NaslovnaPritužbePrism Casino - Povlačenje igrača je više puta poništeno.
Prism Casino - Povlačenje igrača je više puta poništeno.
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100 $
Prism Casino
Index sigurnosti:Iznad proseka
Sigurnosni indeks
Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
The player from the United States is having trouble making a withdrawal. Despite being assured via live chat that there are no problems with the account, the funds keep being returned to the play account without any explanation or email notification from the casino. After our intervention, we were able to help the player to get their winnings. The player confirmed they received the funds in the end. The Player’s complaint has been resolved successfully.
Igrač iz Sjedinjenih Država ima problema sa povlačenjem. Uprkos uveravanju putem ćaskanja uživo da nema problema sa nalogom, sredstva se vraćaju na račun za igru bez ikakvog objašnjenja ili obaveštenja putem e-pošte od kazina. Nakon naše intervencije, uspeli smo da pomognemo igraču da dođe do svog dobitka. Igrač je na kraju potvrdio da je dobio sredstva. Žalba igrača je uspešno rešena.
Prihvatio sam 25 besplatnih okretaja bez depozita u ovoj novijoj igri velikih mačaka. Uspeo sam da sakupim samo oko 10 dolara nakon što su obrtaji završeni, a oni su imali zahtev za opkladu od oko 280,00 dolara ili nešto oko te cifre. Na kraju sam pobedio u istoj igri za mačke koju su promovisali i primetio sam da su uzeli oko 100,00 dolara od mog ukupnog iznosa. Želeo sam da se uverim da sam u stvari „čist", pa sam se povukao iz igre i proverio svoj nalog da vidim da su moj stvarni saldo i bilans povlačenja isti, a saldo bonusa je nestao. Zatim sam morao da im položim 10 dolara u bitkoinima da bih izvršio povlačenje. Nakon toga sam prešao na povlačenje i sve je prošlo. Sledećeg dana sam primetio da su moja sredstva vraćena na moj račun, kao da nikada nisam tražio povlačenje. Zatim sam ponovo podneo zahtev samo da bih video da su mi sredstva vraćena nakon 2 sata, bez e-pošte od njih ili bilo kakvog obaveštenja. Poslao sam im e-poštu, ali nisam dobio odgovor. Zatim sam trećeg dana uspeo da dođem do njih koristeći ćaskanje uživo. Agent za korisničku podršku je bio ljubazan i pogledao je moj račun i čak me je utešio rekavši da nema nikakvih problema ili bilo čega i da će sa odobrenjem poslati moje podatke u blagajnu. Ista stvar kao i ranije, nakon toga sam podneo još 2 zahteva i novac je pao nazad na moj nalog za igru bez ikakvog obrazloženja...
I had accepted a no deposit free 25 spins on this newer big cats game. I only managed to total around $10 after the spins were completed and they had a wager requirement of about $280.00 or something around that figure. I ended up winning on that same cat game they were promoting and noticed that they took out about $100.00 from my total. I wanted to make sure that i was in fact "in the clear", so i backed out of the game and checked my account to see that my real balance and withdrawal balance were the same, and the bonus balance had vanished. I then had to deposit $10 to them in bitcoin in order to make the withdrawal. After that, i proceeded to the withdrawal and everything went through. The next day i noticed that my funds were back into my account, as if i had never requested the withdrawal. I then resubmitted the request again only to see my funds returned after 2 hours, No email from them or any notice. I had emailed them but recieved no response. Then on day 3, i was able to get through to them using live chat. The customer service agent was polite and looked over my account and even comforted me in saying that there are no problems or anything and that she would send my info to the cash department with approval. Same thing as before, i submitted 2 more requests afterwards and the money landed back into my play account with no reasoning at all...
17. Pre nego što se povlačenje može obraditi, igrač mora da obezbedi identifikacioni dokument sa fotografijom koji je izdao državni organ i dokaz adrese radi verifikacije. Kazino zadržava pravo da zatraži dodatne informacije za validaciju naloga.
Štaviše, u vezi sa dobicima od bonusa bez depozita, kazino navodi sledeće:
Bonus bez depozita (besplatni čipovi, besplatni okreti)
3. Osim ako nije drugačije navedeno, maksimalni iznos povlačenja sa bilo kog bonusa bez depozita je 1 puta veći od nominalne vrednosti bonusa, sa minimumom od 100 $. Svi besplatni čipovi u vrednosti ispod 50 dolara će imati ograničenje za isplatu od najviše, niti manje od 100 dolara.
