Imam problem sa povlačenjem dobitaka u ovom kazinu. Činjenica je da sam 12. jula osvojio 4,22 LTC i od tog trenutka su počele poteškoće. Poslao sam vozačku dozvolu na verifikaciju, potvrdu adrese i selfi sa dozvolom. Na mom računu svi moji dokumenti su odobreni i potvrđeni. Dobio sam i mejl da je račun u potpunosti verifikovan, ali su mi iz nekog razloga odbili da mi podignu novac. Ne razumijem u čemu je stvar i zaista želim da riješim ovaj problem. Nadam se da će me predstavnik kazina kontaktirati i razjasniti situaciju.
I have a problem with the withdrawal of winnings in this casino. The fact is that on July 12 I won 4.22 LTC and from that moment the difficulties began. I sent my driver's license for verification, address confirmation and a selfie with my license. In my account, all my documents are approved and confirmed. I also received an email that the account was fully verified, but for some reason they refused to withdraw money to me. I don't understand what's the matter and really want to figure out this problem. I hope the casino representative will contact me and clarify the situation.