NaslovnaPritužbeParimatch Casino PE - Povlačenje igrača se stalno odbija.
Parimatch Casino PE - Povlačenje igrača se stalno odbija.
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Parimatch Casino PE
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Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Parimatch Casino PE ima Indeks sigurnosti od 4,6, što znači da neki faktori pokazuju da ima nizak nivo sigurnosti. Istraž Indeks sigurnosti ovog kazina
Rešeno : 26/12/2023
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Predmet je zatvoren
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pre 1 godinu
The player from Peru had been experiencing withdrawal issues with the casino. Despite having three separate withdrawal requests and fully verifying the account, only two were processed. Around 2066.02 PEN was in dispute, and all withdrawal attempts were being denied without any clear resolution timeline. Upon contacting the casino, they claimed that all three withdrawals had been processed, causing confusion. The player insisted one withdrawal of 400 PEN was still missing and requested proof of transfer from the casino. After a prolonged discussion and the player providing their bank statement, the casino manually topped up the player's balance with the missing 400 PEN. The player confirmed the resolution of the issue and the complaint was closed as resolved.
Igrač iz Perua je imao problema sa povlačenjem novca iz kazina. Uprkos tome što smo imali tri odvojena zahteva za povlačenje i potpunu verifikaciju računa, samo dva su obrađena. Oko 2066.02 PEN je bio u sporu, a svi pokušaji povlačenja su odbijeni bez jasnog vremenskog okvira za rešavanje. Kada su kontaktirali kazino, oni su tvrdili da su sva tri povlačenja obrađena, što je izazvalo zabunu. Igrač je insistirao da još uvek nedostaje jedno podizanje od 400 PEN-a i tražio je dokaz o transferu od kazina. Nakon duže diskusije i kada je igrač dao izvod iz banke, kazino je ručno dopunio saldo igrača sa nedostajućih 400 PEN-a. Igrač je potvrdio rešenje problema i žalba je zatvorena kao rešena.
Pokrenuo sam povlačenje 28. oktobra 2023. godine, dajući 3 odvojena zahteva za povlačenje 28. oktobra, 31. oktobra i 1. novembra od po 400 PEN-a. Međutim, samo dva povlačenja su obrađena i završena. Pokrenuo sam ovo pitanje putem e-pošte, ali sam obavešten da postoje interni problemi sa kojima se oni bave. Zatim, nakon zahteva za novo povlačenje 2. novembra, moji zahtevi za povlačenje su odbijeni, a svaki naredni zahtev je odbijen. Ne dozvoljavaju mi da podignem novac, iako sam u potpunosti verifikovao svoj račun. Ne mogu da verujem da bi se tako ponašali prema meni. Trenutno sam u sporu oko 2066,02 PEN jer mi ne dozvoljavaju da izvršim bilo kakvo povlačenje. Imam sve dokaze u vidu mejlova i odgovora banke da isplate koje tražim nisu stigle.
Nikad nisam mislio da mogu ovako da se povredim. Nastavljaju me nizati, govoreći mi da ne znaju kada se ovo pitanje može rešiti. Problem može da traje jednu, možda dve godine, a oni će možda nastaviti da drže moj novac, nikada mi ne dozvoljavajući da se povučem. Ovo je krajnje okrutno. Verovao sam im i oni mi nanose štetu. Provodim svaki dan razmišljajući kako ću podići novac koji sam položio i osvojio u nagradama. Nisam učestvovao ni u kakvim bonusima.
Molim vas pomozite mi, ne daju mi ništa da povučem, a opet stalno govore da ne znaju kada će rešiti moj problem. Čini se da Parimatchov tim za podršku ne misli na moj ili najbolji interes moje porodice.
Molim treba mi tvoja pomoć. Pokušavaju da zadrže moj novac, što nije fer. Verovao sam im i sada me ismevaju. Molim vas, potrebna mi je vaša pomoć, potrebna mi je pomoć.
Parimatchova podrška mi se ruga. Stalno govore da imaju problema i izgleda da žele da zadrže moj novac. Ovo nije u redu.
Šaljem mejlove redovno, ali ne pomažu. Imam ove probleme od 28. oktobra. Poslušam njihove zahtjeve i čekam, samo da se problem nastavi. Ne mogu da podignem ni jedan peni.
