Igrač iz Indije na povlačenje čeka manje od dve nedelje. Nažalost, njihova isplata još nije primljena. Kazino je prestao da odgovara na žalbu i zatvoren je kao "nerešen".
The player from India has been waiting for a withdrawal for less than two weeks. Unfortunately, their payout hasn’t been received yet. The casino has stopped responding to the complaint and it was closed as "unresolved".
Igrač iz Indije na povlačenje čeka manje od dve nedelje. Nažalost, njihova isplata još nije primljena. Kazino je prestao da odgovara na žalbu i zatvoren je kao "nerešen".
Napravio sam depozit od rs 1000 metodom astropai 15. septembra 2022. u purevin kazinu i osvojio sam nekoliko onda sam pokušao da podignem rs 2000. Kada sam kliknuo na povlačenje, dostupne su dve opcije astropai pošto sam napravio poslednji depozit preko astropai tako da sistem je već sačuvao detalje. kliknuo sam na njega postojala je samo opcija da ukucam iznos koji želim da podignem pa unesem iznos od 2000 rs za podizanje preko astropai-a. Mislio sam da ću biti trenutan, ali je trebalo vremena pa sam kontaktirao podršku za ćaskanje nakon 2 dana jer su mi rekli da sačekam maksimalno 3 radna dana. Čekao sam 4 radna dana i ponovo sam kontaktirao purevin chat, prvo nisu znali zašto moje povlačenje nije upisano u moj astropai novčanik. Tako da su prosledili problem odeljenju plaćanja na ček. njihovo odeljenje za plaćanje kaže da su obradili fond . I rekao mi je da kontaktiram astropai .Kada sam zamolio purevin casino da mi kaže detalje o povlačenju kao što je na koji broj mobilnog astropai-a ste poslali novac .. Oni ne daju nikakve detalje jer to samo rade namerno odlažući moje povlačenje. Pitao sam ih za detalje o povlačenju jer na njihovoj veb stranici detalji o povlačenju nisu navedeni kako treba, kao na koji račun astropai su poslali novac.
I made the deposit of rs 1000 through astropay method on 15 septembet 2022 at purewin casino and i won few then I tried to withdraw rs 2000. When i clicked on withdrawal there are two option available astropay as i made the last deposit through astropay so the system already saved the details . i clicked on it there was only I option to type the amount I want to withdraw so I enter the amount rs 2000 for withdraw through astropay . I thought i would be instant but it was taking time so I contacted chat support after 2 days as they told me wait 3 workings days maximum . I waited 4 workings days i contacted again purewin chat firstly they didn't know the issue why my withdrawal is not credited in my astropay wallet . So they forwarded the issue to payment depart for check . their payment department is saying they have process the fund . And told me to contact the astropay .When I asked purewin casino to tell me withdrawal details like on which astropay mobile number did you sent the money .. They are not giving any details whatsoever as they just doing it intentionally delaying my withdrawal. I asked them withdrawal details as in their website withdrawal details is not given properly like on which astropay account they have sent the money .
Dear rakeshsingha1991,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your withdrawal and understand your concern. However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests.
That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Best regards,
Complaints Resolution Center
To kic verifikovani nalog.. Tvrde da su obrađivali povlačenje na astropai-u. Poslao sam im snimak istorije novčanika astropai naloga za dokaz, ali sada kažu da sam izvršio povlačenje na neki drugi astropai što nije tačno jer sam napravio depozit sa mog sopstvenog astropai računa koji purevin sistem automatski čuva za povlačenje. Samo ih molim da ljubazno pokažu detalje o tome na koji broj astropai su poslali novac, ali oni ne odgovaraju iskreno, već su pokušali da izbegnu pitanje
It kyc verified account.. They are claiming that they have process the withdraw on astropay .I have sent the screenshot of astropay account wallet history to them for proof but they now saying I made withdrawal to some other astropay which is not true because i made the deposit with my own astropay account which there purewin system automatically save for withdrawal. I am just asking them that kindly share the details on which astropay number they have sent the money but they are not replying honestly instead they tried to avoid the question
Kažu da su izvršili proces povlačenja, ali ne navode na kom astropai nalogu imaju kao što je broj mobilnog telefona ili ID e-pošte. Kad god sam ih pitao za takve detalje, samo su me tražili da kontaktiram astropai. Ne daju tačne detalje na primer na koji broj mobilnog astropai-a su poslali novac.
