The player from Florida received only half of his winnings before the casino blocked his account and placed it under investigation. After he attempted to redeem the remaining funds, the casino banned him, claiming he made bets without money. The Complaints Team investigated the issue and found evidence that the player had exploited a bug in the game. Consequently, it was determined that the casino's actions were justified, and the player's complaint was rejected.
Igrač sa Floride je primio samo polovinu svog dobitka pre nego što mu je kazino blokirao nalog i stavio ga pod istragu. Nakon što je pokušao da unovči preostala sredstva, kazino ga je zabranio, tvrdeći da se kladio bez novca. Tim za žalbe je istražio problem i pronašao dokaze da je igrač iskoristio grešku u igri, što mu je omogućilo da postavlja i otkaže opklade dok i dalje prima dobitke. Shodno tome, utvrđeno je da su postupci kazina opravdani, a žalba igrača je odbijena.
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