I initiated a withdrawal on the 28th of October, 2023, making 3 separate withdrawal requests on the 28th of October, 31st of October, and 1st of November of 400 PEN each. However, only two withdrawals were processed and completed. I raised this issue through email, but was informed that there were internal issues that they were dealing with. Then upon requesting a new withdrawal on the 2nd of November, my withdrawal requests were rejected, and any subsequent request has been denied. They don't allow me to withdraw my money, even though I have verified my account in full. I can't believe that they would treat me like this. I'm currently in dispute over 2066.02 PEN because they won't let me make any withdrawals. I have all the evidence in the form of emails and the bank's response stating that the withdrawals I'm claiming have not arrived.
I never thought I could get hurt like this. They continue to string me along, telling me that they don't know when this issue can be resolved. The problem can go on for one, maybe two years, and they may continue to hold onto my money, never allowing me to withdraw. This is utterly cruel. I trusted them and they're causing me harm. I spend every day contemplating how I'm going to withdraw the money I deposited and won in game prizes. I haven't participated in any bonuses.
Please help me, they're not letting me withdraw anything, and yet they keep on saying they do not know when they are going to resolve my issue. Parimatch's support team doesn't appear to have my or my family's best interest in mind.
Please, I need your help. They're attempting to keep my money, which isn't fair. I trusted them and now they're making a mockery of me. Please, I need your help, I need assistance.
Parimatch's Support is mocking me. They keep saying they have problems, and they seem to want to keep my money. This isn't right.
I send emails on a regular basis but they're not helping. I've been having these issues since the 28th of October. I heed their requests and wait, only for the issue to persist. I can't withdraw a single penny.
He realizado retiro desde el 28 de octubre del 2023, solicite 3 retiros el 28 de octubre, 31 de octubre y 01 de noviembre de 400 PEN cada uno, solo me llegaron dos retiros, reclame por correo pero me informaron que tienen problemas internos, luego al solicitar un nuevo retiro el 02 de noviembre me rechazan los retiros, y todos los retiros que solicito me lo siguen rechazando. No me dejan retirar mi dinero, ya tengo mi cuenta verificada y todo. No puedo creer que puedan hacerme ese daño. tengo 2066.02 PEN en disputa porque no me permiten retirar. tengo toda la evidencia de los correos y la respuesta del banco que no llegan los retiros que estoy reclamando.
No pense que podian hacerme tanto daño, hasta ahora me siguen paseando diciendome que no tienen un tiempo que se pueda solucionar, puede pasar un año dos años y ellos pueden seguir con mi dinero y nunca dejarme retirar. Son muy crueles. Yo confié en ellos y me hacen daño, todos los días ando pensando como poder retirar mi dinero que ingresé y gané en premios de juegos. No juego ningun bono.
Ayudenme por favor no me dejan retirar nada, y continuamente dicen que no saben cuando van a solucionar mi problema el equipo de Soporte Parimatch, no piensan ellos en mi ni en mi familia.
Ayudenme por favor, estan intentando quedarse con mi dinero, no es justo, yo confié en ellos y se estan burlando de mí, ayudenme por favor ayudenme.
Soporte PARIMATCH se esta burlando de mí, siempre me dicen que tienen problemas, y quieren quedarse con mi dinero, no es justo.
Envío correos recurrentemente pero no me ayudan, estoy con problemas desde el 28 de octubre, les hago caso y espero y luego siguen con el problema, no puedo retirar ni un centavo.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli ovu žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo sa Parimatch Casino PE. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih se uverio da potpuno razumem vašu situaciju.
Da li sam dobro razumeo da ste primili svoja prva dva povlačenja?
Da li ste koristili isti način plaćanja za obradu sva tri zahteva za povlačenje?
Možete li da navedete da li ste dobili bilo kakvo objašnjenje od korisničke podrške zašto se vaše povlačenje stalno otkazuje? Da li ste pokušali da koristite drugi način plaćanja?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear olustrep23,
Thank you very much for submitting this complaint. I'm sorry to hear about your negative experience with Parimatch Casino PE. Please allow me to ask you a few questions to make sure I understand your situation completely.
Do I understand correctly that you received your first two withdrawals?
Have you used the same payment method to process all three of your withdrawal requests?
