Najbolji kazino ikada!
Jedina loša stvar je što EU (EØS) ponekad pokušava zaustaviti uključene zemlje da prestanu igrati sa VIDEOSLOTovima.
Imaj strpljenja. VideoSlots UVIJEK rješavaju sve probleme. (Ponekad može potrajati neko vrijeme za otvaranje depozita i isplata preko drugog provajdera).
Igram iz Norveške na VIDEOSLOTS-u godinama i UVIJEK riješe sve probleme.
Iz nekog razloga sam od njih dobio zahtjev za moj prihod.
Ne mogu poslati kompletan transkript jer sam nezavisni umjetnik i ne mogu im dati imena svojih kupaca.
Da vidimo kako ovo funkcionira.
Lepo se provedite na VIDEOSLOTS! 💗✌️
Best Casino Ever!
Only bad thing is that EU (EØS) sometimes try to stop involved countries to stop playing with VIDEOSLOTS.
Have patience. VideoSlots ALWAYS Fix All Issues. (Sometimes it can take some time to open deposits and withdrawals through another provider).
I've been playing from Norway at VIDEOSLOTS for years and they ALWAYS fix all issues.
For some reason I've gotten a claim from them about my income.
I can't send full transcript because I'm independent artist and can't give them the names of my customers.
Let's see how this works out.
Have a nice time on VIDEOSLOTS! 💗✌️