Tako sam iznenađen čitajući negativne kritike! Ovaj sajt je tako dobar za učestvovanje jer svakom igraču nudi besplatne okrete 4 sata ujutru. Samo otvorite ćaskanje i zatražite dnevni bonus kod.
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I’m so surprised to read negative reviews! This site is so good to be a part of because they offer free spins for 4 hours in the morning to every player. Just open a chat and ask for the daily bonus code.
They have so many games! I love too many games which is why I take a deposit bonus so I have enough money to play multiple games. I guess I made it through too many bonuses that they deemed me a skilled player and took away my ability to use a bonus. That sucks because I was depositing multiple times a week and I just loved this site but it hurt my feelings that they said I was a skilled player when I’m not skilled lol I’m just having fun playing all the games. There’s so many to choose from that I don’t know how everyone isn’t meeting the bonus requirements by playing one game for a few spins and then trying another game. I’m serious about there being so many games.
Customer service is good, quick to respond and don’t bug you with small talk.