Igraču iz Njemačke uskraćen je dobitak i blokiran je račun bez daljeg objašnjenja. Reklamacija igrača uspješno je riješena.
šteta je što kazino može raditi šta želi.
Uplatio sam 40 € i dobio 200% neprianjajući bonus.
Srećom, brzo sam počeo s nekoliko pobjeda na oko 270 €.
Tako sam se u chatu uvjerio da nije ljepljiv i da mogu otkazati bonuse.
Nakon toga isplaćeno je 150 € i bez reakcije 2 dana (e -mail ili nešto slično)
Imam osjećaj, molim vas nemojte se petljati i slati faksove, jer sam tek nedavno imao takvo kazalište u drugom kockarnici, što mi se na kraju isplatilo, ali mi je blokiralo račun bez razloga i bez komentara.
Danas (3. dan) bih se želio ponovo prijaviti ovdje: Administrator je onemogućio račun ''
Pa, mislio sam ... bilo je jasno ..
Važno: Prije sviranja sam potpuno pročitao ABG'S i nisam prekršio nijedno pravilo.
Dakle čisto u korisničkoj podršci i koji je odgovor na pitanje šta je s mojim računom?
"Uskoro ćete primiti e -poruku, ne mogu vam unaprijed navesti razlog i referencu (snimak ekrana u prilogu slike) na tačku 3.11," Zadržavamo pravo blokiranja računa bez posebnog razloga. "
Polako gubim vjeru u kockarnice ... naravno da znate ovu klauzulu da se kockarnice sami kreiraju kako bi isključili svaku isplatu / bilo kojeg kupca koji bi mogao biti skup ili bez ikakvog razloga, ali to zaista ide predaleko.
Jedino što nedostaje je da mi putem e -pošte napišu nešto i sve povezane fraze, a ja čak ni ne dobijem svoj novac.
Depozit: 40 €
Otvorena isplata 150 €
Kredit za pravi novac pri zadnjoj prijavi (09.10.2021) 160 €.
it's a shame that a casino can do what it wants.
I deposited € 40 and got a 200% non sticky bonus.
Fortunately, I was quick to start with a few wins at around € 270.
So I made sure in the chat that it is non sticky and that I can cancel the bonuses.
After that, € 150 paid out and no reaction for 2 days (email or something)
I got the feeling, please don’t mess around and faxx, as I only recently had such a theater in another casino, which in the end paid me off, but blocked my account for no reason and without comment.
Today (day 3) I would like to log in again here: Account disabled by Administrator ''
Well, I thought .. it was clear ..
Important: I read through the ABG'S completely several times before playing and didn't break any rules.
So purely in customer support and what is the answer to the question of what about my account?
"You will receive an email soon, I cannot give you a reason beforehand and a reference (image attached screenshot) to point 3.11," We reserve the right to block accounts for no particular reason. "
I'm slowly losing my faith in casinos .. of course you know this clause that casinos create themselves to exclude any payout / any customer that could be expensive or without any reason, but that really goes too far.
The only thing missing is that they write me something and any related phrases by email and I don't even get my money.
Deposit: € 40
Open payout € 150
Real money credit at last login (09.10.2021) 160 €.
schade, dass ein Casino machen kann was es möchte.
Habe 40€ eingezahlt und ein 200% non Sticky Bonus bekommen.
Schnell war ich zum Glück mit einigen Gewinnen direkt am Anfang bei ca. 270€.
Also im Chat abgesichert dass es Non Sticky ist und ich den Boni Stornieren kann.
Danach 150€ in Auszahlung gegeben und 2 Tage keine Reaktion (Mail oder so)
Mich beschlich schon das Gefühlt ,,Bitte macht jetzt keine Verarschung und irgendwelche faxxen, da ich so ein Theater erst vor kurzem in nem anderen Casino hatte, was mich letztlich zwar ausgezahlt hatte, aber grundlos und Kommentarlos mein Konto gesperrt hat.
Heute (Tag 3) möchte ich mich hier wieder einloggen: Account disabled by Administrator‘‘
Na super dachte ich.. war ja klar..
Wichtig: ich habe mir die ABG‘S komplett mehrmals vor dem Spielen durchgelesen und keine Regeln gebrochen.
