Igraču iz Njemačke blokiran je račun nakon što je položio novčana sredstva na računu Netellera njegovog prijatelja. Pitanje je riješeno, igrač je vratio svoj depozit.
The player from Germany had the account blocked after depositing funds using a friend’s Neteller account. The issue was resolved, the player got his deposit back.
Igraču iz Njemačke blokiran je račun nakon što je položio novčana sredstva na računu Netellera njegovog prijatelja. Pitanje je riješeno, igrač je vratio svoj depozit.
Moj račun je blokiran, a plaćanje je otkazano jer sam uplatio depozit koristeći Netellerov račun svog prijatelja ....
ali uspio je u potpunosti provjeriti i pismeno me ovlastio da koristim račun ...
dodatni razlog je taj što je postojao drugi račun (od mog prijatelja), ali ovaj je postavljen na potpuno drugu adresu davno prije ...
u općim uvjetima kasina zabranjena je samo upotreba bankovnih računa i kreditnih kartica od trećih strana.
Uz to postoji provjera e-novčanika trećih strana kao opcija u prijenosu dokumenta. To je očigledno pogrešno.
u drugim kockarnicama upotreba Neteller računa nije bila problem nakon vlasnikova pismenog odobrenja ...
My account was blocked and the payment canceled because I made a deposit using my friend's Neteller account ....
but he was able to verify himself completely and authorized me in writing to use the account ...
further reason was that there was a second account (from my friend) but this was set up at a completely different address a long time ago ...
in the general terms and conditions of the casino only the use of bank accounts and credit cards from third parties is prohibited.
In addition there is the verification of third party e-wallets as options in the document upload. That is clearly misleading.
at other casinos the use of the Neteller account was not a problem after the owner's written approval ...
Mein Account wurde gesperrt und die Auszahlung storniert weil ich mit dem Neteller Account meines Freundes eingezahlt habe....
der hat sich aber komplett verifizieren können und mir die Nutzung des Kontos schriftlich autorisiert...
weitere Begründung war das ein zweites Konto bestehe (von meinem Freund) aber dieses wurde schon vor längerer Zeit an einer komplett anderen Adresse eingerichtet...
in den agb des Casinos ist auch nur nur die Benutzung von Bankkonten und Kreditkarten von dritten untersagt.
dazu kommt das im Dokumenten Upload die Verifizierung von e wallets Dritter als Optionen vorgegeben sind. Das ist eindeutig irreführend.
bei anderen Casinos war die Nutzung des Neteller Accounts nach schriftlicher Genehmigung des Inhabers kein Problem...
Dragi mophete,
Hvala vam puno na podnošenju žalbe. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu. Provjerio sam odredbe i uvjete, a ovo sam pronašao https://www.platincasino.com/en/support/terms-and-conditions.html :
„Depoziti se na račun mogu izvršiti načinima plaćanja koji su dostupni na web stranici Red Rhino (Red Rhino Ltd - vlasnik web stranice). Naziv na kreditnoj kartici ili bankovnom transferu treba biti identičan imenu igrača koji prima sredstva. Ako to nije slučaj, depozit će se odbiti i sredstva vratiti. Svi troškovi koje naplaćuju banke / pristupnici plaćanja će se oduzeti od obrnutog iznosa. "
Kao što ste spomenuli, to se odnosi samo na platne kartice i bankovne transfere, a te depozite treba odbiti i vratiti.
Međutim, kada otvorim račun i želim ga potvrditi, našao sam ovaj https://www.platincasino.com/en/profile/verify.html :
"Provjera načina plaćanja
čitljiv izvod banke ili kreditne kartice u kojem se navodi vaša adresa (pokriveni iznosi)
kopija vaše kreditne ili bankarske kartice (priložite svoj CVV i prvih 12 znamenki broja vaše kreditne kartice)
snimka zaslona vaših Skrill ili Neteller računa ( navođenje vašeg imena i ID računa) "
Štoviše, vaš je slučaj malo složeniji jer i vaš prijatelj ima račun u ovoj kockarnici. Možete li, molim vas, savetovati da li ste vi ili vaš prijatelj iskoristili bonus za dobrodošlicu? Molimo da proslijedite bilo kakvu relevantnu komunikaciju na petronela.k@casino.guru .
Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da rešite ovo pitanje što je pre moguće. Unaprijed hvala na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Mophet,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. I have checked terms and conditions, and this is what I found https://www.platincasino.com/en/support/terms-and-conditions.html:
„Deposits can be made into the account by the payment methods that are available on the Red Rhino website (Red Rhino Ltd – the owner of the website). The name on the credit card or the bank transfer should be identical to that of the player receiving the funds. If this is not the case, the deposit will be rejected and the funds paid back. Any charges levied by the banks/payment gateways will be deducted from the reversed amount."
As you mentioned, this applies to card and bank transfers only and those deposits should be rejected and paid back.
