Pozdrav svima!
Već imamo dva tačna slučaja koja su oba zatvorena:
Ovo je proces koji je u toku u Pledoo-u. Pomažemo našim klijentima da povrate svoja sredstva kroz proceduru povraćaja sredstava zbog problema na koje su se pojavili provajderi platnog sistema koji su uključeni u obradu ovih plaćanja, što je dovelo do toga da sredstva nismo primili.
Pokretanje ovog procesa je vođeno našim čvrstim uverenjem da je u skladu sa industrijskim standardima i, iznad svega, našom iskrenom željom da podržimo naše klijente u povratu njihovih sredstava.
Samo da budemo potpuno jasni: transakcije i depoziti uključeni u ove povraćaje sredstava su knjiženi na Pledoo bilanse klijenata i oni su uspešno korišćeni. Odnos kupac-dobavljač je u ovim slučajevima savršeno održan.
Ovo je samo dodatni korak koji radimo: ako novac nije stigao do nas, postoji svaki razlog zašto bi trebalo da se vrati našim klijentima.
Naša komunikacija sa Basel999 prekinuta je zbog višestrukih neopravdanih pretnji koje smo dobili, gde je on naveo da smo umešani u „prevaru" i pretio je tužbom.
Basel999, ako se slažete da nastavite proces na građanski, uvažavajući način, otvoreni smo za proširenje naše pomoći u olakšavanju povraćaja sredstava kroz proces povraćaja sredstava. Obratite se direktno našem finansijskom odeljenju i oni će vam pomoći najbolje što mogu.
Nadam se da će ovo objašnjenje pomoći!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Pledoo Team
Greetings everyone!
We already have two other exact cases that were both closed:
This is an ongoing process that we are undertaking at Pledoo. We are assisting our customers in reclaiming their funds through a chargeback procedure due to issues encountered with the payment system provider involved in processing these payments, which resulted in the funds not being received by us.
The initiation of this process is driven by our firm belief that it aligns with industry standards and, above all, our sincere desire to support our customers in recovering their funds.
Just to be perfectly clear: the transactions and deposits involved in these chargebacks were credited to customers' Pledoo balances and successfully used by them. The buyer-supplier relationship was maintained perfectly in these cases.
This is just an extra step we are doing: If the money hasn't made its way to us, there's every reason it should find its way back to our customers.
Our communication with Basel999 was terminated because of the multiple unjustified threats we received, where he alleged that we were involved in a "scam" and threatened legal action.
Basel999, if you agree to continue the process in civil, respectful manner, we are open to extending our assistance in facilitating the funds recovery through a charge-back process. Please contact our finance department directly and they will assist you as best as they can.
Hope this explanation helps!
Best regards,
Pledoo Team
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