Možete li da prosledite svoju istoriju igara za relevantni period, posebno igre koje ste igrali sa 100 € bonusa i 250 € pravog novca? Ovo će nam pomoći da proverimo redosled događaja i vaš napredak u klađenju.
=> Želim da pojasnim da moja istorija igre za relevantni period ima preko 90 stranica. Sa zadovoljstvom šaljem e-poruku izbor stranica koje prikazuju ključne tačke, uključujući igre koje se igraju sa bonusom od 100 € i sa stanjem u stvarnom novcu od 250 €.
Ako vam je potrebna potpuna istorija igre, javite mi, ali želeo bih da istaknem da bi bilo potrebno dosta vremena da se snimi svih 90 stranica.
Da li ste zatražili povlačenje odmah nakon ispunjavanja uslova za bonus klađenje, ili je došlo do kašnjenja između završetka klađenja i zahteva za povlačenje?
=> Nisam zatražio povlačenje odmah nakon ispunjavanja uslova za bonus klađenje. Nakon završetka klađenja, moj bonus novac je konvertovan u €250 pravi novac, što sam u potpunosti razumeo. Zatim sam nastavio da igram sa ovim pravim novcem i osvojio €5,002.03. Zahtev za povlačenje je podnet nakon što sam prikupio ovaj iznos, a ne odmah nakon što sam ispunio uslove za klađenje bonusa.
Kada ste proverili svoj račun, koja su bila prikazana stanja? Možete li da potvrdite koliko ste videli u svom stvarnom novcu, bonus novcu i saldu koji se može povući u trenutku kada ste zahtevali povlačenje?
=> Kada sam proverio svoj nalog u vreme zahteva za povlačenje:
Stanje stvarnog novca: 5.002,03 € (ovo je bio moj ukupan dobitak od igranja sa saldom od 250 € stvarnog novca).
Bonus Monei Balance: 0 € (bonus je već konvertovan u pravi novac nakon što su ispunjeni uslovi za klađenje).
Stanje koje se može povući: 5.002,03 €.
Na mom nalogu nije bilo naznaka da je bilo koji deo salda od 250 evra stvarnog novca, ili dobitak iz njega, još uvek vezan za bonus. Stoga je odbitak od 4.752,03 € koji je kasnije zatražio kazino neopravdan.
Could you forward your game history for the relevant period, specifically the games you played with the €100 bonus and the €250 of real money? This will help us verify the sequence of events and your wagering progress.
=> I want to clarify that my game history for the relevant period is over 90 pages long. I am happy to email a selection of pages that show key points, including the games played with the €100 bonus and the €250 real money balance.
If you require the full game history, please let me know, but I would like to highlight that it would take a significant amount of time to capture all 90 pages.
Did you request the withdrawal immediately after completing the bonus wagering requirements, or was there a delay between completing the wagering and the withdrawal request?
=> I did not request the withdrawal immediately after completing the bonus wagering requirements. After completing the wagering, my bonus money was converted into €250 real money, which I fully understood. I then continued to play with this real money and won €5,002.03. The withdrawal request was made after I accumulated this amount, not immediately after meeting the bonus wagering requirements.
When you checked your account, what were the balances displayed? Could you confirm how much you saw in your real money balance, bonus money, and withdrawable balance at the time you requested the withdrawal?
=> When I checked my account at the time of the withdrawal request:
Real Money Balance: €5,002.03 (this was my total winnings from playing with the €250 real money balance).
Bonus Money Balance: €0 (the bonus was already converted to real money after meeting the wagering requirements).
Withdrawable Balance: €5,002.03.
There was no indication in my account that any portion of the €250 real money balance, or the winnings from it, was still tied to the bonus. The deduction of €4,752.03 later claimed by the casino is therefore unjustified.
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