They are saying they have process the withdrawal but not giving on which astropay account they have like mobile number or email id . Whenever i asked them for such details they just asked me to contact astropay . They are not giving proper details like on which astropay mobile number they have sent the money .
Takođe sam kontaktirao astropai i oni su potvrdili da nisu primili novac za isplatu od purevin kazina. Pošto purevin kazino ne daje detalje.
I have also contacted astropay and they confirmed that they haven't received any cashout money from purewin casino . As purewin casino is not giving details .
Ne, do sada nisam primio svoje povlačenje jer su samo rekli da je proslijeđeno relevantnom timu. izgleda kao da me samo petljaju i gube vreme .. Nisu samo spremni da daju detalje o povlačenju astropai-a kao što je na kom broju telefona su obrađivali povlačenje ako su to zaista uradili .
No I haven't received my withdrawal till now it as they were just saying it was escalated to relevant team . it seems like they just looping me around and wasting time .. They are not just ready to give withdrawal details of astropay like on which phone number they have processed the withdrawal if they really did .
Hvala vam na odgovoru, rakeshsingha1991. Da li ste ranije izvršili uspešna povlačenja? Ako postoji bilo kakva druga relevantna komunikacija između vas i kazina, molimo vas da je prosledite na KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ili je postavite ovde.
Thank you for your reply, rakeshsingha1991. Have you made any successful withdrawals before? If there is any other relevant communication between you and the casino, please forward it to kristina.s@casino.guru, or alternatively, post it here.
Ne, nisam napravio nikakvo povlačenje. Ovo je moje prvo povlačenje gde sam se suočio sa problemom. napravio sam tri depozita u kazinu otkako sam se registrovao na purevin.
Stalno su me tražili da pošaljem potvrdu o astropai koju sam poslao snimak ekrana. Oni (purevin kazino) jednostavno nisu odgovorili na moj upit na primer na koji broj ili imejl su poslali novac. ne daju mi nikakve detalje o povlačenju. Nisam poslao sve detalje koje su tražili. ali jednostavno ne obrađuju moje povlačenje.
No I haven't made any withdrawal . This is my first withdrawal where i faced the issue . i have made three deposits at the casino since i registered with the purewin .
They kept on asking me to send astropay receipt which I have sent the screenshot . They ( purewin casino ) simply didnt answer my query like on which number or email they have send the money . they are not providing me any details of withdrawal. I haven't send every details they have asked . but they are just not processing my withdrawal.
Puno vam hvala rakeshsingha1991 na saradnji. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Stefanu ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem uskoro biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much rakeshsingha1991 for your cooperation. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Stefan (stefan.m@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Poštovani rakeshsingha1991,
Tako sam razočaran što čujem da vas povlačenje još nije stiglo. Kontaktiraću kazino i potrudiću se da rešim problem što je pre moguće.
Sada bih želeo da pozovem predstavnika PureVin kazina da se pridruži ovom razgovoru i učestvuje u rešavanju ove žalbe.
Dragi PureVin kazino,
Možete li molim vas da kažete zašto povlačenje igrača još nije isplaćeno i kada može očekivati isplatu?
Unapred hvala na pružanju informacija.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear rakeshsingha1991,
I am so disappointed to hear your withdrawal hasn't reached you yet. I will contact the casino and try my best to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
Now I would like to invite a PureWin Casino representative to join this conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dear PureWin Casino,
Could you please state why the player's withdrawal has not yet been paid out and when can he expect payment?
Thank you in advance for providing the information.