Could you please specify if you received any explanation from customer support as to why your withdrawal keeps getting canceled? Have you tried using another payment method?
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Dobro jutro, dobio sam dva isplate od 3 isplate tražena na mom paritch nalogu, koje sam tražio između 28. oktobra i 1. novembra, delim slike da su 3 isplate obrađene na mom paritch računu, ali su samo dva isplate stigla u banku, Banka podelio sa mnom dokaz da je dobio samo dva, žutim podvlačim bankovni dokument gde sam dobio dva kredita od 400 PEN. Stalno sam se žalio putem e-pošte na i i jedino mi kažu da imaju problema sa procesorom plaćanja, kako je moguće da će već doći do meseca i da imaju problema samo sa mnom, a ne sa ostalim klijentima?
Za 3 zahteva korišćen je isti metod povlačenja sa mog bankovnog računa sa kojim sam deponovao na svoj paritch račun, brzo primaju moj novac, ali mi ne dozvoljavaju da povučem. Molim vas pomozite mi, ovo je veoma frustrirajuće.
Stalno mi govore u svojim imejlovima da imaju interne probleme, sa procesorom plaćanja ili da posećuju specijaliste od početka novembra. Kako je moguće da je problem samo kod mene i do danas imam mejlove u kojima mi stalno govore da imaju problema i da ih pregleda njihov specijalista i nemaju definisano vreme.
Pokušao sam da izvršim isplatu sa Astropai-om, što je takođe bio metod kojim sam deponovao novac na svoj PARIMATCH račun, isplata se i dalje odbija, sada i vaš PARIMATCH Astropai ima problema? Pomozi mi molim te
E-mailom sam ih pitao za vreme čekanja i oni mi kažu da nemaju definisano vreme do danas i recite mi da imaju problema i da ni ja ne mogu da izvršim novo povlačenje jer oni to odbijaju. Ako mi kažu da vreme nije definisano da mi pomogne, moglo bi da traje mesecima, pa i godinama. Pošto sam i ja deponovao preko Astropeja, a ni meni ne daju da podignem novac preko Astropeja, ne žele da podignem ni centa, verovao sam im. Ali mi ne daju nikakvo alternativno rešenje.
Kada želim da napravim novo povlačenje, stalno me odbijaju. Voleo bih da nikad nisam sreo PARIMATCH, prave veliku štetu jer lažu, a ne dozvoljavaju isplate. Mogu da podelim mejlove ako je potrebno.
Samo mi pomozite, hvala
Good morning, I received two withdrawals of 3 withdrawals requested in my parimatch account, which I requested between October 28 and November 1, I share images that 3 withdrawals were processed in my parimatch account, but only two withdrawals arrived at the bank, The bank shared evidence with me that it received only two, I underline in yellow the bank document where I received two credits of 400 PEN. I have been constantly complaining by email to and and the only thing they tell me is that they have problems with their payment processor, how is it possible that it is already going to reach the month and that they only have problems with me, and not with the other clients?
For the 3 requests, the same withdrawal method was used with my bank account with which I deposited to my parimatch account, they are fast to receive my money but they are not letting me withdraw. Please help me, this is very frustrating.
They keep telling me in their emails that they have internal problems, with their payment processor or that they have been seeing a specialist since the beginning of November. How is it possible that the problem is only with me and to this day I have emails they keep telling me that they have problems and their specialist is seeing them and they do not have a defined time.
I tried making the withdrawal with Astropay, which was also a method by which I deposited money into my PARIMATCH account, the withdrawal continues to be rejected, now your PARIMATCH Astropay also has problems? Help me please
By email I have asked them about the waiting time and they tell me that they do not have a defined time, to this day and tell me that they have problems and that I cannot make a new withdrawal either because They are rejecting it. If they tell me that the time is not defined to help me, it could last months, even years. Because I also deposited through Astropay, and they don't let me withdraw money through Astropay either, they don't want me to withdraw a single cent, I trusted them. But they don't give me any alternative solution.
When I want to make a new withdrawal they keep rejecting me. I wish I had never met PARIMATCH, they do a lot of damage because they lie, and they don't allow withdrawals. I can share the emails if necessary.