Možete li da nam kažete da li ste prošli KIC verifikaciju?
Da li su vaši dobici od besplatnih okretaja ograničeni kao što je navedeno u Uslovima?
Da li ste dobili neko objašnjenje zašto se vaš zahtev za povlačenje stalno vraća na vaš račun igrača?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear chadvegaca,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
17. Before a withdrawal can be processed, the Player must provide a Government issued photo ID and proof of address for verification. The Casino reserves the right to request additional information to validate accounts.
Moreover, regarding the winnings from no-deposit bonuses, the casino states the following:
No deposit bonuses (Free chips, free spins)
3. Unless otherwise stated, the maximum withdrawal amount from any No Deposit Bonus is 1 time the face value of the bonus, with a minimum of $100. All free chips valued below $50 will come with a cash-out limit of no more than, nor less than, $100.
Could you please advise if you passed the KYC verification?
Have your winnings from the free spins been capped as stated in the Terms?
Have you received any explanation for why your withdrawal request keeps getting back into your player account?
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Zdravo Veronika, i hvala vam što ste razmotrili moju tvrdnju. Nakon što sam pročitao vaše predloge i moguće ishode, osećam se kao da sam još uvek u zelenom. Priložio sam neke snimke ekrana izveštaja o istoriji transakcija na mom nalogu, kao i imejl koji je najviše povezan sa mojim problemom (najbliži uzrok) koji su mi poslali. Ne postoji određeni iznos za koliko možete da unovčite, čemu sam video iz prve ruke od moje prijateljice koja je koristila bonus bez depozita sa Lucki Legends i bila je isplaćena 900,00 dolara samo od svog bonus dobitka. Mogu da zamislim da Lucki Legends deli istu mrežu sa Prismom, zbog istog interfejsa, bonus ponuda i igara. Jedina zabrinutost zbog odložene isplate je ono što mi je agent za korisničku podršku pomenuo pre nekoliko dana, nakon što sam već nekoliko puta podneo svoj zahtev. Njena izjava je bila da nije bilo crvenih zastavica i da će poslati moju informaciju finansijskom odeljenju i možda KIC-u. Takođe, Prism koristi Inclave, zar to ne bi trebalo da ubrza proces?
Hello Veronika, and thank you for looking into my claim. After reading through your suggestions and possible outcomes, I feel as though I am still in the green here. I have attached some screen shots of my account transactions history report as well as the email most associated with my issue (closest means of a cause) sent by them. There is no set amount for how much you may cash out, this I had witnessed first hand from a friend of mine who used a no deposit bonus with Lucky Legends and was paid out $900.00 only off of her bonus winnings. Lucky Legends shares the same network with Prism I can imagine, due to the same interface, bonus offers and games. My only concern for the delayed payout is from what the customer support agent mentioned to mea few days ago, after i had submitted my request a few times already. Her statement was that there were no red flags and that she was going to send my information over to the financial department and possibly the KYC. Also, Prism uses Inclave, shouldnt that speed the process along?
Svaki kazino može imati svoje uslove i odredbe u vezi sa bonusima. Pravila za bonuse bez plaćanja/bez maksimalnih bonusa mogu se naći u odeljku pod nazivom „ Svi bonusi na depozit " u Uslovima i odredbama kazina, tako da pretpostavljam da se pravilo bez maksimuma ne primenjuje na besplatne okrete. Možete li da prosledite bilo kakvu komunikaciju između vas i kazina u vezi sa ovim problemom na _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ? Hvala vam.
Each casino may have its own Terms and Conditions regarding the bonuses. The rules for No pay/No max bonuses can be found under the section called "All Deposit Bonuses" in the casino's Terms and Conditions, so I assume the no max rule does not apply to free spins. Could you please forward any communication between you and the casino regarding the issue to Thank you.
