To je lepo dizajniran kazino i relativno je brz. Ima dobar broj promocija, nedavno su dodali novi bonus i jedva sam čekao da ga isprobam. Pristojan kazino.
It's a nicely designed casino and it's relatively fast. It has a good number of promotions, recently they added a new bonus and I couldn't wait to try it. Decent casino.
Razumemo vašu zabrinutost u vezi sa formularom za registraciju. Ali ne brinite, jer se registracija na našem sajtu vrši u dva koraka. Prvi korak je uobičajeni obrazac za registraciju gde treba koristiti samo imejl i lozinku. Ali onda dok deponujete dolazi drugi korak, gde morate da popunite više standardnih podataka o sebi.
Takav proces je urađen kako bi vaš proces registracije bio lakši, udobniji i izbegao preterano komplikovanje. Možete zaista brzo da pogledate naš proizvod bez potrebe da unosite sve podatke i odlučite da li vam se sviđa i želite da nastavite dalje sa depozitom.
Nadamo se da smo ovim objašnjenjem razjasnili vaše sumnje i više nećete biti zabrinuti oko registracije :)
U svakom slučaju, povratne informacije od naših kupaca nam omogućavaju da postanemo bolji, pa ćemo razmisliti o promeni obrasca za registraciju.
Drago mi je što ste kupac!
Srdačan pozdrav, Vaš Zoome tim
Dear player,
Great to have your honest feedback!
We understand your concerns regarding the registration form. But don't worry, as the registration on our site is done in two steps. The first step is the usual registration form where only email and password should be used. But then while depositing comes the second step, where you need to fill in more standard data about yourself.
Such a process was done in order to make your registration process easy, more comfortable, and avoid over-complicating. You can really quickly have a look at our product without the need to enter all the data and decide whether liked it and want to proceed further with the deposit.
Hope with this explanation we cleared your doubts and you will not be concerned regarding the registration anymore :)
Anyway having feedback from our customers allows us to become better, so we will think about changing the registration form.
Uživo je stalno "zauzet" i niko se ne javlja, čak i ako sam čekao 20 minuta. Vidžet takođe izgleda veoma zastareo. Malo je neatraktivnih promocija. Ima nekih cool igrica i to je to.
The live is constantly "busy" and no one is answering, even if I waited 20minutes. The widget also look very outdated. There are very few not attractive promotions. There are some cool games and that's it.
Kazino na prvi put izgleda prilično dobro, ali nakon malo igranja možete vidjeti njegove loše strane. Glitav dizajn, nema korisničke podrške 24/7, sporo isplata. Ali ima različite provajdere i igre.
The Casino at the first time looks pretty good, but after playing a bit you can see its bad sides. Glitchy design, no 24/7 customer support, slow cashout. But it has different providers and games.
Prije svega, želimo da Vam se zahvalimo na Vašem komentaru. Za mladog operatera kazina (i sportskog klađenja) kao što smo mi, veoma je važno dobiti povratnu informaciju od naših igrača, jer želimo da razvijamo i unapređujemo naše proizvode i usluge u budućnosti.
Žao nam je što dizajn web stranice nije ispunio vaša očekivanja. Ovo je prva verzija naše web stranice i bit će izmijenjena tijekom sljedećeg mjeseca na osnovu povratnih informacija koje smo dobili.
Što se tiče povlačenja, obavještavamo vas da se svi zahtjevi naših igrača obrađuju vrlo brzo, u roku od maksimalno 48 sati. Nakon validacije, ako ste koristili brze metode, dobit ćete je na svoje račune u roku od nekoliko sati.
Što se tiče naše korisničke podrške, dostupni smo 7 dana u nedelji od 10:00 – 00:00. Ako trebate kontaktirati naše odjeljenje za podršku izvan ovog radnog vremena, možete poslati e-mail na i uvijek ćete dobiti odgovor u roku od 24 sata.
Hvala vam još jednom na recenziji i ugodan dan.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Casinozer tim
Dear Luisaa,
First of all, we would like to thank you for your comment. For a young casino (and sports betting) operator like us, it is very important to get feedback from our players, as we look to develop and improve our products and services in the future.
We are sorry to hear that the website design did not meet your expectations. This is the first version of our website and will be modified over the next month based on the feedback we have received.
In terms of withdrawal, we inform you that all requests made by our players are processed very quickly, within 48 hours maximum. Once validated, if you have used fast methods, you will receive it on your accounts within a few hours.
Regarding our customer support, we are available 7 days a week from 10:00 – 00:00. If you need to reach our support department outside of these hours, you can send an email to and you will always get a response within 24 hours.
Thank you once again for your review and have a great day.