Just help me please, thank you
Buenos dias, recibí dos retiros de 3 retiros solicitados en mi cuenta parimatch, que solicit´é entre el 28 de octubre y 01 de noviembre, comparto imagenes que en mi cuenta parimatch se procesaron 3 retiros, pero en el banco solo llegó dos retiros, el banco me compartió evidencia de que recibió solo dos, subrayo en amarillo el documento del banco donde recibí dos abonos de 400 PEN. He estado reclamando constantemente por correo a y y lo único que me dicen es que tienen problemas con su procesador de pagos, como es posible que ya se va a llegar al mes y que tengan problemas solo conmigo, y no con los demas clientes?.
Para las 3 solicitudes se usó el mismo método de retiro con mi cuenta de banco con el cual deposité a mi cuenta parimatch, ellos para recibir mi dinero son rápidos pero no me están dejando retirar. Por favor ayudenme, esto es muy frustrante.
Ellos en sus correos me siguen diciendo que tienen problemas internos, con su procesador de pago o están viendo con algún especialista desde inicios de noviembre. como es posible que el problema solo sea conmigo y hasta el día de hoy tengo correos me siguen diciendo que tienen problemas y lo está viendo su especialista y no tienen un tiempo definido.
Probé realizar el retiro con Astropay que tambien fue un método por el cual ingresé dinero a mi cuenta PARIMATCH, el retiro lo siguen rechazando, ahora su Astropay de PARIMATCH también tiene problemas?. Ayudenme por favor
Por correo les he preguntado el tiempo de espera y me dicen que no tienen un tiempo definido, ellos hasta el día de hoy y me dicen que tienen problemas y que tampoco puedo realizar un nuevo retiro porque lo están rechazando. Si ellos me dicen que el tiempo no esta definido para ayudarme puede durar meses, hasta años. Porqué ademas yo deposité por astropay tambien, y tampoco me dejan retirar dinero por Astropay, no quieren que saque ni un centavo, yo confié en ellos. Pero no me dan ninguna alternativa de solución.
Cuando quiero realizar nuevo retiro siguen rechazandome. Quisiera no haber conocido a PARIMATCH, hacen mucho daño porque mienten, y no dejan retirar. Puedo compartir los correos si en caso es necesario.
Hvala vam puno, olustrep23, što ste dali sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu koleginici Nataliji ( ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, olustrep23, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Natalia ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Pregledao sam vaš slučaj i žao mi je što ste naišli na takav problem sa povlačenjem sredstava. Daću sve od sebe da vam pomognem u vezi sa problemom tako što ću kontaktirati kazino i videćemo šta se može učiniti kada odgovore.
Poštovani Parimatch Casino PE, zamolio bih vas da se pridružite ovom razgovoru i podelite više informacija u vezi sa slučajem. Možete li da navedete razloge zašto treći zahtev za povlačenje igrača još nije primljen? Da li ste već obradili ovu uplatu?
Nadam se da možete pomoći u ovom pitanju. Ako imate bilo kakav dokaz, pošaljite ga na moju adresu e-pošte .
Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi olustrep23,
I've reviewed your case and am sorry that you came across such a problem with the withdrawal of your funds. I'll try my best to help you with the issue by contacting the casino and we'll see what can be done when they reply.
Dear Parimatch Casino PE, I'd like to ask you to join this conversation and share more information regarding the case. Can you please provide any reasons why the player's third withdrawal request hasn't been received yet? Have you already processed this payment?
I hope that you can assist in this matter. If you have any supporting evidence, please send it to my email address
Voleli bi da zamolimo kazino da odgovori na ovu pritužbu. Produžujemo timer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u predviđenom roku, prigovo ćemo zatvoriti kao "nerešen", što može negativno uticati na rejting kazina.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Zdravo olustrep23, uspeli smo da kontaktiramo predstavnika kazina i oni će razmotriti vaš problem. Žao mi je što je kasnilo, ali nadamo se da ćemo dobiti više informacija što je pre moguće.
Hi olustrep23, we managed to contact the casino representative, and they will look into your issue. I'm sorry it was delayed, but hopefully, we'll get more information as soon as possible.
Poštovani olustrep23, prema rečima predstavnika kazina, vaš poslednji zahtev za povlačenje je obrađen 01.12.2023, da li biste mogli da navedete da li ste već primili novac?
