Pozdrav! Molim vas da pomognete u rješavanju spora koji je nastao između mene i Parimatch kazina. 100% sam uvjeren da su radnje kazina da zadrži moja sredstva od 2422,0$ bile nezakonite.
O svemu po redu.
Dana 22. decembra, stručnjak za ćaskanje je izvijestio:
"Da biste uspješno povukli sredstva sa vašeg računa za igre, morate proći proceduru verifikacije. Da biste to učinili, dostavite sljedeće dokumente u pismu na support@parimatch.com:
Fotografija vašeg pasoša u boji.
Fotografija sa otvorenim pasošem u ruci. Potrebno je da se slikate držeći pasoš (pasoš mora biti važeći, otvorene 1 (2/3 stranice - ako je nova fotografija na njima) stranica) ispred sebe na način da se vaše lice i fotografija nalaze u pasoš se jasno vidi.
Dana 25. decembra ispunio sam uslove kazina slanjem potrebnih dokumenata.
Sljedećeg dana dobio sam poruku iz kazina sljedećeg sadržaja: "Za verifikaciju, postavite drugu fotografiju sa pasošem u rukama u najboljem kvalitetu, a takođe dodajte fotografiju samog dokumenta na stranicu 1." Sve sam poslao isti dan.
Kazino je 29. decembra izvijestio: „Za naknadnu verifikaciju aktivnosti igara, navedite fotografiju računa za komunalne usluge u odgovoru e-pošte."
Poslije novogodišnjih praznika - 09. januara, poslao sam račun za struju kazinu na provjeru.
28. januara primio sam pismo iz kazina sljedećeg sadržaja: „Nažalost, vaš račun za igru nije prošao proceduru verifikacije. Takođe, sredstva su terećena sa vašeg računa za igre u skladu sa klauzulama. 80,4 kompanije…". a kazino je otpisao 2,422 dolara.
Odlučio sam da je došlo do greške i poslao sam poruku kazinu 31. januara.
Kasnije, 01. februara, poslao sam pismo kazinu sa molbom da mi navedem za šta me tačno optužujete, pošto klauzula 80.4 pravila navodi 7 prekršaja. I tražio je od mene da dokažem svoju krivicu.
Izjavljujem da nisam počinio nijedan od prekršaja iz stava 80.4. Dokumenti poslani na verifikaciju u kazinu su stvarni.
Kazino nije želio ništa komentirati i objavio je konačnost svoje odluke.
Koliko ja znam, optužbe kazina nemaju pravne posljedice bez davanja dokaza o mojoj krivici.
Spreman sam da pomognem u rješavanju nastalog spora, a spreman sam i dostaviti sve dokumente koji potvrđuju istinitost mojih riječi.
Molimo vas da riješite spor i pomozite mi da vratim svojih 2422 dolara.
Greetings! I ask you to help resolve the dispute that has arisen between me and the Parimatch casino. I am 100% convinced that the actions of the casino to withhold my funds of $2422.0 were illegal.
About everything in order.
On December 22, a chat specialist reported:
"In order to successfully withdraw funds from your gaming account, you need to go through the verification procedure. To do this, please provide the following documents in a letter to support@parimatch.com:
A color photograph of your passport.
A photograph with an open passport in hand. It is necessary to take a picture holding your passport (passport must be valid, open 1 (2/3 pages - if there is a new photo on them) pages) in front of you in such a way that your face and photo in the passport can be clearly seen.
On December 25, I fulfilled the requirements of the casino by sending the necessary documents.
The next day I received a message from the casino with the following content: "For verification, please upload a second photo with a passport in your hands in the best quality, and also add a photo of the document itself on page 1." I sent everything the same day.
On December 29, the casino reported: "For the subsequent verification of gaming activity, please provide a photo of the utility bill in the response email."
After the New Year holidays - on January 09, I sent an electricity bill to the casino for verification.
On January 28, I received a letter from the casino with the following content: "Unfortunately, your gaming account has not passed the verification procedure. Also, funds were debited from your gaming account in accordance with clauses. 80.4 companies…". and the casino wrote off $2,422.
I decided that there was an error and sent a message to the casino on January 31st.
Later, on February 01, I sent a letter to the casino with a request to indicate what exactly you are accusing me of, since clause 80.4 of the rules lists 7 offenses. And he asked me to provide evidence of my guilt.
I declare that I have not committed any of the offenses referred to in paragraph 80.4. The documents sent for verification at the casino are real.
The casino did not want to comment on anything and announced the finality of its decision.
As far as I know, the accusations of the casino do not carry legal consequences without providing evidence of my guilt.
I am ready to assist in resolving the dispute that has arisen, and I am also ready to provide any documents confirming the veracity of my words.
Please resolve the dispute and help me get my $2422 back.
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