Also rein in Kundensupport und was gibts als Aussage zur Frage was mit meinem Konto ist?
,,Sie bekommen eine Mail demnächst, ich kann Ihnen vorher keinen Grund nennen und einen Verweis (Bild angehängten Screenshot) auf Punkt 3.11 ,,Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Konten ohne besonderen Grund sperren zu können‘‘
Langsam verliere ich den Glauben an Casinos.. klar kennt man diese Klausel, die sich Casinos selbst schaffen um jeglicher Auszahlung / jeglichen Kunden der teuer werden könnte oder so Grundlos auszuschließen, aber das geht echt zu weit.
Fehlt nur nich, dass die mir irgendwas und irgendwelche herbeigezogenen Floskeln per Mail schreiben und ich nicht mal mein Geld bekomme.
Einzahlung: 40€
Offene Auszahlung 150€
Echtgeldguthaben bei letztem Login (09.10.2021) 160€.
Dragi Gurkenpapst1992,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli svoju žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih u potpunosti razumio cijelu situaciju. Možete li nas molim savjetovati prije koliko ste registrirali svoj račun i jeste li uspješno završili verifikaciju računa? Koje ste igre igrali (igre uživo, slotove ili više igrača)?
Da li sam dobro shvatio da ste otkazali aktivnu promotivnu ponudu prije nego što ste ispunili uvjete za bonus?
Provjerio sam opće uslove i odredbe bonusa, a ovo sam otkrio https://playzilla.com/en/rules :
To znači da morate ispuniti uvjete ulaganja, a nakon toga ćete moći isplatiti svoj dobitak. Nagrađeni iznos bonusa neće se oduzeti od vašeg dobitka jer je to bio neprianjajući bonus. Ipak, ulaganje u bonus mora biti završeno. Molimo vas da shvatite šta znači neljepljivi bonus:
"Non Sticky Casino Bonus je bonus koji se može unovčiti i koji igrač može pretvoriti u gotovinu nakon što ispuni sve uslove za bonus. Igrač obično prima bonus nakon što se prijavi i uplati svoj prvi depozit. Tipičan bonus koji se ne lijepi kreće se od 50% - 100% depozita. "
"Rečeno drugačije, ljepljivi bonus dodaje se vašem bankovnom računu, obično kada uplatite depozit, a kada završite s kockanjem i želite unovčiti, ljepljivi bonus se oduzima od vašeg salda. ... Na bonus za depozit koji se može unovčiti, možete unovčiti bilo koji novac iz bonusa "
Ako postoji relevantna komunikacija, proslijedite je na petronela.k@casino.guru .
Nadam se da ćemo vam pomoći da riješite ovaj problem što je prije moguće. Hvala vam unaprijed na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Gurkenpapst1992,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you please advise how long ago you have registered your account and if you’ve completed the account verification successfully? Which games you’ve been playing (live games, slots, or multiplayer)?
Do I understand correctly that you have cancelled the active promotional offer before completing the bonus requirements?
I have checked the general bonus terms and conditions, and this is what I found https://playzilla.com/en/rules:
It means that you have to complete the wagering requirements and afterward you would be able to cash out your winnings. The awarded bonus amount won't be deducted from your winnings as it was a non-sticky bonus. Nevertheless, the bonus wagering must be completed. Please understand what a non-sticky bonus means:
"A Non Sticky Casino Bonus is a cashable bonus that a player can convert into cash once they have met all the bonus requirements. A player usually receives the bonus upon signing up and making their first deposit. A typical Non Sticky Bonus ranges from 50% – 100% of the deposit."
"To put it another way, a sticky bonus is added to your bankroll, usually when you make a deposit, and when you're done gambling and want to cash out, the sticky bonus is deducted from your balance. ... On a cashable deposit bonus, you can cash out any money from the bonus"
If there’s any relevant communication, please forward it to petronela.k@casino.guru.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Zdravo Petronela,
Račun sam otvorio prije 3-4 dana.