Dear olustrep23, according to the casino representative, your last withdrawal request was processed on 01.12.2023, would you please specify if you have already received the money?
Dobar dan Natalija. Delim detalje o slučaju 2066 PEN koji tražim, 400 PEN odgovara isplati na čekanju za 3 isplate koja sam napravio, a samo dva su plaćena. Na vrhu sam podelio detalj gde sam podelio 3 slike podizanja 400 PEN sa paritch-a i u moju banku su stigla samo dva podizanja od 400 PEN (podelio sam sliku banke) i banka me je obavestila da sa parimatch-a nisu poslali treći depozit od 400 PEN... posle svega ovoga su mi zadali toliko problema da podignem, ali cenim pomoć kazina i dozvolili su mi da podignem otprilike 1666 preko astropai-a.
Ono što je na čekanju je 400PEN od jednog od 3 povlačenja koja nisu stigla i podelio sam detalje. Mogu ponovo da podelim detalje ako je moguće. Zamolio sam svoj PARIMATCH kazino da podeli dokaze o 3 depozita koje su dali mojoj banci kako bih mogao da odem u banku da se žalim sa tim informacijama. Ali parimatch je odbio da podeli dokaze sa mnom. Parimatch trenutno drži 400 PEN mojih nagrada i prošlo je više od mesec dana otkako sam im pisao e-poštom, a oni mi ne pomažu.
Molim vas pomozite mi, mogu da podelim više detalja ako je potrebno. Imam mejlove i dokaze. Ako parimatch može da podeli dokaz o 3 depozita od 400 PEN mojoj banci, to bi mi mnogo pomoglo, ali PARIMATCH nije napravio 3 depozita, već je napravio samo 2 depozita.
Molim vašu pomoć
Good afternoon Natalia. I share details of the case of the 2066 PEN that I am claiming, 400 PEN corresponds to the pending payment of the 3 withdrawals I made and only two were paid. At the top I shared the detail where I shared 3 images of withdrawal of 400 PEN from parimatch and in my bank only two withdrawals of 400 PEN arrived (I shared image of the bank) and the bank informed me that from parimatch they did not send a third deposit of 400 PEN... after all this they gave me so many problems to withdraw, but I appreciate the help of the casino and they allowed me to withdraw approximately 1666 through astropay.
What is pending is the 400PEN from one of the 3 withdrawals that did not arrive and I shared the details. I can share the detail again if possible. I have asked my PARIMATCH casino to share evidence of the 3 deposits they made to my bank so that I can go to the bank to complain with that information. But parimatch has refused to share evidence with me. Parimatch is currently keeping 400PEN of my prizes and it's been more than a month since I wrote to them by email and they don't help me.
Please help me I can share more detail if necessary. I have the emails and the evidence. If parimatch can share the evidence of the 3 deposits of 400 PEN to my bank, that would help me a lot, but PARIMATCH has not made the 3 deposits, it has only made 2 deposits.
Your help please
Buenas tardes Natalia. Comparto detalle del caso de los 2066 PEN que estoy reclamando, 400 PEN corresponde al pago pendiente de los 3 retiros que realice y solo pagaron dos. En la parte superior compartí el detalle donde compartí 3 imágenes de retiro de 400 PEN desde parimatch y en mi banco solo llegaron dos retiros de 400 PEN (compartí imagen del banco) y el banco me informó que desde parimatch no enviaron un tercer depósito de 400 PEN.. luego de todo ello me pusieron tantos problemas para retirar, pero agradezco la ayuda del casino y me permitieron retirar 1666 aproximadamente por medio de astropay.
Lo que está pendiente es los 400PEN de uno de los 3 retiros que no llegó y compartí detalle. Puedo volver a compartir el detalle si es posible. Le he solicitado a mi casino PARIMATCH que me comparta evidencia de los 3 depósitos que hicieron a mi banco para yo con esa información ir al banco a reclamar. Pero parimatch se ha rehusado a compartirme evidencia. Parimatch actualmente se está quedando con 400PEN de mis premios y ya pasó más de un mes que les escribo por correos y no me ayudan.
Por favor ayúdenme puedo compartir más detalle si es necesario. Tengo los correos y las evidencias. Si parimatch puede compartirme la evidencia de los 3 depósitos de 400 PEN a mi banco, eso me ayudaría mucho, pero PARIMATCH no ha hecho los 3 depósitos, solo ha hecho 2 depósitos.