Zdravo, moj zahtev za povlačenje je prihvaćen i čeka odeljenje za obradu. 3 različita agenta za korisničku podršku su me uverila da sve izgleda dobro, čak i potvrđeno sa KIC-om. Međutim, prošlo je više od nedelju dana i odlučio sam da proverim napredak samo da bih otkrio da moje povlačenje na čekanju više nije tu i očigledno nije na mom bankovnom računu. Ja sam ljut! Napravio sam depozit od traženih 10 dolara u bitkoinima potrebnim za uslove za prihvatanje mojih dobitaka. Pa zaista, ti klovnovi mora da uzimaju 10 dolara od nekoliko ljudi. Ovi momci su najgori i nadam se i molim se da se njihova kompanija pretvori u ruševine i da se nađe u svetu finansijskih nevolja, bankrota i plivanja u dugovima izazvanim milionskim tužbama. Zašto bi mi iznova i iznova govorili da je sve u redu i da će moj zahtev „biti" (nije podnet na odobrenje) obrađen u roku od najviše 7 dana? Suočavanje sa gomilom ološa po mom mišljenju. To bi bilo kao da sam ja doktor, a oni pacijent koji traži lečenje za potencijalno fatalno stanje i da im kažem da nemaju o čemu da brinu i da će biti sasvim dobro. Zatim im napišem recept i uveravam ih da treba da uzimaju ovaj lek prema uputstvima. Dok odlaze po recept, rečeno im je da takav "čudotvorni" lek ne postoji i da moraju da se vrate lekaru da bi proverili kako se ovaj lek zaista zove. Po povratku, doktora nema nigde, kao da ga nikada nije bilo. Kada dobiju drugo mišljenje od drugog lekara, on im kaže da nema ničega za lečenje ovog stanja i da se očekuje da će živeti još samo 2 nedelje najviše. Samo okrutna šala.
Hello, so my withdrawal request has been accepted and has been awaiting the processing department. I have been assured by 3 different customer support agents that everything looks good, even confirmed with the KYC too. However, its been over a week now and i decided to check the progress only to find that my pending withdrawal is no longer there and is clearly not in my bank account. I am livid! I did make a deposit of the requested $10 in bitcoin required for the terms to accept my winnings. So really, those clowns must be taking $10 from several people. These guys are the worst and I hope and pray that their company gets reduced to rubble and finds themselves in a world of financial distress, bankruptcy and swimming in debt caused by owing millions in law suits. Why would they tell me again and again that everything is fine and my request "will be" (not submitted for approval) processed within 7 days tops? Dealing with a bunch of scumbags in my opinion. That would be like me being a doctor and them being a patient that seeks treatment for a potentially fatal condition and me telling them that they have nothing to worry about and they were going to be just fine. Then I write them a prescription and assure them that they need to take this medication as directed. As they go to pick up the prescription, they are told that no such "miracle" drug exists and that they need to return to the doctor to verify what this medication is really called. Upon return, the doctor is nowhere to be found, as if he was never there to begin with. When they get a second opinion from another doctor, he tells them there is nothing to treat the condition and that they are expected to live for only another 2 weeks tops. Just a cruel joke really.
Takođe, gledajući istoriju transakcija, pokazuje se da je menadžment tražio da se uključi, što me koštalo 5 dolara? Povrh toga, to onda pokazuje da uprava odobrava povlačenje, ali ubrzo nakon toga, mojih postojećih preostalih 95 dolara postaje sivo i nestaje. Nikada nije sleteo na moj nalog ili nisam siguran da proverim da li je zaista na blokčejnu koji mi je krenuo. Od 3 načina da ih kontaktirate, postoji samo jedan način koji funkcioniše, a to je ćaskanje uživo, ali morate da sačekate oko 30 minuta ili više pre nego što agent odgovori.
Slanje im e-pošte nikada mi nije vratilo nikakve odgovore ili e-poruke, a njihovo pozivanje neće funkcionisati jer namerno nemaju vezu sa telefonom i uvek su zauzeti, samo još jedan trik koji treba da smisle kako bi izbegli da imaju posla sa klijentima
Also, looking at the transactions history, it is showing that management requested to get involved, which cost me $5? On top of that, it then shows that management approves the withdrawal but shortly after that, my existing $95 left goes gray and is gone. It never landed in my account, or it is unsure to verify if it is indeed on the blockchain headed my way. Out of the 3 ways to contact them, there is only one way that kind of works and that is live chat, but you have to wait about 30 minutes or more before a agent responds.