Kind regards,
Zdravo, isplata je isplaćena sa našeg kraja 17. septembra. Poslato je na podatke unete prilikom zahteva za povlačenje.
Prilažem našu najnoviju e-poštu kupcu, za referencu.
S poštovanjem, PureVin tim
Hello, the withdrawal was paid from our end on the 17th of September. It was sent to the details entered when requesting the withdrawal.
I attach our latest email to the customer, for reference.
Sincerely, PureWin Team
Kada sam uplatio sav svoj depozit sa svog Astropai-a i to je verifikovano. Onda je vaša dužnost da obradite moje povlačenje istim metodom depozita kao što su to osnovna pravila u svakom kazinu. Isti metod depozita bi trebalo da se koristi za povlačenje, pa kako ste dozvolili da se obradi na drugom astropai-u koji ja nisam bio moj. Toj kompaniji je potrebno 24 sata da pregleda povlačenje bez obzira da li se radi o istom metodu ili ne. Zaista je razočaravajuće jer sam uplatio sav svoj depozit od svog Astropai-a.
When i made all my deposit from my Astropay and it's verified . Then it's your duty to processed my withdrawal in same deposit method as it's basic rules in every casino . Same deposit method should be used in withdrawal so how did you allowed it to process on Another astropay which i was not mine. That's company takes 24 hours to review the withdrawal whether it's on the same method or not. It's really dissapointing as i made my all deposit from my Astropay .
Poštovani rakeshsingha1991,
Da li imate pristup svom PureVin nalogu? Možete li molim vas da proverite detalje za svoj AstroPai način plaćanja i da ih nalepite ovde ili da ih pošaljete na moju e-poštu KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ? Da li je to isto kao što vam je kazino poslao na priloženom snimku ekrana e-pošte?
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Poštovani PureVin Casino,
Možete li, molim vas, da kažete da li igrač može da promeni Astropai detalje o povlačenju? Kako je moguće da je poslata na drugi Astropai račun od originalnog Astropai računa, koji je korišćen za depozit? Da li su Astropai detalji o povlačenju verifikovani pre zahteva za povlačenje?
Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear rakeshsingha1991,
Do you have access to your PureWin account? Could you please check the details for your AstroPay payment method and paste it here or send it to my email stefan.m@casino.guru? Is it the same as the casino has sent you in the attached email screenshot?
I am looking forward to your answer.
Dear PureWin Casino,
Could you please state if the player can change the Astropay withdrawal details? How is it possible that it was sent to a different Astropay account than the original Astropay account, which was used for deposit? Were the withdrawal Astropay details verified before the withdrawal request?
Thank you for your response in advance.
Kind regards,
Purevin kazino je obradio povlačenje na drugi Astropai za koji su rekli i koji nije moj ili se nijedan depozit nije desio sa tog astropai-a, pa kako su obradili povlačenje na drugi Astropai, zar nisu proverili ili verifikovali odakle je prethodni depozit bio napravljeno kao (koristi se isti način plaćanja ili ne).
Purewin casino has processed the withdrawal to different Astropay which was they were saying and which is not mine or neither any deposit happened from that astropay so how did they process the withdrawal to different Astropay did't they check or verified from where the past deposit has made like ( same payment method is used or not ) .
Odgovoriću na vaša pitanja i nadam se da će slučaj biti razjašnjen.
Igrač može da promeni Astropai detalje o povlačenju za buduće isplate, međutim, pošto je transakcija obrađena, ne može se promeniti za ovo specifično povlačenje. Zamislite da ako pošaljete bankovni transfer, ako je transfer završen, nema načina da promenite bankovni račun primaoca. Primalac će tada biti bankovni račun koji ste prvobitno izabrali.
U ovom slučaju, sistem je mogao da potvrdi da je isti metod korišćen za povlačenje (AstroPai), a povlačenje je obrađeno na nalog koji je korisnik izabrao kada je zatražio povlačenje. Napominjemo da će prema uslovima i odredbama na našem sajtu, korisnik koristiti samo finansijske instrumente koji su važeći i koji im zakonito pripadaju.
