Zdravo soukennbiz,
Možete ih kontaktirati ovde i opisati situaciju koja se dogodila. Možda će im trebati neko vreme da odgovore, ali oni imaju veći autoritet nad kazinom kao i mi: https://vvv.gaming-curacao.com/#section-contact
Molimo kontaktirajte me na nikolas.b@casino.guru u slučaju da vam nadležni organ odgovori ili vam da bilo kakvo rešenje, ali u međuvremenu, bićemo primorani da zatvorimo žalbu do tada.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello soukennbiz,
You can contact them here and describe the situation occurred. It might take a while for them to respond but they have higher authority over the casino as we do: https://www.gaming-curacao.com/#section-contact
Please contact me on nikolas.b@casino.guru in case the authority will respond to you or give you any solution but meanwhile, we will be forced to close the complaint until then.
Best regards,
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