Emailing them has never gotten me any responses or emails back and calling them wont work since they intentionally has the phone off the hook and is always busy, just another ploy to devise to avoid having to actually deal with customers
Takođe, primio sam ovu e-poštu od stvarnog člana osoblja Prism kazina, pre otprilike 4 ili 5 dana u osnovi izvinjavajući se zbog kašnjenja i ukratko objašnjavajući incident koji se dogodio sa njihovim sistemom bacanja novčića. U nekoliko paragrafa, primetićete da oni izražavaju veliku zabrinutost i da mi nude konkretna uputstva o tome kako da nastavim sa svojim ličnim povlačenjem, što mi govori dve stvari... Prva je da ovo nije samo neka masovno proizvedena e-poruka. na sve uključene mušterije, ali je namerno specifičan za mene... I drugo, gledajući ozbiljnost i direktnu zabrinutost ovog zaposlenog na mene i moj račun... sigurno sam mislio da je ovo definitivan dokaz da oni postupaju sa mojim zahtevom sa najvišim prioritetom (kao što je objašnjeno u pismu) i posvećenošću kako izgleda da izražavaju... Međutim, ispravno sam sledio uputstva, samo da bih se vratio u poziciju čuđenja i neizvesnosti . Nisu odgovorili na moje zahteve za ćaskanje uživo, mejlove i naravno telefon je sam po sebi prevara, uvek zauzet. Nisam siguran u šta da verujem sada. Iako sam primetio da je njihov onlajn sajt pretrpeo rupu novu transformaciju, pa čak i promenu logotipa, pa su bili zauzeti, samo ne brigom o kupcima koji su bili tamo pre čitavog novog remonta.
Also, i had received this email from an actual Prism casino staff member, roughly 4 or 5 days ago basically apologizing for the delay and briefly explaining the incident that had occurred with their coin drop system. Within the few paragraphs, you will notice that they are expressing great concern and are offering me specific directions on how to proceed with my personal withdrawal, which tells me two things.... One, being that this isnt just some mass produced email going out to all of the customers involved, but was intentionally specific for me... And two, looking at the severity and the direct concern applied from this employee unto poor old me and my account.... I for sure thought that this is definite proof that they are handling my request with the upmost priority (as explained in the letter) and dedication as they seem to express... However, I have followed the instructions correctly, only to find myself back in the position of wondering and uncertainty. They have not responded to my live chats requests, emails and of course the phone is a scam itself, always busy. Not sure what to believe now. Although I noticed that their online site has undergone a hole new transformation and even change of logo, so they have been busy, just not with being concerned about the customers who were there before the whole new overhaul.
Hvala puno, chadvegaca, što si dao sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu svom kolegi Mihalu ( _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, chadvegaca, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Michal ( who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Ja sam Michal i preuzeo sam vašu žalbu. Pregledao sam vaš slučaj i kontaktiraću kazino da rasvetlimo ovo.
Pozivamo Prism Casino da se pridruži razgovoru.
Dragi Prism Casino,
Možete li, molim vas, dati informacije u vezi sa problemima povlačenja igrača? Kada će „problem Coindrav" biti rešen? Koje alternativne opcije povlačenja možete ponuditi korisniku ako se problem nastavi?
Hello chadvegaca,
I'm Michal and I have taken over your complaint. I have reviewed your case and I will contact the casino to shed more light on this.
We would like to invite Prism Casino to join the conversation.
Dear Prism Casino,
Can you please provide information regarding the player's withdrawal issues? When is the "Coindraw issue" going to be resolved? What alternative withdrawal options can you offer the user if the problem persists?
Pregledao sam situaciju i vidim da je povlačenje isplaćeno putem Bitcoin-a po maksimalnoj vrednosti za isplatu besplatnog čipa u igri u trenutku pobede (100-5$ naknada za uslugu=95$) 26. jula.
Najlepše želje,
Nick and Prism kazino
Greetings all,
I have reviewed the situation and I can see that the withdrawal was paid out via Bitcoin at the maximum cashout value for the free chip in play at the time of the win ($100-$5 service fee=$95) on July 26th.
