Želim da dam neke vredne informacije igračima o opkladi 365. Ako koristite direktno plaćanje sa njima, što je jednostavan način plaćanja E transfer ako POBEDITE bez reči laži oni vam plaćaju na isti način pravo u vašu banku za 2 sata da isto dan i u roku od nekoliko sati Ali pad pada pošto su sada prešli na igre u Ontariju, oni su noćna mora, imaju ljude koji dolaze i maltretiraju vas telefonom, a zatim zaključavaju vaš nalog. Ne može im se verovati i njihov novi kod za skeniranje sa vašeg mobilnog je noćna mora oduzima iskustvo igranja Čuvajte ih se
I want to give some valuable info to players about bet 365 If you use pay direct with them which is an easy payment method E transfer if you WIN no word of a lie they pay you the same way right to your bank in 2 hours yes same day and within hours But the down fall since they now have .changed to Ontario gaming they are a nightmare they have people that come and harass you phone you and then lock your account They cannot be trusted and and their new scan code with your mobile is a nightmare taking away the gaming experience Be ware of them