Kada sam uplatio depozit, moj račun je podijeljen na sljedeći način:
Stanje stvarnog novca: 40 €
Bonus: 80 €
Igrao sam samo mašinu (slot) koja nije pod zabranjenim igrama i nakon nekoliko sati sam imao sljedeći status na računu:
Stanje stvarnog novca: 210 €
Bonus: 80 €
Zatim sam pitao na chatu da li bonus nije ljepljiv i uvjerio se da su samo bonus (80 €) i moj stvarni saldo novca (210 €) ostali u slučaju otkazivanja.
Ali imam samo snimak ekrana na kojem mi je potvrđeno da svi bonusi nisu ljepljivi.
Odmah sam rekao da bih htio biti potvrđen kako bih kasnije uštedio vrijeme u slučaju moguće isplate.
Tada je rečeno da ću biti kontaktiran čim mi budu potrebni dokumenti za verifikaciju, ali prije toga to neće uspjeti.
Mislio sam da je to glupo i naravno pomislio sam: "Odlično, ako verifikaciju ne mogu sam naručiti, onda će se to koristiti kao taktika odgađanja prilikom plaćanja" - ali prihvatio sam, pa moj račun nije verifikovan.
Čak i sa zahtjevima za plaćanje (samo mi je prikazan Myfinity, iako je polog bio kreditnom karticom, a nisam ni imao račun na Mifinityju), uvijek su govorili da je vaš račun provjeren, molimo vas da uplatite 10 € putem bankovnog transfera možete vidjeti bankovni transfer, na primjer, nikada nije bilo govora o bilo čemu pogrešnom, itd.
(Bilo je u tom smislu 3x u chatu uživo)
Pošto sam uvijek dobivao poruku o grešci prilikom plaćanja putem bankovnog transfera, bio sam prisiljen otvoriti Mifinity račun, ponovo položio 10 € i zatražio plaćanje putem Myfinityja. (150 €)
Zatim sam povećao preostali saldo stvarnog novca sa 60 € (sa istim mjestom kao i tada i 2 opklade uživo za košarku) na 160 €.
Sljedećeg dana (jučer navečer, 9. oktobra 2021.) prilikom pokušaja prijave pojavila se poruka "korisnik onemogućen od administratora", a odgovor koji sam dobio u chatu, kao što je spomenuto, bio je "Casino može blokirati račune bez razloga " - istaknuo je.
Kao što sam rekao, imao sam otvoren zahtjev za podizanje sredstava u iznosu od 150 € i stanje od 160 € na računu.
(Imam snimak ekrana zahtjeva za povlačenje).
Trenutni status kao što sam rekao: Račun je blokiran bez razloga, pošta bi navodno trebala stići s njih što je prije moguće ... ''
Hello Petronela,
I opened my account 3-4 days ago.
When I made a deposit, my account was divided as follows:
Real money balance: € 40
Bonus: € 80
I only played a machine (slot) that is not under prohibited games and after a few hours I had the following status in the account:
Real money balance: € 210
Bonus: € 80
Then I asked in the chat whether the bonus was non sticky and made sure that only the bonus (€ 80) and my real money balance (€ 210) remained in the event of cancellation.
But I only have a screenshot of this where it was confirmed to me that all bonuses there are non sticky.
I said straight away that I would like to be verified in order to save time later in the event of a possible payout.
It was then said that I will be contacted as soon as my verification documents are needed, but before that it won't work.
I thought it was stupid and of course I thought to myself: "Great, if a verification cannot be ordered by myself, then it will be used as a delaying tactic when paying out" - but I accepted, so my account was not verified .
Even with requests for payment (I was only shown Myfinity, although the deposit was by credit card & I didn't even have a Mifinity account), they always said, your account has been checked, please deposit € 10 by bank transfer so that you can see a bank transfer, for example , never was there any talk of anything wrong, etc.
(Was in this regard 3x in live chat)
Since I always got an error message when paying in by bank transfer, I was forced to create a Mifinity account, deposited € 10 again and requested the payment via Myfinity. (150 €)
I then increased the remaining real money balance from € 60 (with the same slot as back then and 2 basketball live bets) to € 160.
The next day (yesterday evening, October 9th, 2021) the message "user disabled from administrator" came up when trying to log in and the answer I was asked in the chat, as mentioned, was "The casino can block accounts without a reason" 'pointed out.
As I said, I had an open withdrawal request for € 150 and a balance of € 160 in the account.
(I have a screenshot of the withdrawal request).
