Hvala vam što ste kontaktirali Raze Bet tim za korisničku podršku.
Uslovi za klađenje bonusa su ispunjeni, ali nisu unovčeni
Sre, 11:52
Nema stanja na vašem računu
To je ukazivalo na to da sam čekao da se sportska opklada reši, ali nisam trebalo da stavim sportsku opkladu na prvo mesto.
Kao što vidite, uslov za klađenje je 100%.
Sre, 11:53
Da li ste svesni da se bonus koji ste iskoristili može koristiti samo u kazino slot igrama?
Sve sam ih igrao u slot igrama.
Za početak, uslovi za klađenje se ne odvijaju izvan slot igara. zar nije tako?
Sre, 11:56
Dozvolite mi da proverim vaš nalog
Izdrži me ljubazno
Nakon provere, u početku ste igrali Bakaru koja nije dozvoljena pošto ste iskoristili bonus na meč
Želimo da vas obavestimo da nakon što iskoristite bilo koji bonus na meč, možete igrati samo slot igre
Ali tada je to bila dozvoljena igra.
Kazino je promenio igru u nedostupnu usred dana!
Sreda, 12:01
Bakara je deo stonih igara
I to jednostavno ne doprinosi zahtevima za klađenje.
Sreda, 12:01
To je tačno, ali kada ste odlučili da igrate na nedozvoljenoj igri, zapravo ne poštujete uslove kazina
U početku je bilo dozvoljeno. Kazino je to promenio u tom procesu.
Sreda, 12:02
Imajte na umu da ubuduće, kada iskoristite bilo koju ponudu za mečeve koje imamo, dozvoljeno je da igrate samo slot igre
Dokazi sugerišu da bi prvih 10% zahteva za klađenje unapredio Baccarat Deluke. Molim te proveri.
Sreda, 12:02
Žao mi je, ali u ovom trenutku ne možemo ništa da uradimo, osim ako idemo napred, predlažemo da nas kontaktirate ako nešto nije jasno kako bismo izbegli da se ovo ponovi
Dodeli postignute bonuse.
Ako ne, kontaktirajte Licensing.
U licenci se navodi da ako postoje zabranjene igre, moraju se preduzeti mere da se onemoguće da budu dostupne za bonuse.
Sreda, 12:04
Žao mi je, ali ne možemo to da uradimo.
Zatim ćemo kontaktirati spoljnu agenciju, pa vas molimo da dođete tamo. Dobro?
Sreda, 12:06
Žao nam je što to čujemo, ali opet, niste poštovali uslove bonusa
Mogu li da pitam da li imate još nekih briga?
To je u skladu sa. Barem u početku, bakara je bila jasno navedena kao dozvoljena igra i zahtevi za klađenje su bili progresivni.
Kazino ga je sam promenio usred igre.
Sreda, 12:09
Možete pogledati naše Uslove i odredbe za vašu referencu.
Nije bilo problema.
Igre koje nisu dozvoljene u bonusu treba da budu označene u gornjem levom uglu. Ima li razlike?
Sreda, 12:10
Bonus klađenje je isključivo dozvoljeno na slot igrama.
Bakara nije slot igra već kartaška igra
Baccarat Deluke je tretiran kao slot igra.
Nije bilo dokaza o tome, nije bilo oznake nedostupnosti bonusa u gornjem levom uglu, a zahtevi za klađenje su bili progresivni. Možete li objasniti zašto?
Izraz "slot igra" je veoma nejasan. Dakle, prioritet bi trebalo da bude da li ga je kazino označio kao nedostupan.
Proverio sam uslove korišćenja usluge i sve što piše je „ne računa se u uslove za klađenje". Nije bilo jezika koji jasno zabranjuje igru.
2.3 je možda ekvivalentan, ali je bar Baccarat Deluke dok sam igrao pomogao da se ispune uslovi za klađenje.
Opet, Baccarat nije slot igra
Kazino je to tretirao kao slot igru.
Zašto onda nije bilo oznake u gornjem levom uglu?
Otvorio sam igru i postoji jasna napomena o tome
Nije bilo beleški.
Potvrdio sam da nema ovu oznaku na sebi.
Sada je podneta žalba spoljnoj agenciji.
Navedite objašnjenje zašto ste promenili igru u onu koja nije dostupna sa bonusom usred igrača koji igra igru.
Verujem da ste svesni kategorija igre. Bakara nikada nije slot igra
Međutim, kazino je to tretirao kao slot igru. Odluka kazina ima prednost.
Zašto ga je kazino u početku tretirao kao slot igru?
