Dragi Jeanbedard89,
Bio sam u kontaktu sa kazinom van teme i dobio sam dovoljno detalja da donesem konačnu odluku.
Nažalost, nakon prikupljanja svih potrebnih informacija, prinuđeni smo da zatvorimo/odbijemo žalbu – u suštini ne postoji ništa što bi moglo ukazivati na to da ste bili na bilo kojoj poziciji na turniru u predmetnom periodu, dok je informacija potvrđena na više načina, uključujući potvrdu samog organizatora turnira. Barem nije bilo kao što ste tvrdili u Pledoo kazinu. Pored toga, turniri koje je kazino nudio tokom perioda o kome je reč (bili su dostupni nekoliko nedelja) imali su zbirnu nagradu od 2 miliona € – međutim, ovo je bilo za ceo period (4 nedelje), dok je najveća moguća nagrada/iznos u pojedinačni turnir je bio €/£ 5,000. Dakle, nije potpuno jasno odakle vam sporni iznos, ali svakako nije bio iz Pledoo kazina između 1. avgusta i 7. avgusta 2024. Na kraju, ali ne i najmanje važno, niste dali bukvalno ništa da dokažete svoje tvrdnje. Iskreno govoreći, izgleda da smo ovde rešavali nepostojeći problem, i nije moglo da se završi drugačije.
Žao mi je što nismo bili u mogućnosti da vam pomognemo sa ovim, ali molim vas, ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate u budućnosti, ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Ako niste zadovoljni rešenjem za pritužbu, preporučujem vam da konsultujete organ za kockanje čiji je kazino regulisan.
U slučaju bilo kakvih pitanja ili vesti od regulatora, slobodno mi pišite na branislav.b@casino.guru .
Hvala vam puno, Pledoo Casino tim, na pružanju informacija i na saradnji!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Branislav, Kazino.Guru
Dear Jeanbedard89,
I was in contact with the casino outside the thread and was provided with enough details to make a final decision.
Unfortunately, after gathering all the necessary information, we are forced to close/reject the complaint - there is basically nothing that could indicate you were placed in any position in the tournament during the period in question, while the information was confirmed in several ways, including the confirmation from the tournament provider itself. At least it was not like you claimed at Pledoo Casino. In addition, tournaments the casino offered during the period in question (they were available for several weeks) had a pool prize of 2M € - however, this was for the entire period (4 weeks), while the highest possible prize/amount in a single tournament was of €/£ 5,000. So, it is not completely clear where you got the disputed amount from, but it was certainly not from Pledoo Casino between August 1 and August 7, 2024. Last but not least, you provided literally nothing to prove your claims. To be honest, it looks like we were solving a non-existent issue here, and it could not end up otherwise.
I am sorry we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
If you are not satisfied with the complaint solution, I recommend you consult the gambling authority that the casino is regulated by.
In case of any questions or news from the regulator, feel free to write to me at branislav.b@casino.guru.
Thank you very much, Pledoo Casino Team, for providing information and for your cooperation!
Best regards,
Branislav, Casino.Guru
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