Current status as I said: Account blocked for no reason, mail should supposedly come from them as soon as possible ... ''
Hallo Petronela,
geöffnet habe ich mein Account vor 3-4 Tagen.
Bei Einzahlung war mein Konto wie folgt aufgeteilt:
Echtgeldguthaben: 40€
Bonus: 80€
gespielt habe ich ausschließlich einen Automaten (Slot) der auch nicht unter verbotenen Spielen steht und hatte nach wenigen Stunden folgenden Stand im Account:
Echtgeldguthaben: 210€
Bonus: 80€
Danach habe ich im Chat gefragt, ob der Bonus Non Sticky ist und sicher gestellt, dass bei Stornierung nur der Bonus entfällt (80€) und mein Echtgeldguthaben (210€) bleibt.
Habe aber hiervon nur einen Screenshot wo mir bestätigt wurde, dass alle Bonis dort non Sticky sind.
Habe direkt gesagt, dass ich mich gerne Verifizieren möchte, um später bei eventueller Auszahlung Zeit zu sparen.
Darauf hieß es, ich werde kontaktiert, sobald man meine Verifizierungs-Unterlagen benötigt, vorher geht es nicht.
Fand ich doof und natürlich dachte ich mir: ,,super, wenn ne Verifizierung nicht von selbst in Auftrag gegeben werden kann, dann wird das bestimmt bei Auszahlung als hinhalte-taktik benutzt’‘ - habe ich aber hingenommen, demnach war mein Konto nicht Verifiziert.
Selbst bei Anfragen zur Auszahlung (mir wurde immer nur Myfinity angezeigt, obwohl Einzahlung per Kreditkarte war & ich nichtmal ein Mifinity Konto hatte), wurde immer gesagt, Ihr Konto wurde überprüft bitte Zahlen Sie 10€ per Überweisung ein, damit Ihnen z.B Banküberweisung angezeigt wird, nie war die Rede davon, dass irgendwas nicht stimmt usw.
(War diesbezüglich 3x im Livechat)
Da bei mir bei Einzahlung per Überweisung immer eine Fehlermeldung kam, habe ich mir gezwungenermaßen ein Mifinity Konto erstellt, 10€ nochmal eingezahlt und die Auszahlung per Myfinity beantragt. (150€)
Das restliche Echtgeldguthaben habe ich dann von 60€ (mit derselben Slot wie damals) und 2 Basketball Livewetten) hochgespielt auf 160€.
Am nächsten Tag (gestern Abend, 09.10.2021) kam dann beim Einlog-Versuch die Meldung ,,user disabled from Administrator‘‘ und als Antwort wurde ich im Chat wie erwähnt nur auf den Punkt ,,Das Casino kann Konten ohne Begründung Sperren‘‘ hingewiesen.
Ich hatte wie gesagt eine offene Auszahlungs-Anfrage von 150€ und Guthaben von 160€ auf dem Konto.
(Screenshot von der Auszahlungsanfrage habe ich).
Aktueller Stand wie gesagt: Konto ohne Grund gesperrt, Mail soll angeblich schnellstmöglich von denen kommen…‘‘
Budući da nije ljepljiv i rečeno mi je da mogu otkazati prije ispunjenja, logično nisam ispunio uvjete, oni se ne primjenjuju u slučaju otkazivanja, samo je bonus od 80 € tada nestao.
Ovo je također normalna procedura sa Non Sticky.
Danas sam primio poruku da moram dati svoje bankovne podatke za povrat novca, poslao sam je i sada čekam jer u pošti nije naveden nikakav iznos.
Ako mi sada samo vrate depozite, osjećam se stvarno bijesno.
Posebno sam tražio da se prenese moj otvoreni zahtjev (150 €) i stanje u stvarnom novcu (160 €).
Sačekajte i vidite ...
Još uvijek sam ljut po mom mišljenju, a zabrana bez komentara pokazuje mi da je to bilo samo proizvoljno, jer im izgleda ne odgovara što imam 310 eura nakon što sam položio samo 40 eura.
Dopustiću sebi da se iznenadim.
Hi there,
Since it is non sticky and I was told I can cancel before fulfillment, I logically did not fulfill the conditions, these do not apply in the case of cancellation, only the € 80 bonus was then gone.
