always read due to the large number of messages.
It seems to me that the problem may lie with the KYC application, the SumSub program, which is known to have many bad reviews due to verification errors,
but it seems to me that the casino had a lot of time to solve the problem, I wrote an e-mail and attached the documents on January 24, and I wrote about it several times in the chat but I never received any valuable information, the support responses in the live chat do not make any sense, because the only the answer is: wait for the update.
I can assure that I will provide all the required documents, but at the moment it seems impossible without the cooperation of the casino.
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