nakon pregleda naloga igrača i istorije transakcija, mogu potvrditi da su podaci o iznosu opklade od 900 € bili netačni. Bila je to pogrešna procena.
Izvinjavam se zbog nesporazuma.
Što se tiče zahteva za povlačenje, mogu da potvrdim da je povlačenje od 12. poništeno 16. pošto transakcija nije mogla da se završi kod provajdera plaćanja.
Sredstva su vraćena na račun igrača i još uvek tamo.
Poslednji zahtev za povlačenje od 19. uspešno je obrađen 21., nakon što su verifikovani svi traženi dokumenti i uklonjena pogrešna kalkulacija gore pomenutog iznosa opklade.
Igrač može nastaviti sa novim zahtevom za povlačenje preostalih sredstava na računu igrača.
Slučaj je dakle za nas rešen.
Srdačan pozdrav,
The Management
after reviewing the player account and the transaction history, I can confirm that the info regarding the 900€ wager amount was incorrect. It was a miscalculation.
Apologies for the misunderstanding.
In regards to the withdrawal requests, I can confirm, that the withdrawal from the 12th was reversed on the 16th, since the transaction could not be completed with the payment provider.
The funds were credited back to the player account and still remain there.
The latest withdrawal request from the 19th, was successfully processed on the 21st, after all requested documents were verified and the miscalculation of the wager amount mentioned above was cleared.
The player can proceed with a new withdrawal request for the remaining funds on the player account.
The case is therefore solved for us.
Best regards,
The Management
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