This is also the normal procedure with Non Sticky.
Today I received a mail that I should give my bank details for a refund, I have sent it and now I wait because no amount was mentioned in the mail.
If they only transfer the deposits back to me now, I feel really pissed off.
I specifically asked for my open request (150 €) and my real money balance (160 €) to be transferred.
Wait and see ...
Still a pissed off in my opinion, and the ban without comment shows me that it was really just arbitrary, because it doesn't seem to suit them that I have € 310 after I only deposited € 40.
I will let myself be surprised.
da es non sticky ist und mir gesagt wurde ich kann vor Erfüllung stornieren, habe ich die Bedinungen logischerweise nicht erfüllt, diese entfallen ja bei Stornieren, lediglich die 80€ Bonus waren dann weg.
So ist auch das normale Prozedere bei Non Sticky.
heute kam ne Mail, dass ich für eine Rückerstattung meine Bankdaten angeben soll, habe ich verschickt und warte nun mal ab, da kein Betrag genannt wurde in der Mail.
Wenn die mir jetzt lediglich die Einzahlungen rücküberweisen komme ich mir echt verarscht vor.
Habe Ausdrücklich um Überweisung meiner offenen Anfrage (150€) und meines Echtgeldguthabens gebeten (160€).
Mal abwarten…
Dennoch eine sauerrei wie ich finde, und die kommentarlose Sperre zeigt mir, dass es wirklich nur willkür war, da denen es scheinbar nicht passt, dass ich 310€ habe, nachdem ich nur 40€ eingezahlt hatte.
Ich lasse mich mal überraschen.
Dragi Gurkenpapst1992,
Kao što sam ranije spomenuo, bojim se da je vaša definicija neljepljivog bonusa netočna. Neljepljivi bonus znači da se nagradni iznos bonusa neće oduzeti kada su ispunjeni uvjeti ulaganja i zatraženo povlačenje.
Ako ste otkazali bonus prije ispunjavanja uvjeta ulaganja, bojim se da nećete imati pravo na dobitak. Javite mi ako postoje neke dodatne informacije koje sam inače previdio, bit ću prisiljen odbiti vašu žalbu u ovom trenutku. Zaista bih volio da sam od veće pomoći. Hvala ti.
Dear Gurkenpapst1992,
As I mentioned earlier, I'm afraid your definition of non sticky bonus is incorrect. Non sticky bonus means that the rewarded bonus amount won't be deducted when wagering requirements are completed and a withdrawal requested.
If you have cancelled your bonus before completing wagering requirements, I'm afraid you won't be entitled to any winnings. Let me know if there is any additional information that I have overlooked otherwise, I will be forced to reject your complaint at this time. I really wish I were of more help. Thank you.
Zdravo Petronela,
Po pitanju moje definicije da nije ljepljiv je pogrešna: upravo sam primio e -poruku da sam primio puni transfer od 319 €, tako da je moja definicija tačna.
Vjerojatno biste trebali detaljnije proći kroz temu. 😉
Žalba se stoga može zaključiti.
Hello Petronela,
On the subject of my definition of not sticky is wrong: I have just received an email that I have received the full € 319 transfer, so my definition is correct.
You should probably go through the topic again in more detail. 😉
The complaint can therefore be closed.
Hallo Petronela,
zum Thema meine Definition von nicht Klebrig sei Falsch: ich habe soeben eine Mail bekommen, dass ich die kompletten 319€ überwiesen bekomme, also ist meine Definition richtig.
Vllt solltest du das Thema nochmal genauer durchgehen. 😉
Die Beschwerde kann demnach geschlossen werden.
Vrlo zanimljivo, ipak, jako sam sretan što ste dobili svoje dobitke. Kako je problem uspješno riješen, sada ćemo žalbu zatvoriti kao 'riješenu' u našem sistemu. Hvala vam puno, Gurkenpapst1992, na saradnji i potvrdi, i ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ako u budućnosti budete imali problema s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Ovdje smo da vam pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Very interesting, nevertheless, I'm very happy that you have received your winnings. As the problem has been successfully resolved, we will now close the complaint as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thank you very much, Gurkenpapst1992, for your cooperation and confirmation, and please don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
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