Pokušao sam kontaktirati više puta na njihovom chatu uživo. Uvijek su govorili da ćemo "ovo poslati direktno menadžeru", a šta ne. Ništa se jednostavno ne dešava. Skoro 2 mjeseca sam strpljivo čekao, ali sada ne mogu više čekati. Morao sam učiniti istu stvar sa svojim ranijim povlačenjima novca koja su bila manja, ali barem su ih platili. Nakon otprilike mjesec dana ... Ali sada su to prestali i ne žele ništa platiti. Zaista sam frustriran i rekao sam nekoliko puta njihovom chatu uživo da bi zaista trebali platiti ili dolazim ovdje tražeći pomoć. Više su puta pitali moje ime, adresu, kripto adresu i šta sve ne. Račun mi je već mnogo potvrđen sa svim mojim podacima, tako da zaista ne vidim gdje im te informacije trebaju iznova i iznova. Rekli su mi prošle sedmice, ili jednu prije, da nakon 72 sata ponovo provjerim je li moje povlačenje obrađeno. Provjerio sam tek nakon tjedan dana i da ... Ništa nije učinjeno. Ništa. I opet na chatu samo kažu "mi ćemo ovo direktno poslati našem menadžeru i blahblahblah"
Pa ovdje tražim vašu pomoć Guru, nemam mogućnosti. Čekao sam skoro 2 meseca, ali sada je prošlo vreme čekanja. 2 mjeseca je previše.
I have tried to contact multiple times on their live chat. They have always said that "we will send this to manager directly" and what not. Nothing just ever happens. Almost for 2 months I have waited patiently, but now I can't just wait anymore. I had to do same thing with my earlier withdrawals which were smaller ones, but atleast they paid them. After a month or so... But now they just stopped it and don't want to pay anything. I am really frustrated and I said couple of times to their live chat that they should really pay or I am coming here asking for help. They have asked multiple times my name, address, crypto address and what not. I have my account validated much before with all my information so I don't really see where they need this information again and again. They said to me last week, or one before, that I should check again after 72hours if my withdrawal has been processed. I checked just now after week or so and yeah... Nothing has been done. Nothing. And again at the chat they just say "we will directly send this to our manager and blahblahblah"
So here I am asking for your help Guru, I'm all out of options. Almost 2 month I have waited but now it is over my waiting time. 2 months is way too much.
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