Zdravo, prvi put koristite ovaj online casino tofay bez čitanja recenzija :( Ja sam u UK, položio sam £3000 i osvojio £7000. Sada čitam da možete osvojiti samo £5000 dnevno? Šta se dešava sa ostalih 2000 funti? Takodjer jos uvijek cekam da neko provjeri moj racun. Zapravo se plasim da ce me sjebati kao i svi ostali :(
Hi, user this online casino tofay for the first time without reading the reviews :( I am in the UK, I deposited £3000 and won £7000. I'm reading now that you can only win £5000 a day? What happens to the other £2000? Also still waiting got someone to verify my account. I'm actually scared that they are going to screw me over like everyone else :(