Treba mi pomoć oko mog depozita u paritch kazinu.
Dana 5. jula 2023. napravio sam Btc depozit od 0,01262987 što je ekvivalentno INR 33787,63. Takođe sam platio naknadu od 0,0005 Btc sa svog kraja. Moj Btc novčanik je pokazao da će primalac dobiti 33787,63 INR naknade nakon obrade.
Parimatch iznos koji je kreditiran na moj račun bio je 31429,51 INR, što je manje od 2358 INR od stvarnog iznosa depozita koji sam deponovao iz svog Btc novčanika.
Pokušavam da ovo rešim parimatčem poslednje tri nedelje.
Poslao sam im sve dokaze koje imam u vezi sa tom transakcijom, sve snimke ekrana transekcije mog Btc novčanika.
Takođe sam poslao Hash ID transakcije nakon što sam ga dobio od svog provajdera Btc novčanika.
Međutim, oni me samo stalno iznova pitaju iste informacije.
Ne žele da kreditiraju moj nedostajući iznos depozita, samo gube moje vreme.
Dao sam im sve dokaze koje imam. Ne bi trebalo da im bude teško da samo izbroje brojke i otkriju neslaganje.
Gube moje vreme od 5. jula 2023. tražeći iste informacije koje sam im dao milion puta.
Ljubazno pomozite da povratim moj nedostajući depozit, hvala.
Ne mogu da otpremim priloge postoji greška svaki put kada pokušam da otpremim priloge. Mogu vam ih poslati na vašu e-poštu ako je to u redu.
Hvala ti
Rocki ****
I need some help regarding my deposit at parimatch casino.
On July 5 2023 I made a Btc deposit 0.01262987 that's equivalent INR 33787.63.I aslo paid a fee of Btc 0.0005 from my end.My Btc wallet showed recipient will get INR 33787.63 after the processing fee deduction.
The amount parimatch credited to my account was INR 31429.51 that's less INR 2358 from my actual deposit amount that I deposited from my Btc wallet.
I have been trying to get this resolved with parimatch for the last three weeks.
I have sent them all the proofs that I have regarding that transaction everything screenshots of the transection my Btc wallet information.
I aslo sent Hash ID of the transaction after I obtained it from my Btc wallet provider.
However they just keep asking me the same information over and over again.
They don't want to credit my missing deposit amount, they are just wasting my time.
I gave them all the proofs I have.It should not be difficult for them to just tally the Figures and find out the descrepency.
They have been wasting my time since July 5 2023 asking for same information that I have provided them million times already.
Kindly help to recover my missing deposit thank you.
I am not able to upload attachments there's an error everytime I try to upload attachments.I can send them to you at your email if that's Okay.
Thanks you
Rocky ****
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