However, when I have opened an account and wanted to verify it, I found this https://www.platincasino.com/en/profile/verify.html:
"Verification of payment method
legible bank or credit card statement stating your address (amounts covered)
copy of your credit or banker’s card (please cover your CVV and the first 12 digits of your credit card number)
screenshot of your Skrill or Neteller accounts (stating your name and account ID)"
Moreover, your case is a bit more complicated as your friend has an account in this casino too. Could you please advise if you, or your friend, have redeemed any Welcome bonuses? Please forward any relevant communication to petronela.k@casino.guru.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Prije svega, hvala na vašem trudu i pružanju podrške u ovakvim slučajevima ...
debele pohvale za to ...
da, moj prijatelj je definitivno uzeo bonuse ...
trenutno se ne igra toliko ...
To sam ukazao i na podršku u casinu tokom postupka verifikacije i oni su više puta tražili dodatna dokumenta i dokaze, ovlaštenja itd. Koja sam dostavila.
Tada je moj račun, uključujući način plaćanja i način plaćanja, u početku potpuno pušten i odobren tako da sam čak mogao i zatražiti plaćanje i naravno bio sam vrlo sretan ...
onda je plaćanje otkazano bez upozorenja i moj račun blokiran ... na zahtjev to je bilo opravdano upotrebom Neteller računa ...
pa nekako vrlo loše i proizvoljno
hvala još jednom na pomoći
Srdačan pozdrav
First of all, thank you for your efforts and offering support in such cases ...
fat praise for it ...
yes my friend definitely took bonuses ...
he doesn't play that much at the moment ...
I also pointed this out to the casino support during the verification process and they repeatedly requested additional documents and evidence, authorizations etc. which I have provided.
Then my account including the payment and payment method was initially completely released and approved so that I could even request the payment and of course I was very happy ...
then the payment was canceled without warning and my account blocked ... on request this was justified with the use of the Neteller account ...
so somehow very bad and arbitrary
thanks again for your help
best regards
erstmal vielen Dank das ihr euch so schnell bemüht und überhaupt in solchen Fällen Unterstützung anbietet...
fettes Lob dafür...
ja bestimmt hat mein Freund auch Boni in Anspruch genommen...
er spielt ja auch aber zur Zeit nicht so viel...
ich hatte aber auch während der Verifizierung den Casino Support darauf hingewiesen und die haben mehrere Male weitere Dokumente und Nachweise, autorisierungen etc verlangt welche ich alle erbracht habe.
dann wurde mein Account inklusive ein und auszahlungsmethode auch zunächst komplett freigegeben und bewilligt so dass ich sogar die Auszahlung anfordern konnte und mich natürlich sehr gefreut hab...
dann wurde ohne Vorwarnung die Auszahlung storniert und mein Account gesperrt... auf Anfrage wurde das mit der Benutzung des Neteller Account rechtfertigt...
also irgendwie sehr mies und willkürlich
nochmal danke das ihr Hilfe leistet
beste Grüße
Puno vam hvala Mophet na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sad ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petera koji će vam biti na raspolaganju. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćemo u skoroj budućnosti riješiti svoj problem na zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much Mophet for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Mophet,
Preuzimam vašu žalbu. Kao što je Petronela spominjala prije, vaš slučaj je prilično komplikovan jer vaš prijatelj ima i račun u kockarnici i prihvaća bonuse. Nikada ne smijete koristiti bankovne račune ili novčanike drugih ljudi da biste se registrirali u bilo kojoj kockarnici. Većina kockarnica sumnja u prevaru i to samo stvara probleme. Ne mogu vam garantovati pozitivan rezultat, ali kontaktirat ću kazino i vidjeti šta se može učiniti.
Hi Mophet,
I'm taking over your complaint. As Petronela mentioned before, your case is quite complicated since your friend also has an account in the casino and accepted bonuses. You should never use other people's bank accounts or e wallets to register in any casinos. Most of the casinos suspect a fraud and it only causes problems. I can't guarantee a positive result, but I will contact the casino and see what can be done.
Zdravo Mophet,
Dobio sam e-poruku od predstavnika casino-a. Rezultat je onako kako se očekuje - nećete dobiti cijeli iznos svoje dobitke. Međutim, kasino će vam vratiti depozite. Javite mi ako ste dobili depozite.
Hi Mophet,
I received an email from a casino rep. The result is as expected - you will not receive the full amount of your winnings. However, the casino will refund your deposits. Please let me know if you got the deposits back.
Dragi mophete,
Produžujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Imajte na umu da ćemo u slučaju da ne odgovorite i dostavite tražene podatke u zadanom roku, odbiti vašu žalbu.
Dear Mophet,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to reply and provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
Zdravo Mophet,
To su dobre vesti. Drago mi je što čujem da ste dobili svoj depozit. Sad ću označiti prigovor kao „riješen" u našem sustavu. Hvala vam što koristite centar za rješavanje žalbi Casino Guru. Ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ako ubuduće naiđete na bilo koji problem sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi Mophet,
That's good news. I'm glad to hear you got your deposit back. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
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