......... Sjajno!........ Čekaj malo? To povlačenje 26. jula je bilo kada je prvobitno trebalo da bude isplaćeno... Tada sam stavio na povlačenje 15. jula. Čekao sam 11 dana samo da bih čuo da moram ponovo da podnesem zahtev za povlačenje zbog problema sa coindrop-om. Od svih ljudi koji bi trebali biti svjesni incidenta, mislim da bi Nik trebao znati više o tome od bilo koga drugog? U svakom slučaju, ponovo sam podneo zahtev za povlačenje 26. 26., da se razumemo, „nisu" isplaćeni. U stvari, primio sam nekoliko e-poruka direktno od Prisma-a u kojima me uverava da se moje povlačenje obrađuje. Ovi mejlovi su poslati 29., 1. avgusta i konačno 3. avgusta. Jedini razlog zašto sam primio ove e-poruke je taj što sam zveckao kavezima sa korisničkom službom i proveravao da li je bilo napretka. Kada sam kontaktirao korisničku podršku 2. ovog meseca, rečeno mi je da više nemaju moju bitkoin adresu u evidenciji? Ovo je bila novost za mene, s obzirom na to da su "već obradili" povlačenje... Ljubazan agent za korisničku podršku ljubazno mi je ponudio adresu e-pošte za finansije u kom trenutku sam im poslao svoju bitkoin adresu plus tri druga rešenja za plaćanje ( aplikacija za gotovinu, bankovno rutiranje i brojevi računa, paipal). Istog dana dobio sam odgovor iz finansija u kojem se tvrdilo da će moje povlačenje biti u fazi obrade najkasnije sledećeg dana (3. avgusta). Takođe, izdata mi je kompenzacija (pogledajte prilog) putem prilagođenog koda bez depozita koji je nudio 50 dolara, ali mi je rečeno da ne unosim sve dok moje povlačenje na čekanju ne bude uklonjeno. Mislio sam da je to kul u njihovo ime... Do.... Danas. Probudio sam se i video da moje povlačenje na čekanju više nije na mojoj stranici za povlačenje, što me je zabrinulo, kao da su me dosta i odbacili. Dao sam im prednost u sumnji i uspeo sam da unesem svoj kod i da se kockam najmanje.... Taj kredit od 50 dolara za kompenzaciju je bio nevažeći i nije funkcionisao... Pa sam ponovo kontaktirao korisničku podršku da shvatim zašto moj kod nije posao i da se takođe raspitam o svom statusu povlačenja. Agent je spomenuo da sam morao da uložim novac da bi kod funkcionisao, kada u e-poruci nema takvog zahteva koji daje 50 dolara. To je bila propast. Što se tiče mog povlačenja, "pretpostavljam" da ga dobijem za još 7-10 dana, ali ne mogu a da ne budem skeptičan. Ako prođe, to bi bilo skoro 30 dana da sam morao da čekam na tako jednostavno povlačenje. Hvala Mikal i Veronika zajedno sa Casino Guruom.
......... Awesome!........ Wait a second? That withdrawal on the 26th of July was when I was originally suppose to be paid out... That was when I had put in for the withdrawal on the 15th. I waited 11 days only to hear that I needed to resubmit my withdrawal request due to issues with the coindrop. Of all people that should be aware of incident, I feel that Nick should know more about that than anyone else? Anyhoot, I resubmitted my withdrawal request again on the 26th. I was "not" paid out on the 26th, to be clear. In fact, I have received a few emails directly from Prism assuring me that my withdrawal was being processed. These emails were sent on the 29th, 1st of August and finally on the 3rd. The only reason I had received these emails is because I have been rattling the cages with customer service and verifying if any progress has been made. When I contacted customer service on the 2nd of this month, I was told that they no longer had my bitcoin address on file? This was news to me, considering that "they had already processed" the withdrawal... The polite customer service agent kindly offered me the email address for the finance department at which point I emailed them with my bitcoin address plus three other payment solutions (cash app, bank routing and account numbers, paypal). That same day I had a response back from finance claiming that they would have my withdrawal in the processing stage by the following day at the latest (Aug 3rd). Also, I was issued compensation (see attachment)through a custom no deposit code which offered $50, but was told not to input until my pending withdrawal was removed. I thought that was cool on their behalf... Until...., Today. I woke up to see that my pending withdrawal was no longer on my withdrawal page, which had me worried, as if they have had enough of me and discarded it. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and was able to input my code and gamble at least.... That $50 compensation credit was invalid and didnt work... So, i contacted customer service again, to figure out why my code didnt work and to also ask about my withdrawal status. The agent mentioned that i needed to deposit money for the code to work, when there is no such request in the email granting the $50. So that was a bust. As for my withdrawal, I am "suppose" to receive it in another 7-10 days, but I cant help but to be skeptical. If it does go through, that would be nearly 30 days I had to wait for such a simple withdrawal. Thank you Mikal and Veronika along with Casino Guru.
Moram se složiti da je to prilično čudna situacija. Kako nijedan sistem nije 100% savršen, takva situacija se, iako vrlo retko, može dogoditi. Zamoliću kazino da još jednom proveri šta se dešava i siguran sam da će Nik dati sve od sebe da ovo reši za vas što je pre moguće.
Dragi Nick / Prism kazino,
Možete li, molim vas, još jednom da proverite šta se dešava sa povlačenjem igrača i nefunkcionalnim besplatnim čipom od 50 dolara IASA6?