Izrazi „slot igre" i „stone igre" su veoma nejasni. Stoga, sa stanovišta korisnika, jedini način da se proceni da li je igra slot igra ili stona igra jeste da li je označena u gornjem levom uglu ili ne.
Licenca takođe kaže da igre koje nisu dostupne kao bonus treba da generišu grešku kada pokušate da ih igrate. Znaš ovo, zar ne?
Postoji napomena u igri jer jasno kaže da igra ne kladi bonus.
Da li ste videli sliku koju sam upravo poslao?
Nije bilo oznake odmah nakon aktiviranja bonusa. Kazino to mora da zna, zar ne?
Onda, usred moje sesije igranja, odjednom su to obeležili. Molimo vas da objasnite razlog za ovo.
Thank you for contacting Raze Bet Customer Support Team.
Bonus wagering requirements met but not cashed
Wed, 11:52 AM
There's no balance in your account
It indicated that I was waiting for the sports bet to settle, but I should not have placed the sports bet in the first place.
As you can see, the wagering requirement is 100%.
Wed, 11:53 AM
Are you aware that the bonus you have redeemed can only be use in the casino slots games?
I played all of them in slot games.
To begin with, wagering requirements do not proceed outside of slot games. Isn't that right?
Wed, 11:56 AM
Let me check your account
Kindly bear with me
Upon checking, you have initially played Baccarat which is not allowed since you have redeemed a match bonus
We would like to inform you that upon redeeming any match bonus, you may only play slots games
But then it was a permitted game.
The casino changed the game to unavailable in the middle of the day!
Wed, 12:01 PM
Baccarat is part of table games
And it just doesn't contribute to the wagering requirements.
Wed, 12:01 PM
That's correct but when you decided to play on non allowed game is actually not following the terms of the casino
At first it was allowed. The casino changed it in the process.
Wed, 12:02 PM
Please take note that moving forward, when you redeem any match offers we have, only slots games is allowed for you to play
The evidence suggests that the first 10% of the betting requirements would have been advanced by Baccarat Deluxe. Please check.
Wed, 12:02 PM
I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do at this point but moving forward, we suggest that you contact us if anything is unclear to avoid this happening again
Grant the bonuses achieved.
If not, contact Licensing.
The license states that if there are prohibited games, action must be taken to prevent them from being available for bonuses in the first place.
Wed, 12:04 PM
I'm sorry but we cannot do that.
Then we will contact an outside agency, so please come there. Okay?
Wed, 12:06 PM
We're sorry to hear that but again, you haven't follow the terms of the bonus
May I ask if do you have any other concerns?
It is in accordance with. At least initially, baccarat was clearly stated as a permitted game and the wagering requirements were progressive.
The casino changed it on its own in the middle of play.
Wed, 12:09 PM
You may refer to our Terms and conditions for your reference.
There was no problem.
Games not allowed in the bonus should be marked in the upper left corner. Is there a difference?
Wed, 12:10 PM
Bonus wagering is exclusively permitted on slot games.
Baccarat is not a slot game but a card game
Baccarat Deluxe was treated as a slot game.
There was no evidence of this, no bonus unavailability mark in the upper left corner, and the wagering requirements were progressive. Can you explain why?
The term "slot game" is very vague. So the priority should be whether the casino has marked it as unavailable.
I checked the terms of service and all it says is 'does not count towards wagering requirements'. There was no language clearly prohibiting play.
2.3 may be the equivalent, but at least Baccarat Deluxe when I was playing was helping to meet the wagering requirements.
Again, Baccarat is not slot game
It was the casino that treated it as a slot game.
Then why was there no mark in the upper left corner?
I've opened the game and there's a clear note about it
There were no notes.
I have confirmed that it did not have this mark on it.
A complaint has now been filed with an outside agency.
Please provide an explanation as to why you changed the game to one that is not available with a bonus in the middle of a player playing the game.
I believe you are aware about the categories of the game. Baccarat is never a slot game
However, the casino treated it as a slot game. The casino's decision takes precedence.
Why did the casino initially treat it as a slot game?
The terms "slot games" and "table games" are very vague. Therefore, from the user's point of view, the only way to judge whether a game is a slot game or a table game is whether it is marked in the upper left corner or not.
The license also states that games that are not available as a bonus should generate an error when you try to play them in the first place. You know this, right?
There's a note in the game as it clearly says The game does not Wager the bonus.
Did you see the image I just submitted?
There was no mark immediately after activating the bonus. The casino must know that, right?
Then, in the middle of my playing session, they suddenly marked it. Please explain the reason for this.
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