Koliko sam razumeo, klijent potvrđuje da je koristio metod koji mu ne pripada, u kom slučaju će nalog biti stavljen na pregled u skladu sa standardnom procedurom, jer je ovo kršenje uslova. Možemo samo pretpostaviti da je to bila namera korisnika da se povuče na ovaj konkretan nalog.
Želeo bih ponovo da napomenem da pošto je transakcija završena, ne možemo da povratimo sredstva. Kada se povlačenje isplati, sredstva se drže na računu klijenta.
Verujemo da ćete sa svojim iskustvom razumeti ovaj proces.
I will address your questions and hopefully, the case will be clarified.
The player can change Astropay withdrawal details for future payouts, however, since the transaction has been processed it cannot be changed for this specific withdrawal. Imagine if you send a bank transfer, if the transfer was completed there is no way to change the recipient's bank account. The recipient will then be the bank account that you originally selected.
In this case, the system could verify the same method was used for the withdrawal (AstroPay), and the withdrawal was processed to the account the user selected upon requesting the withdrawal. Kindly note that as per the terms and conditions on our site, the user shall only use financial instruments that are valid and lawfully belong to them.
I understand the customer is confirming they have used a method that does not belong to them, in which case, the account will be put under review as per standard procedure, as this is a breach of the terms. We can only assume it was the user's intention to withdraw to this specific account.
I would like to again mention that since the transaction was completed, we cannot reclaim the funds. Once the withdrawal is paid out, the funds are held in the customer's account.
We trust that with your experience you will understand this process.
Dragi PureVin kazino,
Hvala vam na dostavljenim informacijama.
Možete li molim vas da kažete koliko dugo može da traje ovaj pregled naloga igrača?
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear PureWin Casino,
Thank you for the provided information.
Could you please state how long can take this review of the player's account?
I am looking forward to your response.
Kind Regards,
Na stranici za povlačenje nije bilo gde da unesem detalje jer mi je bilo dozvoljeno da unesem samo iznos koji sam uradio jer sam mislio da bi moj Astropai račun mogao automatski biti sačuvan od strane vašeg sistema jer sam napravio tri depozita ranije sa mog Astropai-a, ali naprotiv, vi ste imali obrađen na nekom drugom astropai nalogu, kako je to moguće sa vašeg kraja kada nisam izvršio nikakav depozit sa tog Astropai računa koji ste obrađivali povlačenje. To je potpuno vaša kazino greška koju ste obrađivali u neki drugi astropai.
Možete da proverite moju Astropai istoriju depozita da sam izvršio sve depozite sa mog sopstvenog astropai računa koji je verifikovan. Tako da nema nikakvog smisla.
Tako veliki kazino kako možete poslati nekom drugom astropai a da ne znate da li je depozit napravljen ili ne sa tog računa.
To je moje prvo povlačenje. I nisam primio svoje povlačenje na svom Astropai-u koji sam napravio sva tri depozita.
In withdrawal page there was no where to enter details as i was only allowed to enter the amount which i did as i thought my Astropay account might be saved automatically by your system because i made three deposits earlier from my Astropay but on contrary , you had processed to someone else astropay account , how is that possible from your end when i haven't made any deposit from that Astropay which you have processed the withdrawal . Its totally your casino mistake that you processed to some else astropay .
You can check my Astropay deposit history that i made all deposit from my own astropay account which is verified . So it doesnt make any sense .
Such big casino how can you send to someone else astropay without knowing wether the deposit is made or not from that account.
It's my first withdrawal. And i didn't receive my withdrawal at my Astropay which i made all three deposits.
Bojim se da nema dodatnih detalja koji se mogu podeliti sa naše strane u ovoj temi jer verujem da smo dali sve informacije koje možemo da podelimo. Interne prakse i procedure su poverljive, ali uveravam vas da sve pregledamo u skladu sa zahtevima za licenciranje.