Dear chadvegaca,
I must agree it is a rather strange situation. As no system is 100% perfect such a situation can although very rarely occur. I will ask the casino to double-check what's going on and I'm sure Nick will do his best to get this sorted out for you as soon as possible.
Dear Nick / Prism Casino,
Can you please double-check what's going on with the player's withdrawal and the not working $50 free chip code YASA6?
Voleli bi da zamolimo kazino da odgovori na ovu pritužbu. Produžujemo timer za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u predviđenom roku, prigovo ćemo zatvoriti kao "nerešen", što može negativno uticati na rejting kazina.
We would like to ask the casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Izvinjenje za kašnjenje. Imao sam zdravstvenih problema i trebalo mi je malo vremena za oporavak, veoma cenim strpljenje svih po tom pitanju. IASA6 više nije aktivan kod već je istekao, jer je isplata u ovom trenutku sve isplaćeno.
Najlepše želje,
Nik i Prizma
Hey all,
Apologies for the delay. I had some health issues and needed some recovery time, I very much appreciate everyone's patience in the matter. YASA6 is no longer an active code it is expired, as to the payout all has been paid at this point.
Zdravo Nik, žao mi je što čujem za zdravstvene probleme koje ste nedavno imali i iskreno se nadam da se oporavljate i da ste dobro, jer 100,00 dolara i bonus kod nikada neće predstavljati vrednost i važnost ljudskog života. Dakle, moje najbolje želje i podrška idemo ti, druže. Što se tiče poslovne teme, dobio sam pun iznos za povlačenje i zahvaljujem vam se na tome, a što se tiče koda za nadoknadu, upravo sam odustao od toga i zahvalan sam što sam isplaćen nakon što sam čekao ono što je izgledalo kao zauvek. Hvala i Prism kazinu i kazino guruu što su mi pomogli u ovoj stvari.
Hi Nick, I am sorry to hear about the health problems you have recently had and sincerely hope that you are recovering and doing well, because $100.00 and a bonus code will never amount to the value and the importance of a human life. So my best wishes and support going out to you bud. As for the business related topic, I have received my full withdrawal amount and I thank you fir that and as for the compensation code, I have just given up on that and am thankful to have been paid out after waiting for what seemed like forever. Thank you to both Prism casino and casino guru for helping me out in this matter.
Odlične vesti, čadvegaca. Drago mi je da čujem da ste uspešno primili svoje dobitke. Što se tiče koda za nadoknadu, iako mogu da razumem da sa tačke gledišta korisničkog iskustva, kod koji ne radi nije bio ono što ste očekivali, siguran sam da će vam Prim Casino tim uskoro ili kasnije pružiti neku drugu zanimljivu ponudu .
Kako je podnosilac žalbe potvrdio da su sredstva uspešno primljena, smatramo da je ova žalba uspešno rešena. Sada ćemo ga zatvoriti kao „rešeno" u našem sistemu. Želeo bih da se zahvalim obema stranama na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako budete imali problema sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti. Tu smo da vam pomognemo.
Kao što znate, mi ne naplaćujemo naše usluge, niti primamo napojnice. Međutim, bili bismo vam zahvalni ako biste odvojili trenutak i podelili svoje iskustvo sa našim uslugama na Trustpilot https :// . Iskreno razmatranje i sve sugestije koje ćete možda imati za poboljšanje našeg procesa rešavanja žalbi i posredovanja bili bi veoma cenjeni. Vaše povratne informacije mogu biti korisne drugima koji razmišljaju o tome da nas kontaktiraju u vezi bilo kakvih problema vezanih za onlajn kazino. Hvala unapred na izdvojenom vremenu.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Great news, chadvegaca. I'm glad to hear that you successfully received your winnings. As for the compensation code, although I can understand that from the user experience point of view, the not-working code was not really what you expected, I'm sure the Prim Casino team will soon or later provide you with some other interesting offer.
As the complainant confirmed that the funds were successfully received, we consider this complaint to have been successfully resolved. We will now close it as "resolved" in our system. I would like to thank both parties for their cooperation and please do not hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help you.
As you know, we do not charge for our services, nor do we accept any gratuities. However, we would appreciate it if you could take a moment to share your experience with our services on Trustpilot An honest review and any suggestions you may have to improve our complaint resolution and mediation process would be greatly appreciated. Your feedback could prove helpful to others who are considering contacting us about any online casino-related issues. Thank you in advance for your time.
Best regards,
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