Zdravo. Molim vas pomozite mi da shvatim svoj problem. Registrovao sam se na plaizilla.com, onda sam hteo da podignem novac, ali sam dobio pismo da moram da prođem verifikaciju.
13. novembra 2022. tražio pasoš i dokaz o prebivalištu. Istog datuma sam poslao fotografiju pasoša i račun za komunalije
Oni su 14. novembra tražili da im pošalju bilo koji drugi dokaz o prebivalištu. Istog dana sam poslao izvod iz banke
Oni su 16. novembra tražili da pošalju još jednu potvrdu o prebivalištu i selfi sa pasošem ispred svog sajta. 18. novembra poslao sam još jedan račun za komunalije i selfi sa pasošem ispred njihovog sajta
Prema njihovim zahtevima, verifikacija traje 3 dana. Prošlo je više od 8 dana od 16. novembra i još uvek nisam dobio nikakav odgovor. pisao sam support@playzilla.com i kyc@playzilla . com, ali mi niko nije odgovorio
Ogorčen sam što verifikacija traje više od 3 dana, a oni sami krše svoja pravila.
Na osnovu gore navedenog, molim vas da mi pomognete da se izborim sa svojom situacijom i pomognete mi da dobijem novac. Pošto ne želim više da igram u ovoj kancelariji.
Hello. Please help me figure out my problem. I registered in playzilla.com,then I wanted to withdraw money, but I received a letter that I must pass verification.
November 13, 2022 asked for a passport and proof of residence. I sent a photo of my passport and utility bill on the same date
On November 14, they asked to send any other proof of residence. On the same date I sent a bank statement
On November 16, they asked to send another confirmation of residence and a selfie with a passport in front of their website. On November 18, I sent another utility bill and a selfie with my passport in front of their website
According to their requirements, verification takes 3 days. More than 8 days have passed since November 16 and I still have not received any response. I wrote to support@playzilla.com and kyc@playzilla. com, but no one answered me
I am outraged that the verification lasts more than 3 days, and they themselves violate their own rules.
Based on the above, I ask you to help me deal with my situation and help me get money. Since I do not want to play in this office anymore.
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