hej Guru možeš li molim te pomoći. Sesija igre nije bila prikladna za svrhu i loše iskustvo
Želim da prijavim problem sa igrom koju sam igrao juče. VELIKO VELIKO ribarsko bogatstvo.
Juče sam položio £501, što je sasvim u redu i igram u okviru svojih granica.
Činilo se da su me nekoliko puta izbacili i morao sam ponovo da uđem u igru što je frustrirajuće i loše iskustvo.
Verujem da je dole navedeno bilo bonus ili će to biti.
Želeo bih da mi vratimo 100 funti za ovu konkretnu sesiju igara.
Nikada se ne žalim i često se igram sa sobom i nastaviću tako
Samo želim poštenje. Ovde se ne radi o novcu dok igram za uživanje.
Očekujem odgovor.

Često kada igra ima ovakvu grešku, postoji problem sa internet vezom na uređaju.
ne traže da mi obeštete, ona je to bila konačna odluka.
hey Guru can you please assist. The game session was not fit for purpose and ancestry poor experience
I want to report an issue with a game I played yesterday. BIG BIG Fishing Fortune.
I deposited £501 yesterday which is absolutely fine and I play within my limits however.
I seemed to get kicked out a few times and had to re enter game which is frustrating and a poor experience.
I believe the believe the below was a bonus or was going to be.
I would like a refund of £100 for this specific gaming session.
I never ever complain and play with yourself often and will continue to do so
Just want fairness. This is not about the money as I play for enjoyment.
I await your reply.

Often when a game has an error like this, there is an issue with the internet connection on the device.
they are not looking to compensate me she this was the final decision .
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