Dvaput sam se povukao od njih i nije baš bilo problem ako koristite coindraw…ali ako to učinite, morate označiti sve njihove kutije što nije baš teško, samo je neugodno što ste saznali za njih tako kasno igra. (I postoji naknada od 20 USD za tu opciju).
Čini se da su tokom vikenda potpuno promijenili format, uključujući i provajdere, a time i igre. RTG je nestao, sada imaju Fugaso, KA Gaming i Reevo umjesto njega i očigledno će naslovi iz Dragon i Pragmatic Play slijediti njihov primjer u bliskoj budućnosti. Također su dodali gomilu više kripto opcija za depozite i isplate pa se nadamo da će cijeli sistem sada biti pojednostavljen.
Punti su imali dosta problema, ali mislim da stvarno žele biti dobri pa su slušali svoje mušterije i ovo je njihov odgovor. Izgleda obećavajuće, nadamo se da neće biti katastrofa.
I’ve withdrawn From them twice and it wasn’t really a hassle if you use coindraw…however if you do you have to check off all their boxes which isn’t exactly hard it’s just annoying that you find out about them so late in the game. (And there’s a $20 fee for that option).
It seems over the weekend they have completely changed their format, including the providers and thus the games. RTG is gone, now they have Fugaso, KA Gaming, and Reevo in its stead and apparently titles from Dragon and Pragmatic Play will be following suit in the near future. They’ve also added a bunch more crypto options for deposits and withdrawals so hopefully they the whole system will be streamlined now.
Punts had a lot of issues but I think they really want to be good so they’ve listened to their customers and this is their response. Looks promising, hopefully it won’t be a disaster.