Uplatio sam 200$ na račun pre 10 dana (1. septembar), igrao sam malo, osvojio 165$ i onda sam bio zaključan. Operacija je tražila od mene da overim dokumente koje sam im poslao istog dana. 3. septembra sam dobio još jednu odbijenicu iz operacije koji mi je ponovo tražio dokumente koje sam učitao. Zatim je 6. septembra operacija zahtevala ista dokumenta. 9. septembra 2022. tražili su mi istu kreditnu karticu sa nekim podacima zatamnjenim kao i ranije. Pozivni centar se samo izvinjava, ali su mi rekli da moram da budem verifikovan da bih koristio njihovu platformu ili izvršio bilo kakvo povlačenje. Mislim da namerno iskušavaju moje strpljenje, pa ću na kraju odustati i onda jednostavno dati novac njima.
I have deposited $200 into the account 10 days ago (1 September), play a bit, won $165 and then got locked out. The operation asked me to verify the documents which I have sent them on the same day. On the 3rd September, I got another rejection from the operation whom asked me for documents again, which I uploaded. Then on the 6th September, the operation request the same documents. On the 9th September 2022, they have asked me the same credit card with some info black out as before. The call centre just only say sorry but they have told me that I need to be verified in order to use their platform or make any withdrawals. I think they are deliberately trying my patience so I will eventually give up and then simply give the money to them.