Hvala na pojašnjenju, olustrep23. Pa samo da potvrdim da sam sve dobro razumeo: poslednje povlačenje koje je obrađeno 01.12. (pominje kazino) da li je najverovatnije ta jedna astropai transakcija od 1.666 PEN koju ste uspešno primili?
Pitaću predstavnika kazina za nestalih 400 PEN-a, koje nikada niste dobili, i podeliću više informacija kasnije. Alternativno, predstavnik kazina je dobrodošao da sam odgovori direktno u niti za žalbe.
Thank you for the clarification, olustrep23. So just to confirm that I understand everything correctly: the last withdrawal that was processed on 01.12. (mentioned by the casino) is most probably that one astropay transaction of 1,666 PEN, that you successfully received?
I will ask the casino representative about the missing 400 PEN, that you never received, and will share more information later. Alternatively, the casino representative is welcome to reply directly by themselves in the complaint thread.
Hvala na podršci. Da, ono što nedostaje je samo 400 PEN koje je paritch sakrio od onoga što je detaljno na vrhu. Za 3 podizanja napravljena od po 400 PEN i poslali su samo dva podizanja od 400 PEN u moju banku, ostavljajući paritch sa 400 PEN
Thanks for your support. Yep, what's missing is only the 400 PEN that parimatch has withheld from what is detailed at the top. For 3 withdrawals made of 400 PEN each and they only sent two withdrawals of 400 PEN to my bank, leaving parimatch with 400 PEN
Gracias por su apoyo. Sip lo que falta son solo los 400 PEN que parimatch ha retenido de lo detallado en la parte superior. Por 3 retiros realizado de 400 PEN cada uno y que solo enviaron a mi banco dos retiros de 400 PEN, quedándose parimatch con 400 PEN
Poštovani olustrep23, dobili smo potvrdu od kazina, da su sva vaša tri zahteva za povlačenje od 400 PEN (3k400) obrađena od strane kazina putem bankovnog transfera 28.10, 30.10. i 1.11. putem bankovnog transfera. Možete li da nam pošaljete izvod iz banke preuzet sa bankovnog računa koji ste koristili za traženje povlačenja za period od 28. oktobra do danas, kako bismo proverili da li ste primili uplate iz kazina ili ne? Molim vas, slobodno pošaljite traženi dokument na moju e-mail adresu - , Hvala vam.
Dear olustrep23, we have received a confirmation from the casino, that all of your three withdrawal requests of 400 PEN (3x400) were processed by the casino via bank transfer on 28.10, 30.10. and 1.11. via bank transfer. Could you please send a bank statement downloaded from the bank account you used for requesting withdrawals for the period from 28th October till today, so that we can check if you have received the payments from the casino or not? Please, feel free to send the requested document to my email address -, thank you.
Zdravo, dobar dan, delim svoje kretanje koje dobijam od Falabella banke između oktobra, novembra i decembra, na datume koje PARIMATCH izveštava da sam deponovao između 28. oktobra i 2. decembra, primio sam samo dve uplate od 400 PEN, nisam primio 3 koje PARIMATCH pominje. Delim dokaze, ali PARIMATCH ne deli nijedan dokument koji je izvršio transfer u moju banku. Žalio sam se svojoj banci i oni su me obavestili o samo dva depozita. Ako PARIMATCH izvrši transfer, bio bih vam zahvalan ako biste mogli da podelite sa nama 3 transfera u moju banku koje je PARIMATCH izvršio. Za mene, sa tim dokazom koji bi PARIMATCH podelio sa mnom, otišao bih u banku i žalio se, ali PARIMATCH ne deli ništa. Ja sam njihov klijent, igrao sam kod njih, ali oni su varalice jer ne plaćaju pošteno. Parimatch kaže da prenosi, ali ne stiže do računa, a ni parimatch ne deli dokaze.