Želeo bih da završim ovo tako što ću vam se zahvaliti na vašem aktivnom učešću u pokušaju da pomognete klijentu, a ako nešto bude nejasno, on je naravno dobrodošao da nas kontaktira direktno.
Srdačan pozdrav,
PureVin Casino
I'm afraid there are no further details that can be shared from our side in this thread as I believe we have provided all the information we can share. Internal practices and procedures are confidential but I assure you we review everything in accordance with the licensing requirements.
I'd like to end this by thanking you for your active participation in trying to aid the customer, and should anything be unclear still he is of course welcome to contact us directly.
Kind regards,
PureWin Casino
Poštovani rakeshsingha1991,
Možete li, molim vas, da mi dostavite bankovni izvod za poslednja tri meseca od Astropai-a (ili od vašeg poslednjeg depozita, ako je to bilo pre tri meseca)? Možete ga poslati na moju adresu e-pošte KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk . Molim vas, obavestite me ovde u žalbi kada mi dostavite izjavu. Hvala vam puno unapred.
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear rakeshsingha1991,
Could you please provide me with the bank statement from the last three months from Astropay (or since your last deposit, if it was before three months)? You can send it to my email address stefan.m@casino.guru. Please, let me know here in complaint once you provide me with the statement. Thank you very much in advance.
I am looking forward to your response.
Kind Regards,
Prilažem snimak ekrana moje Astropai aktivnosti gde ste mogli da vidite moj poslednji depozit od 1000 rs 15. septembra u purevin kazinu nakon toga nije bilo transakcije od purevin-a do danas...
I am attaching the screenshot of my Astropay activity where you could see my last deposit of rs 1000 on 15th September at purewin casino after that there was no transaction from purewin till today ...
Poštovani rakeshsingha1991,
Vidim da gore ima više transakcija. Možete li mi dati kompletnu izjavu koju generiše astropai? Ovo je samo delimičan snimak ekrana sa vašeg telefona.
Hvala vam puno unapred.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear rakeshsingha1991,
I can see there are more transactions above. Could you please provide me with the complete statement generated by astropay? This is just a partial screenshot from your phone.
Thank you very much in advance.
Kind Regards,
Posle tog dana do danas nije bilo transakcije sa purevin kazinom.
Priložiću snimak ekrana. Nakon što nema aktivnosti na mom Astropai-u. Nisam primio svoje povlačenje jer se raspitujem sa astropai-om da li su ga primili ili ne, za šta su jasno rekli da nisu primili nikakav novac sa veb stranice purevin na moj astropai.
After that day till today there was no transaction with purewin casino.
I will attach the screenshot .After there is no activity in my Astropay .I havent received my withdrawal as i enquire with astropay wether they have received it or not , which they clearly said they didnt receive any money from purewin website to my astropay .
Poštovani rakeshsingha1991,
Žao mi je, ali ne mogu da prihvatim ove snimke ekrana kao dokaz. Preuzmite zvaničnu izjavu sa Astropai naloga.
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear rakeshsingha1991,
I am sorry, but I cannot accept these screenshots as proof. Please download the official statement from the Astropay account.
I am looking forward to your response.
Kind Regards,
Ne postoji način da preuzmem astropai izjavu pošto sam kontaktirao astropai, rekli su mi da mogu da pošalju samo primljenu ili uplatu određenog trgovca kod koga sam izvršio transakciju za koju sam im rekao da mi pošalju za purevin casino koji su mi poslali izjavu i ja su podelili sa vama .
Nema smisla moje Astropai izjave kada je purevin jasno rekao da su je obradili nekom drugom vlasniku astropai-a. Pogrešno ga šalju nekom drugom.
Molimo pitajte purevin casino.
There is no way to download astropay statement as i contacted astropay they have told me they can send only received or payment of particular merchant where i have done transaction which i told them to send me for purewin casino which they have sent me the statement and i have shared with you .
