Liernin Enterprises LTD odlaže isplatu mog dobitka bez navođenja razloga. Već sam podneo žalbu AskGamblers-u, ali Liernin Enterprises LTD izgleda ne mari za to.
Zato i ovde pokušavam.
Pokušavam da podignem 7500 evra. Kazino ne dozvoljava da se dnevno povuče više od 500 evra, a ne dozvoljavaju više od tri zahteva istovremeno. Sada sam čekao 14 dana.
Komunikacija sa kazinom je apsolutno užasna. Stalno smišljaju nove izgovore zašto mi nisu isplatili zašto dobitak, ali većinu vremena samo ignorišu moje pokušaje da ih kontaktiram.
Koliko vidim, nisam jedini koji se bori da plati Liernin Enterprises LTD. Ovim kockarnicama se ili grubo loše upravlja ili su veoma neetički. U svakom slučaju, oni moraju da plate pobedničke igrače. I neću prestati da se borim dok ne dobijem ono što mi duguju.
Ako postoji nešto što CasinoGuru može da učini da pomogne, to bi bilo veoma cenjeno.
Liernin Enterprises LTD is delaying payment of my winnings without providing a reason. I have already made a complaint with AskGamblers, but Liernin Enterprises LTD do not seem to care about it.
That is why I am making an attempt here as well.
I am trying to withdraw 7500 euro. The casino does not allow more than 500 euro to be requested withdrawn daily, and they allow no more than three requests at a time. I have now waited 14 days.
Communication with the casino is absolutely horrible. They keep making up new excuses as to why they have not paid me why winnings, but most of the time they just ignore my attempts to contact them.
From what I can see I am not the only one who struggles to get paid by Liernin Enterprises LTD. These casinos are either grossly mismanaged or highly unethical. Either way, they need to pay winning players. And I will not stop fighting until I have received what they owe me.
If there is anything CasinoGuru can do to help it would be much appreciated.
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