karpovv recenzije

Casino Guru

Želimo da igrači razumeju kockanje.

pre 2 godinaOriginalPrevod
Registrovao sam se u ovom kazinu jer mi je za oko zapela jedna fraza iz rubrike o kazinu, a to je da kazino stavlja interese igrača na prvo mjesto, jer je to najvažnije. Odlučili su se registrirati i provjeriti njihova iskustva.

Prvo što bih želeo da pomenem su depoziti. Napravio sam depozit preko usdt trona, i sa svakim depozitom mi je naplaćena provizija od 1usdt, ovo nisam vidio u drugim kockarnicama.

Sajt je lep, igram sa pametnog telefona, sve je zgodno. To je samo neke igre ne otvaraju, a neke daju greške, ulazeći u mnoge igre, oko 85% otvorenih. Igre uživo rade odlično.

Ne mogu ništa reći o bonus promocijama, uvijek igram svojim novcem.

Verifikacija naloga takođe nije bila problem, radi je sumsab.

Napravio sam 3 depozita za 16.000₽ (~300$), uspeo sam da vratim poslednji depozit i odlučio sam da je dovoljno da igram i da je vreme da podignem dobitak.

Povlačenje sredstava. Za ovu tačku dajem kazinu vrlo nisku ocjenu, povlačenje je najvažniji aspekt za igrača i 2022. godine, kada drugi kazina podižu novac za nekoliko minuta, pledoo povlači sredstva za 24 sata. Međutim, uvijek možete otkazati isplatu i izgubiti novac. Kazino piše da su mu interesi igrača na prvom mjestu i istovremeno čini tako dugo povlačenje i omogućava otkazivanje uplate. Kako možete podići novac u kriptovalute tako dugo.

Moja ocjena pledoo kazina: 2 boda od 10.
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Automatski prevedeno:
Pledoo Casino
pre 2 godina
Hey dear Karpovv,

We appreciate your input, and we believe that it will help us make improvements to our project.

That 1 USDT fee for each deposit in cryptocurrency USDT is correct observation.
As you may have noticed USDT is connected through Piastrix and Piastrix is charging 1 USDT for each transfer.
Unfortunately, we have no control over Piastrix's policies. The commission will be removed when the USDT cryptocurrency platform is changed. The integration is already underway.

Regarding the operability of the games, you are also quite correct. Approximately 10% of providers are undergoing technical work on an regular basis. Given our huge selection of games, we have to cope with that.

After verification, if there is no cause to postpone the withdrawal, it will be processed immediately. Please note that the maximum withdrawal time is 24 hours.

In the clients case we had a reason to suspend the withdrawal.

Chronology of the client's actions:

UTC 22:56 - client requested a withdrawal without wagering on deposit x5 in live games. Withdrawal was cancelled, an email was sent to the client with explanations. Client contacted the chat room and once again received an explanation from the operator, continued playing.

UTC 1:58 - The client left his feedback on the user reviews of Pledoo Casino.

UTC 3:40 - The client requested a withdrawal, when wager was completed. The withdrawal was then processed by the finance department.

UTC 4:00 - A customer's message was seen on this section. The security department was perplexed and decided to delay the withdrawal in order to investigate the legitimacy of the client's bets.

UTC 15:32 - We received a confirmation about legitimacy of client's bets and withdrawal was processed within 10 minutes.

We are requesting a wagering deposit of x3 (x5 in live games) to prevent money laundering and this rule cannot be waived in any way.

We wish you success in all your future pursuits.

The Pledoo staff
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