Za australijske igrače. Očigledno, kada je australijska vlada blokirala ovu veb stranicu preko noći, promenili su se i rekli da su igrači nadograđeni u nove sobe. Moj je lično otišao na Bali Fortune.
Imao sam 4600 dolara duga povlačenja. Na kraju sam ih dobio. Povlačenja traju između 10-14 nedelja od datuma zahteva. Nemojte se zamarati činjenicom da oni odgovaraju istim generičkim odgovorima. Kazino je ignorisao moju žalbu ovde i nisu odgovorili. Ali čim je to ignorisano na ovom forumu, počeo sam. Uznemiravajte ih, e-poštom / ćaskanjem uživo svaki dan. Isplate će doći ako napravite dovoljno buke. Oh i nađi nešto drugo za kockanje posle
For Australian Players. Obviously when the Australian Government blocked this website over night they changed and telling players upgraded to new rooms. Mine personally went to Bali Fortune.
I had $4600 in withdrawals owing. I eventually got them. The withdrawals taking between 10-14 weeks from the request date. Don’t bother with the fact that they reply with the same generic responses. My complaint on here was ignored by the casino and they didn’t respond. But as soon as it was ignored on this forum i started. Harass them, email/live chat everyday. The payouts will come if you make enough noise. Oh and find something else to gamble on after