Casino Pikel proverava KIC preko organizacije treće strane Sumsub. Kada sam pokušao da prođem verifikaciju, odbili su moja dokumenta i moj profil je ostao neproveren, zbog toga ne mogu da podignem svoja sredstva. Kada su kontaktirali podršku kazina, rekli su da ne mogu pomoći i rekli su da morate direktno kontaktirati Sumsub.
Ovo nije prvi put da sam naišao na problem prilikom verifikacije Sumsub-a. Slični problemi su se desili na Fairspinu i Tetherbetu. Samo u ta 2 slučaja podrška kazina je pomogla u rešavanju problema, ali ovde potpuno prebacuju odgovornost sa sebe na treću organizaciju Sumsub.
Casino Pixel checks the KYC through a third-party organization Sumsub. When I tried to pass verification, they rejected my documents and my profile remained unverified, because of this I cannot withdraw my funds. When contacting the casino support, they said that they could not help and said that you need to contact Sumsub directly.
This is not the first time I have encountered a problem when verifying Sumsub. Similar problems occurred on Fairspin and Tetherbet. Only in those 2 cases did the casino support help solve the problem, but here they completely shift responsibility from themselves to the third-party organization Sumsub.