Molim vas pomozite mi
Hello, good afternoon, I share my movements that I receive from Falabella Bank between October, November and December, on the dates that PARIMATCH reports that I deposited between October 28 and December 2, I only received two payments of 400 PEN, I have not received the 3 that PARIMATCH mentions. I am sharing evidence, but PARIMATCH does not share any document that made the transfer to my bank. I complained to my bank and they informed me of only two deposits. If PARIMATCH transferred, I would appreciate if you could share with us the 3 transfers to my bank that PARIMATCH made. For me, with that evidence that PARIMATCH would share with me, I would go to the bank and complain, but PARIMATCH is not sharing anything. I am a client of theirs, I played at their house but they are cheaters because they are not paying fairly. Parimatch says it transfers but it doesn't reach the accounts and parimatch doesn't share evidence either.
Please help me
Hola buenas tardes, comparto mis movimientos que recibo del banco falabella entre octubre noviembre y diciembre, en las fechas que PARIMATCH informa que me depósito entre el 28 de octubre y 02 de diciembre deje solo recibí dos abonos de 400 PEN, no he recibido los 3 que menciona PARIMATCH. Yo estoy compartiendo evidencia, pero PARIMATCH no comparte ningún documento que ha hecho la transferencia a mi banco. Yo le reclamé a mi banco y me informaron solo dos depósitos, si PARIMATCH transfirió agradecería pueda compartirnos las 3 transferencias a mi banco que PARIMATCH realizó. Para yo con esa evidencia que me compartiría PARIMATCH, iría al banco y le reclamaría, pero PARIMATCH no está compartiendo nada. Yo soy cliente de ellos, jugaba en su casa pero son tramposos porque no están pagando limpiamente. Parimatch dice que transfiere pero no llega a las cuentas y parimatch tampoco comparte evidencia.
Poštovani olustrep23, na snimcima ekrana koje ste priložili vidim da ste primili 3 uplate od po 400 PEN-a. Prve dve za koje ste tvrdili da ste ih primili od kazina u svojim prvim objavama datiraju od 30.10.2023 i 02.11.2023, treća uplata od 400 PEN je deponovana na vaš račun 23.11.2023.
Dear olustrep23, on the screenshots you attached I can see that you have received 3 payments of 400 PEN each. The first two that you claimed to receive from the casino in your earliest posts are dated back to 30.10.2023 and 02.11.2023, the third payment of 400 PEN was deposited to your account on 23.11.2023.
Dobro jutro Natalija, radi se o transferu koji sam dobio iz drugog izvora, nije od PARIMATCH-a, u to sam siguran pošto sam taj transfer koordinirao za taj iznos tog dana, 23. novembra, PARIMATCH prvih dana novembra nije pokušajte ponovo da mi pošaljete novac jer su samo spomenuli da im je sistem zakazao. Zato bi mi bilo od velike koristi pošto pominju da su preneli 3 iznosa krajem oktobra i prvim danima novembra, pošaljite mi, da više ljudi traži dokaze da su preneli tri depozita od 400 PEN do BANCO FALABELLA. Molim vas pomozite mi da dobijem od PARIMATCH-a da mi pošalje dokaze o 3 depozita. Bilo bi mi veoma korisno, molim vas. Molim vas da mi PARIMATCH pomogne tako što ćete podeliti dokaze da su poslali neki operativni kod u moju Falabella banku sa korisnikom koji sam ja ili moj račun. Oni neće imati 3 dokaza jer su mi samo dva puta deponovali 400 PEN-a. Molim vas pomozite mi da podelim dokaze o mom slučaju. Molim vas, ja sam vaš Parimatch klijent, tražio sam dokaze putem e-pošte, ali mi nikada nisu poslali. Imam ovaj problem otprilike mesec i po dana. Molim vas pomozite mi, molim vas, verujem u nešto što bi rešilo ovu situaciju, pošto bismo dokazom o parimatchu sa nekom šifrom koju su poslali na moj bankovni račun zatvorili ovaj slučaj. Molim vas pomozite mi
Good morning Natalia, it is a transfer that I received from another source, it is not from PARIMATCH, of that I am sure since I coordinated that transfer for that amount on that day, November 23, PARIMATCH in the first days of November did not try to send me the money again since they only mentioned that their system had failed. That is why it would be very useful to me since they mention that they transferred the 3 amounts at the end of October and the first days of November, please send me, so that more people want some evidence that they transferred three deposits of 400 PEN to BANCO FALABELLA. Please help me get PARIMATCH to send me evidence of the 3 deposits. It would be very useful to me please. Please PARIMATCH help me by sharing evidence that they sent some operation code to my Falabella bank with the beneficiary who is me or my account. They will not have the 3 pieces of evidence because they have only deposited 400 PEN to me twice. Please help me with sharing evidence of my case. Please, I am a Parimatch client of yours, I have requested the evidence by email, but they never sent me. I have had this problem for approximately a month and a half now. Please help me, I am asking, I believe something that would resolve this situation, since with the evidence of parimatch with some code that they sent to my bank account we would close this case. Please help me
