Nisam ih obavestio, ali vidim da se u citiranom tekstu pominje da registar ne radi, što nije tačno. Nastavljen je u decembru 2022. i tada sam se uspešno prijavio za njega. Kao rezultat toga, zabranjeno mi je korišćenje svih drugih naloga u različitim kazinima i nisam mogao da se pridružim novom. Tako da verujem da citirane informacije nisu ažurne.
Evo linka iz NRA Bugarske:
Od 12.12.2022. godine nastavljeno je vođenje i omogućavanje pristupa registru ugroženih lica, shodno čl. 10, st. 1 Zakona o kockanju.
Svako lice koje smatra da ima problem sa kockanjem, kao i oni čiji društveni status i/ili nivo prihoda može da ih učini podložnijim kockanju i razvijanju zavisnosti od kockanja, može da se upiše u „Registar ugroženih lica" (napravljen na osnovu Član 10. Zakona o kockanju), sa ciljem da im se zabrani ili spreči učešće u igrama na sreću.
Hvala vam.
I haven't informed them, however I see that in the quoted text it is mentioned that the registry isn't working, which isn't true. It was resumed in December 2022 and this is when I successfully signed up for it. As a result I have been banned from all other accounts in different casinos and I wasn't able to join a new one. So I believe the information quoted isn't up to date.
Here is a link from the NRA Bulgaria:
From 12.12.2022, the maintenance and provision of access to a register of vulnerable persons has been resumed, according to Art. 10, para. 1 of the Gambling Act.
Any person who believes they have a gambling problem, as well as those whose social status and/or income level may make them more susceptible to gambling and developing a gambling addiction, can enter the "Register of vulnerable persons" (created on the basis of Article 10 of the Law on Gambling), with the aim of prohibiting or preventing them from participating in gambling games.
Thank you.
I haven't informed them, however I see that in the quoted text it is mentioned that the registry isn't working, which isn't true. It was resumed in December 2022 and this is when I successfully signed yup for it. In result I have been banned from all other accounts in different casinos and I wasn't able to join a new one. So I believe the information quoted isn't up to date.
Here is a link from the NRA Bulgaria:
От 12.12.2022 г. е възобновено воденето и предоставянето на достъп до регистър на уязвими лица, съгласно чл. 10 г., ал. 1 от Закона за хазарта.
Всяко лице, което смята, че има проблем с хазарта, както и лицата, чието социално положение и/или равнище на доходи може да ги направи по-податливи към участие в хазартни игри и развиване на хазартна зависимост, могат да се впишат в „Регистър на уязвимите лица" (създаден на основание чл. 10г. от Закона за хазарта), с цел забрана или недопускането им до участие в хазартни игри.
Thank you.
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