OVI PREVARANI SU MI UKRALI NOVAC. Registrovao sam se u platincasino i uspešno prošao verifikaciju (dao pasoš i račun za komunalne usluge) Onda sam izgubio priličnu sumu novca u njima, a onda sam pobedio. Zatim sam tražio povlačenje. Ali nisam dobio novac, ali dobijam zahtev za izvod iz novčanika, što je normalno. Poslao sam im izvod iz banke i oni su ga odbili. Kada sam pitao zašto su to odbili, izbacili su me iz ćaskanja podrške. Zatim sam dobio pismo u kome sam tražio selfi sa pasošem u ruci i dao im ga, ali su i to odbili. Inače, moja dokumenta na računu koja su prethodno odobrena već su označena kao odbijena. Pokušao sam 10 puta da ih kontaktiram i komuniciram sa njima da pronađem problem, zašto prihvataju ili odbijaju moje dokumente, kada sam se ponovo prijavio, rekli su mi da dam snimak ekrana da su moji dokumenti odbijeni i da to vidim na svom nalogu. Vratio sam se na svoj nalog da to uradim, ali oni su već sve promenili, opet! Dakle, ljudi samo rade šta hoće, ne poštujući nikakva civilizovana pravila u takvim kompanijama. U svakom slučaju, čekao sam nekoliko dana da završe sa pregledom mog selfija sa dokumentom u rukama, a kada sam danas otišao da vidim kako stvari stoje, video sam da mi je sav novac, 371,21 evro, nestao sa računa. I moj selfi status je ponovo odbijen. Kada sam pisao u ćaskanju, rekli su mi da nisu zadovoljni kvalitetom moje fotografije (na kojoj je sve jasno vidljivo i nije zamućeno, čitljivi su apsolutno svi podaci.) Mogu da pošaljem dokaze i priložim svoje fotografije za vas ako vam mogu poslati svoje fotografije ako vam to ne učinim. ste zainteresovani, tako da možete i sami da se uverite jer je kvalitet fotografije besprekoran. Kakav može biti kvalitet fotografije koju je napravio iPhone 12 pro mak? Zahtevam da mi se odmah vrate sva moja sredstva, a takođe molim da snizite rejting ovog kazina. Veoma grubo komuniciraju sa igračima, često zatvaraju ćaskanje za podršku, a onda ponovo moraju da čekaju 1 sat dok se neko ne poveže. Smatram ovaj kazino najgorim što sam ikada video. Rade šta hoće i pljačkaju igrače a da im ni ne objasne zašto se to dogodilo. Na moje pitanje, gde su moja sredstva, odgovoreno mi je citirajući: Nemam informacije da vam pomognem! Proverite svoju ocenu za njih jer je lažna. Moja pfoto je priložena za vas.
THESE SCAMMERS STOLE MY MONEY. I registered in platincasino and successfully passed the verification (provided my passport and utility bill) Then I lost a considerable amount of money in them, and then I won. Next I asked for a withdrawal. But I did not receive money, but I receive a request for a statement from my wallet, which is normal. I sent them the bank statement and they rejected it. When I asked why they rejected it, they kicked me out of the support chat. Next, I got a letter asking for a selfie with my passport in hand, and I gave that to them, but they rejected that too. By the way, my documents in the account that were previously approved were already marked as rejected. I tried 10 times to contact and communicate with them to find the problem, why they either accept or reject my documents, when I applied again, they told me to provide a screenshot that my documents were rejected and I can see it in my account. I went back to my account to do it but they had already changed everything, again! So people just do what they want, not following any civilized rules in such companies. Anyway, I waited for them to finish reviewing my selfie with a document in my hands for several days, and when I went to see how things were going today, I saw that all my money, 371.21 euros, had disappeared from my account. And my selfie status was rejected again. When I wrote in the chat, they told me that they were not satisfied with the quality of my photo (in which everything is clearly visible and not blurred, absolutely all data is readable.) I can send proofs and attach my photos for you if you are interested, so that you can see for yourself because the photo quality is impeccable. What can be the quality of the photo taken by iPhone 12 pro max? I demand that all my funds be returned to me immediately, and I also ask that you lower the rating of this casino. They communicate very rudely with players, often close the support chat, and then they have to wait again for 1 hour until someone connects. I consider this casino the worst I have ever seen. They do what they want and rob the players without even explaining to them why it happened. To my question, where are my funds, I was answered, quoting: I have no information to help you! Check your rating for them because it's fake. My pfoto is attached for you.
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