Buen día Natalia, es una transferencia que recibí de otro origen, no es de PARIMATCH de eso estoy seguro ya que coordine esa transferencia por ese monto en ese día 23 de noviembre, PARIMATCH en los primeros días de noviembre no volvió a reintentar enviarme el dinero ya que solo mencionaban que su sistema tenía fallaba . Es por eso que me sería muy útil ya que ellos mencionan que transfirieron los 3 montos en fines de octubre y primeros días de noviembre que me envíen por favor, por lo que más quieran alguna evidencia que transfirieron a BANCO FALABELLA tres depósitos de 400 PEN. Por favor ayúdenme con que PARIMATCH me envíe evidencia de los 3 depósitos. Me sería muy útil por favor. Por favor PARIMATCH ayúdenme compartiendo me evidencia que me enviaron a mi banco falabella, algún código de operación con el beneficiario que soy yo o mi cuenta. No van a tener las 3 evidencias porque solo me han depositado dos veces 400 PEN. Por favor ayúdenme con compartir evidencia de mi caso. Por favor soy cliente de ustedes Parimatch, les he solicitado por correo las evidencias, pero nunca me enviaron. Ya son un mes y medio aproximadamente que tengo este problema. Por favor ayúdenme, estoy pidiendo creo algo que resolvería esta situación, ya que con la evidencia de parimatch con algún código que enviaron a mi cuenta bancaria cerraríamos este caso. Por favor ayudenme
Poštovani olustrep23, bio bih vam zahvalan ako biste mi poslali ceo bankovni izvod na moju adresu e-pošte na , a onda ćemo moći da krenemo napred, hvala.
Dear olustrep23, I'd appreciate it if you could send me the whole bank statement to my email address at, and then we will be able to move forward, thank you.
Produžavamo tajmer za 7 dana. Molim vas da znate da ukoliko ne odgovorite u zadato vreme ili ne pružite asistenciju, mi ćemo da odbijemo prigovor.
Dear olustrep23,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Poštovani olustrep23, primili smo informaciju od predstavnika kazina da ste im poslali izvod iz banke i da je kazino ručno dopunio vaš balans za 400 PEN kako bi ponovo uspostavio nedostajuću uplatu. Možete li potvrditi da li možemo da smatramo da je vaša žalba rešena ili još uvek čekate da se ovaj iznos ponovo povuče?
Dear olustrep23, we've received information from the casino representative that you have sent them a bank statement, and your balance was topped up for 400 PEN manually by the casino to reinstate the missing payment. Can you please confirm if we can consider your complaint to be resolved or if you're still awaiting this amount to be withdrawn again?
Drago mi je da čujem da je vaš problem uspešno rešen. Sada ću žalbu označiti kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu.
Slobodno podelite svoje iskustvo sa našim uslugama na Trustpilot . Iskreno razmatranje i sve sugestije koje ćete možda imati za poboljšanje našeg procesa rešavanja žalbi i posredovanja bili bi veoma cenjeni. Vaše povratne informacije mogu biti od pomoći drugima koji razmišljaju da nas kontaktiraju u vezi bilo kakvih problema vezanih za onlajn kazino. Hvala unapred na izdvojenom vremenu.
Hvala vam na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se da kontaktirate naš centar za rešavanje žalbi ako budete imali problema sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear olustrep23,
I'm glad to hear that your issue has been resolved successfully. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system.
Please, feel free to share your experience with our services on Trustpilot An honest review and any suggestions you may have to improve our complaint resolution and mediation process would be greatly appreciated. Your feedback could prove helpful to others who are considering contacting us about any online casino-related issues. Thank you in advance for your time.
Thank you for your cooperation, and please do not hesitate to contact our Complaint Resolution Center if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Best regards,
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