Dragi svi,
Hvala vam što ste nam se obratili.
Imali smo priliku da pregledamo Stipićev račun i želimo da podijelimo sa vama naše nalaze:
Nalog igrača je kreiran 13. maja 2018.
Sigurni smo da je Stipić imao dovoljno vremena da se upozna sa Uvjetima poslovanja.
Stipić je 9. decembra 2021. godine uplatio depozit u iznosu od 50 eura.
Kasnije je igrao i predao isplatu u iznosu od 1400 eura.
Stipić je kontaktiran više puta putem e-pošte i telefona, obavještavajući ga o maksimalnom iznosu koji mu je dozvoljen za povlačenje, prema našim Uvjetima i odredbama:
"9. Maksimalni dobici i isplate
9.1. Ako akumulirani iznos depozita igrača ne prelazi 200 €, igrači će imati pravo samo do X10 posljednjeg depozita. Ova maksimalna isplata će se primjenjivati iu slučajevima kada je igrač napravio dodatne depozite za koje se smatra da su izvršeni prema vlastitom nahođenju kazina kako bi se premašio iznos depozita od 200 €."
Dakle, u Stipićevom slučaju, on ima pravo na isplatu x10 svog depozita, što ga čini ukupno 500 eura, a svaki iznos iznad maksimalnog isplate će biti uklonjen.
Što se tiče Andrejeve perspektive, želimo da vas podsetimo da verujemo da su pravila maksimalnog isplate razumna i nisu nimalo grabežljiva, kao što navodite.
Kada govorimo o igračima koji nisu dostigli ukupan depozit od 200 eura, primanje deset puta više od onoga što je pojedinac uložio je pošten i odgovarajući iznos.
Ipak, želimo da mislimo da potencijalni kupci mogu doneti informisanu odluku o tome da li kazino, kao celina, nudi proizvod koji ispunjava njihove specifične zahteve.
Isključiva je odgovornost igrača i obavezan korak, da pročita T&C prije kreiranja računa, i stoga se moramo složiti da se onaj ko se voljno odluči da se prijavi na stranicu kazina, obavezuje na pravila koja su navedena u odredbe i uslovi kazina.
Nadamo se da je ovo jasno.
Srdačni pozdravi,
OrientXpress Casino
Dear All,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
We had the opportunity to review Stipic’s account and we would like to share with you our findings:
The player's account was created on the 13th of May, 2018.
We are sure that Stipic had enough time to get himself familiarized with the Terms & Conditions.
Stipic made a deposit on the 9th of December, 2021 with the amount of 50 Euros.
Later he played and submitted a withdrawal with the amount of 1400 Euros.
Stipic has been contacted numerous times via email and phone, informing him about the maximum amount allowed for him to withdraw, according to our Terms and Conditions:
"9. Maximum Winnings and Payouts
9.1. If a player's accumulated deposit amount does not exceed €200, players will be entitled only up to X10 last deposit. This maximum payout will be enforced also in cases where the player made additional deposits which were deemed at the sole discretion of the Casino to have been made in order to exceed the €200 accumulated deposit amount."
Therefore in Stipic’s case, he is entitled to cashout x10 of his deposit, which makes it a total of 500 Euros, and any amount over the maximum cashout will be removed.
Regarding Andrej's perspective, we'd like to remind you that we believe the maximum cashout rules are reasonable and not at all predatory, as you allege.
When we're talking about players who haven't reached a total deposit of 200 Euros, receiving ten times what the individual has put in is a fair and appropriate amount.
Nevertheless, we'd like to think that potential customers can make an informed decision about whether a casino, as a whole, offers a product that meets their specific requirements.
It is the player's sole responsibility and a mandatory step, to read the T&C before the creation of the account, and thus we must agree that whoever chooses willingly to sign up to the casino site, is obligating himself to the rules that are mentioned in the casino's terms and conditions.
We hope this is clear.
Kind regards,
OrientXpress Casino
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