There is no meaning of my Astropay statement when purewin clearly said they have processed it to some other astropay holder . They wrongly send it to somebody else .
Kindly ask purewin casino.
Poštovani rakeshsingha1991,
Kazino tvrdi da je moguće promeniti Astropai adresu e-pošte za povlačenje. Da li ste promenili nalog za povlačenje?
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear rakeshsingha1991,
The Casino claims it is possible to change the Astropay email address for withdrawal. Did you change the account for withdrawal?
I am looking forward to your response.
Kind regards,
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Dragi PureVin kazino,
Možete li da dokažete da je igrač promenio svoju adresu e-pošte za povlačenje?
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear PureWin Casino,
Could you please prove that the player has changed his withdrawal email address?
I am looking forward to your response.
Kind regards,
Astropai adresa povlačenja može da se promeni ako korisnik koristi isti uređaj sa drugim korisnicima za prijavljivanje i izvršavanje transakcija na svom nalogu. U ovom slučaju, detalji drugog korisnika mogu biti sačuvani u memoriji pretraživača i prikazani na stranici za povlačenje. Njegovi klijenti snose odgovornost da osiguraju da su detalji plaćanja tačni pre potvrde transakcije. Kada to nije bio slučaj, korisnik je trebalo da odmah obavesti naš tim za korisničku podršku kako bismo mogli da otklonimo problem. Nažalost, nije moguće da preuzmemo ova sredstva od provajdera plaćanja nakon što je uplata potvrđena.
Astropay withdrawal address can change if customer is using same device with other users to log in and execute transactions to his account. In this case the details of a different user can be saved on browser memory and displayed in the withdrawal page. Its customers own responsibility to ensure that payment details are correct before confirming a transaction. When this was not the case, customer should have notified our Customer Support team immediately so that we could have rectified the issue. Unfortunately its not possible for us to retrieve these funds from payment provider after payment has been confirmed.
Dragi PureVin kazino,
Zamolio bih Vas za izjavu sa detaljima o igraču. Moramo da vidimo da je poslato na drugi Astropai nalog.
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear PureWin Casino,
I would like to kindly ask you for a statement with the player's details. We need to see that it was sent to a different Astropay account.
I am looking forward to your response.
Kind regards,
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
Poštovani rakeshsingha1991,
Više puta sam pokušavao da kontaktiram kazino, ali nisam imao uspeha. Bojim se da se ne može mnogo postići bez saradnje sa njegove strane. Označiću žalbu kao „nerešenu" u našem sistemu. Razumem da ovo nije zadovoljavajuće rešenje za vaš problem. Međutim, smanjenje rejtinga uzrokovano nerešenim žalbama može pomoći da se promeni pristup kazina. Ako kazino odluči da reaguje, ponovo ćemo otvoriti žalbu i bićete obavešteni putem e-pošte. U međuvremenu, preporučujem vam da kontaktirate Upravu za igre na sreću Curacao ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk i/ili KSKSKSKSKS2@email.kkkkk ) i da im podnesete žalbu. Uprava za igre na sreću ima više opcija i alata za pomoć igračima. Obavestite me da li vam treba pomoć oko podnošenja žalbe ili kako su oni odgovorili ako to možete sami da uradite ( KSKSKSKSKS4@email.kkkkk) . Žao mi je što ovom prilikom nisam mogao biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear rakeshsingha1991,
I have tried to contact the casino repeatedly but had no success. I’m afraid there is not much that can be achieved without cooperation from its side. I will mark the complaint as "unresolved" in our system. I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in the rating caused by unresolved complaints might help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint, and you will be notified by email. In the meantime, I recommend you contact the Curacao Gaming Authority (certria@gaminglicences.com and/or complaints@gaminglicences.com) and submit a complaint to them. The Gaming Authority has more options and tools to help players. Please let me know if you need help with submitting the complaint or how they responded if you can do it on your own (stefan.m@casino.guru). I am sorry I could not be of more help on this occasion.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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